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Dalessella Swifthand: Female roguish drakeling halfling Nimbleknife [please critique]


First Post
Greetings guys, it's me again.

Guess I'm on a roll, that's my 3rd character this week, and my 6th character I post total.

I've used:
- Halfling
- Drakeling template (Blackdirge's Templates)
- Roguish template (Blackdirge's Templates)
- Nimbleknife (Blackdirge's Master at Arms)
- Invisible Blade (Complete Warrior)

Ok, here's the idea: the nimbleknife's Improved Nimble Strike allows me to treat an opponent flat-footed for 1 round, which enable me to sneak attack it as many times as I can. If that doesn't works, the invisible blade's uncanny feint can also deny the target's dexterity modifier.

My previous creations have the same weaknesses: low AC, low HP, low saves and low mobility. But this time, I believe I've counter most weaknesses with this character.
- fly speed -> check
- concealment -> check
- high saves -> check
- good AC -> check
- HP -> uncheck... but hey just try to hurt her.

Anyway, here she is.

Dalessella Swifthand CR 23
Female roguish drakeling lightfoot halfling Rog 10 / Nimbleknife 5 / Invisible Blade 5
NG Small dragon (Augmented humanoid [halfling])
Init +19, Roguish Reflexes; Senses Blindsense 30 ft, Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light vision, Listen +12, Spot +12
Languages Common, Halfling, Gnome, Elven, Dwarven, telepathy 30 ft.
AC 42, Touch 32, Flat-footed 42, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Dodge, Unfettered Defense
(+1 size, +13 dex, +8 armor, +2 natural, +5 deflection, +1 shield, +3 int)
HP 155 (20 HD: 10d6 + 5d8 + 5d6 + 80);
Immune sleep, paralysis;
SR 25
Fort +18 Ref +34 Will +15, +2 vs. fear effects, Evasion, Scoundrel’s Luck
Speed 55 ft. (11 squares), fly 40 ft. (good), Scoundrel’s Speed
Melee Small +5 speed adamantine dagger of deadly precision +42/+42/+37/+32/+27 (1d3+14/19-20/x2) and
Melee Small +5 speed adamantine dagger of deadly precision +42/+42/+37/+32 (1d3+12/19-20/x2) and
Melee Bite +33 (1d3+1) and
Melee Sting +33 (1d4+1 and poison)
Ranged Small +5 speed adamantine dagger of deadly precision +42 (1d3+14/19-20/x2) and
Ranged Small +5 speed adamantine dagger of deadly precision +42 (1d3+12/19-20/x2)
Space 5 ft; Reach 5 ft;
Base Atk +17; Grapple +16
Atk Options Point-Blank Shot, Sneak Attack +12d8, Crippling Strike, Nimble Strike, Improved Nimble Strike, Bleeding Wound
Special Options Combat Reflexes, Poison, Nimble Defense, Improved Nimble Defense, Uncanny Feint
Combat Gear 5 potions of Cure Serious Wounds
Abilities Str 16 Dex 36 Con 19 Int 16 Wis 12 Cha 8
SQ Trapfinding, trap sense +3, Improved Finesse, Master Finesse, Dagger Sneak Attack, Feint Mastery
Feats Weapon Finesse (b), Dodge, Weapon Focus (dagger), Point-Blank Shot, Far Shot, Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (b), Greater Two-Weapon Fighting (b), Combat Reflexes, Two-Weapon Defense
Skills Balance +22, Bluff +17, Climb +23, Escape Artist +31, Hide +32, Jump +35, Listen +21, Move Silently +35, Sense Motive +22, Spot +19, Swim +16, Tumble +38
Possessions Combat gear plus 2 Small +5 speed adamantine dagger of deadly precision with Greater Truedeath Crystal, Bracers of Armor +8, Ring of Protection +5, Gloves of Dexterity +6, Belt of Giant Strength +6, Amulet of Health +6, Rogue’s Vest, Cloak of Resistance +5, Ring of Invisibility, Boots of Striding and Springing, 10 Small masterwork daggers
Level Adjustment +4; +5 if she possesses 5 rogues levels or more
Evasion (Ex) as rogue class ability
Sneak Attack (Ex) as rogue class ability;
Trapfinding as rogue class ability
Trap Sense (Ex) as rogue class ability
Uncanny Dodge (Ex) as rogue class ability
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex) as rogue class ability
Crippling Strike (Ex) Dalessella can sneak attack opponents with such precision that her blows weaken and hamper them. An opponent damaged by one of her sneak attacks also takes 2 points of Strength damage. Ability points lost to damage return on their own at the rate of 1 point per day for each damaged ability.
Improved Sneak Attack (Ex) Dalessella increases the damage die for sneak attacks from 1d6 to 1d8.
Improved Finesse (Ex) Dalessella can used the Weapon Finesse feat with any one-handed weapon, in addition to light weapons, applying her Dexterity modifier instead of her Strength modifier to attack rolls.
Master Finesse (Ex) Dalessella adds 1.5 times her Dexterity modifier (round down) to attack rolls with all light and one-handed weapons (including natural weapons).
Scoundrel’s Luck (Su) Dalessella receives a luck bonus to all saving throws equal to her Intelligence bonus (if positive).
Roguish Reflexes (Ex) Dalessella adds 1.5 times her Dexterity modifier (round down) to her initiative modifier.
Scoundrel’s Speed (Ex) Dalessella receives double her Dexterity bonus in feet to her base land speed, round up or down to the nearest 5-foot increment.
Poison (Ex) Dalessella has a poisonous sting that causes drowsiness as the initial damage (-1 to attacks, ability checks, and skill checks), and causes the victims to lapse into a dreamless sleep for 1 minute as the secondary damage. The Fortitude save to resists Dalessella’s poison is DC 24. The save is Constitution-based.
Nimble Defense (Ex) When wearing light or no armor and fighting defensively, Dalessella suffers only a -2 penalty on attack rolls for the round and receives a +4 dodge bonus to AC. In addition, when using the total defense action, she receives a +8 dodge bonus to AC and can make a single attack of opportunity per round. The bonuses from nimble defense supersede and do not stack with the synergy bonuses granted to characters with 5 or more ranks in the Tumble skill.
Nimble Strike (Ex) Adept at utilizing speed and precision to inflict damage, Dalessella may add half her Dexterity bonus (plus Strength bonus if applicable) to melee damage rolls (round down) with the dagger or punch dagger when wearing light or no armor.
Enhanced Initiative (Ex) When wearing light or no armor, Dalessella adds 1.5 times her Dexterity bonus to initiative rolls. (Note: this ability is the same as Roguish Reflexes, and thus does not stack.)
Improved Evasion (Ex) As rogue class ability. (Note: Dalessella gets improved evasion since she already has evasion from her rogue class.)
Improved Nimble Strike (Ex) Dalessella wielding a dagger or punching dagger and wearing light or no armor can strike with such speed that even opponents aware of her presence may be taken by surprise. At the beginning of each combat round, Dalessella can designate one creature as the target of her improved nimble strike ability. The chosen creature must then make a Reflex DC 28 saving throw or lose its Dexterity bonus to AC against her attacks for the round. The save is Dexterity-based. Dalessella may use improved nimble strike as often as she likes, although not more than once per round.
Improved Nimble Defense (Ex) Dalessella has become so adept at avoiding blows when wearing light or no armor and fighting defensively, she is considered to have concealment (20% miss chance). In addition, when using the total defense action, she is considered to have total concealment (50% miss chance). She cannot use the concealment provided by improved nimble defense to make a Hide check.
Dagger Sneak Attack (Ex) Dalessella adds an extra 3d6 points of damage to any sneak attack she delivers with daggers, kukris and punching daggers.
Unfettered Defense (Ex) Dalessella adds her Inteeligence modifier, up to equal her Invisible Blade levels, to her AC. Any conditions that would make her lose her Dexterity bonus also negate that bonus, as well as if Dalessella wears armor and fight with weapons other than daggers, kukris and punching daggers.
Bleeding Wound (Ex) When scoring a sneak attack, Dalessella can sacrifice 1d6 points of sneak attack damage to cause the target to lose 1 point of damage per round, as per the wounding weapon ability. Multiple wounds are cumulative and can only be stopped by a cure spell or a Heal DC 15 check. Creatures immune to sneak attacks are immune to this ability.
Uncanny Feint (Ex) When armed with daggers, kukris and punching daggers, Dalessella can feint in combat as a free action.
Feint Mastery (Ex) When armed with daggers, kukris and punching daggers, Dalessella can take 10 when feinting in combat, even if stress or distracted.

