Dark*Matter: Discovery, The Chicago Ripper

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Meredith grips the hilt of her sword, but doesn't draw it yet. She locks eyes with Dikaro and says in a calm voice that belies the whirlwind of voices, confusion and fear that storms inside her, "Dikaro look at me. You're caught, but you're still alive. The case is a trap. You've always been expendable to them, and they've always planned to kill you eventually. That's something we won't do to you, unless you force us. Don't do something stupid because you're afraid. Think. You're a smart guy. Put the pieces together, and do the smart thing."

She adjusts her grip, grimly aware that her palm is sweaty.


"You are agents of light, here to misguide me, mislead me. Prevent me from reaching my destiny," Dikaro said, speaking in the hard tone of a fanatic. He started to inch towards the briefcase which was sitting on the floor near the window.

The room itself was fairly spartan, not much in the way of amenities or excess furniture. The most prominent item was a disassembled computer on a desk. Various shattered components lay on the table, with a hammer and a magnet prominent among them.


Falkus said:
"You are agents of light, here to misguide me, mislead me. Prevent me from reaching my destiny," Dikaro said, speaking in the hard tone of a fanatic. He started to inch towards the briefcase which was sitting on the floor near the window.

True to his word, Nick fires a round (aiming for his leg or some other non-lethal part). "I told you to back away. Trust me when I tell you that I'm not playing with you."

He steps closer to Dikaro. "Now where is the girl, and where is Cliff?"


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Meredith launches herself at the case, hoping to take advantage of his perfectly natural hesitation when facing down gunmen, to reach it first and make sure it stays closed for the moment.


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Damn it. The gunshot will get the police all over us. With a fatalist shrug, Larry turns to the Doc as he rushes forward. "We wanted him alive, remember." Larry had missed his chance to play high school football, but he was a Bear's fan after all. With a powerful leap he aims a tackle at Dikaro.

OOC: Use an Action Point on my grapple attempt.


oO Nice Oo thinks Cade as he hears the gunshot.

Using the FBI cover established by the Hoffmann Institute, Cade uses a seperate radio, a hand unit from the gear, and calls in the gunshot into dispatch.

Not only does Cade let them know that shots have been fired, but he gives them the rough location before adding, "Suspect is in hand, no back-up units or EMS needed at this time. Sitrep in 15 minutes."

oO Hopefully we won't need an ambulance Oo thinks Cade before checking in over the team-comms. "Someone tell me that was loud diplomacy?"

While saying this, Cade does give the area a quick, brief visual scan to see if anything stands out.


Dikaro collapsed onto the floor screaming as the bullet tore through his leg. "You shot me, you crazy bastard!" he screamed. "I just set up the website, I don't know where she is!"

"Are my ears deceiving me?" Cliff said, over the phone, which hadn't been hung up yet. "Or is that the voice my old friend Doctor Nicholas Wells? How the devil are you, man? Sorry about the pun, terrible of me. I take it you're working for the Hoffmann Institute now. I should have known you'd fall in with that group of bleeding heart investigators."


So much for intimidation.

Diego rushes forward, attempting to help Larry hold down Dikaro.

(edit: due to simultaneous posting)
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Friadoc said:
"Someone tell me that was loud diplomacy?"

"Just some agressive negotiations. You might even say the Doc jumped the gun."
The punning was terrible, but somebody had to do it. In alow whisper through the Comms, he adds "The Doc's friend is on the phone. We'll keep him on as long as we can. See if we can trace it."

Diego was much better at the rough and tumble than Larry would ever be, but he tries to help his friend as much as he can in subduing the man. "Meredith, you got anything for the bleeding."

Silently, Larry gestures to Nick to keep talking on the phone. The rest should keep quiet, try not to spook Cliff.

Voidrunner's Codex

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