Daggerheart Core Set Covers Revealed

Check out the new covers to the upcoming game.

daggerheart core rulebook hed.png
Darrington Press has revealed the covers for both the standard and limited-edition Daggerheart Core Sets. The new TTRPG, designed by Critical Role's game publishing arm, will feature a standard cover by Mat Wilma and a limited edition cover by Dominik Mayer. Both Core Sets will contain the books and cards needed to play the new TTRPG, with the limited edition also containing a GM Screen, dice set, and tokens. You can check out both covers (the limited edition is first, followed by the standard cover) below:

DH - Lmtd - Rulebook.png

DH - Stnd - Book Alone.png

Daggerheart is a new high-fantasy TTRPG that is drawing attention due to its connection with Critical Role. The game uses 2D12s to make checks, with one die designated as the "Hope Die" and the other designated as the "Fear Die." While the two dice results are added together to determine checks result, the higher die also designates whether a roll is made "with hope" or "with fear," which adds narrative consequences to the roll. Players are also encouraged to take active part in worldbuilding, providing descriptions of their surroundings, NPCs, and other details instead of relying on the GM to fill in the blanks.

Daggerheart will be released in 2025.

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Christian Hoffer

Christian Hoffer


Laws of Mordenkainen, Elminster, & Fistandantilus
I like the contrast of colors. But, I am not an art critic. I do know this. If this was a Wizards of the Coast produced set, there would be an outcry of complaints from the art critics here, no doubt. But, congrats to Critical Role and I hope the new game is terrific!

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