Fighter Feat Advancement Dalessella is treated as a 5th-level fighter for the purpose of feats.

Stats Bonuses
Base elite stats: Str 12 Dex 15 Con 13 Int 14 Wis 10 Cha 8
After race & template modifiers: Str 10 Dex 25 Con 13 Int 16 Wis 12 Cha 8

Inherent Bonuses allotment per level and magic items
4th: Dex +1 (26)
8th: Dex +1 (27)
11th: Dex +6 (33) = Gloves of Dexterity +6
12th: Dex +1 (34)
15th: Str +6 (16) = Belt of Giant Strength +6
15th: Con +6 (19) = Amulet of Health +6
16th: Dex +1 (35)
20th: Dex +1 (36)

Final stats at 20th level: Str 16 Dex 36 Con 19 Int 16 Wis 12 Cha 8

Class levels arrangement
Rogue 1
Rogue 2
Rogue 3
Rogue 4
Rogue 5
Rogue 6
Rogue 7
Rogue 8
Rogue 9
Rogue 10
Nimbleknife 1 (Fighter eqv. 1)
Nimbleknife 2 (Fighter eqv. 2)
Nimbleknife 3 (Fighter eqv. 3)
Nimbleknife 4 (Fighter eqv. 4)
Nimbleknife 5 (Fighter eqv. 5)
Invisible Blade 1
Invisible Blade 2
Invisible Blade 3
Invisible Blade 4
Invisible Blade 5

1st: Weapon Finesse (bonus: roguish template)
1st: Dodge
3rd: Weapon Focus (dagger)
6th: Point-Blank Shot
9th: Far Shot
12th: Two-Weapon Fighting
12th: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (bonus: nimbleknife)
14th: Greater Two-Weapon Fighting (bonus: nimbleknife)
15th: Combat Reflexes
18th: Two-Weapon Defense

760,000 gp (base 20th)
- 211,302 gp: Small +5 speed adamantine dagger of deadly precision with Greater Truedeath Crystal
- 211,302 gp: Small +5 speed adamantine dagger of deadly precision with Greater Truedeath Crystal
- 64,000 gp: Bracers of Armor +8
- 50,000 gp: Ring of Protection +5
- 36,000 gp: Gloves of Dexterity +6
- 36,000 gp: Belt of Giant Strength +6
- 36,000 gp: Amulet of Health +6
- 29,600 gp: Rogue’s Vest (DMG II)
- 25,000 gp: Cloak of Resistance +5
- 20,000 gp: Ring of Invisibility
- 5,500 gp: Boots of Striding and Springing
- 3,750 gp: 5 potions of Cure Serious Wounds
- 3,020 gp: 10 Small masterwork daggers
= 24,526 gp remaining

So what do you think? Feel free to post your comments!

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