D&D General DALL·E 3 does amazing D&D art

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For my Koryo Hall of Adventures game. I reset adventure DDEX 1-6, "The Scroll Thief," in this setting. Here's the librarian: "Female halfling in Korean traditional dress with blue ink stains surrounded by books."

Byeon Hyekyeong.png


Some images from the Fellowship game I'm running. The big red figure is the Great Mother of the ogres. The city is the city of Fortune's Wheel, a place where the use of violence is a divine taboo and which is dedicated to trade and gambling. The big turtle is the King of the Swamp, and it bears a shrine to the god of the skies on its back.


  • OIG4.p9P_s9WnSg3bK.jpg
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  • Fortune's Wheel.jpg
    Fortune's Wheel.jpg
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  • Swamp King 2.jpg
    Swamp King 2.jpg
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Book-Friend, he/him
Really wild results if you mix film styles:

half 1930's film noir half 2010's superhero blockbuster film, beautiful Elven queen wearing a well-fit cool leather jacket and a lot of jewlery smiling at the camera



half 1950's technicolor film half 1970's italian film, beautiful Elven queen wearing a well-fit cool leather jacket and a lot of jewlery smiling at the camera


half 1930's film noir half 2010's superhero blockbuster film, a black-hared grey-eyed female 6'2" tall 220-pound statuesque strong athletic robust woman in well-fit leather leather jumpsuit and lots of jewelry everywhere smiling broadly off camera with a twinkle in her eyes as she shades her eyes wirh her hand and looks off into the horizon aboard a sailing ship


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