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Dark*Matter: Discovery, The Chicago Ripper


How the hell do you 'cover' someone in this situation?

Diego peeks into the church, and prepares to throw the frag grenade at one of the AK-47-wielding cultists.

(ooc: Ready an action to attack a cultist who tries to shoot Nick. Use an AP.)

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OOC: I'm not quite clear on what you want to do. Is Diego readying an action to shoot a cultist, or throw a grenade at a cultist? The cultists shooting are fairly close to Diego and Z. If you throw a grenade, they both might be caught in the blast radius. I guess I didn't really say in my post, but the cultists closest to Diego and Nick are the ones shooting.
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(ooc: I didn't realize they were so close. In that case, he'll shoot, using the blessed shotgun with the explosive rounds again.)


Larry burst into the office area. The cultist was dead. Very dead. The opposite door opened into the sanctuary, and the resultant confusion and combat present in the area.

Quinn followed Larry into the room, her Glock 20 drawn. As soon as Larry opened the door, she snapped up the gun, and fired two rapid shots at one of the cultists firing his AK-47, but missed.

Cade rushed up the aisle, and brought his shotgun to bear on the cultist reading the scroll. The cultist ducked to the left, and Cade's blast missed, blowing a largish hole in the stone wall.

In the midst of the gun battle, Meredith and Xeria dueled. Xeria was very good with her blade, but so was Meredith. During the initial exchange of blows, Meredith got inside Xeria's defenses, and opened up a long wound on her chest. She attempted to return the favor, but Meredith parried the blade easily. Each time the blades clashed together, they glowed white and black respectively. "This blade was once like yours. There is a sublime pleasure in corrupting the holy," Xeria said, ignoring her wound as she tried her best to kill Meredith.

Nick ran for the heavy machine gun, spun it around on its tripod and opened up on his cultists. His unfamiliarity with automatic weapon and his lack of training on heavy machine guns resulted in him firing high and wide, accomplishing little, except for shooting out a stained glass window.

One of the cultists aimed at Nick as he fired, but Diego beat him to the punch, and fired his shotgun at him. His aim was deadly accurate, and blew out the cultists heart, dropping him to the ground.

Another cultist grabbed his AK-47 and fired a burst at Cade. The bullets scattered across the church, and one of them hit Cade in the chest. However, it embedded itself in his body armor that he had worn that night, and failed to penetrate or cause any other serious damage.

A cultist close to the office door aimed his Kalashnikov at Lieutenant Quinn, and fired a burst. She ducked instinctively, and the rifle bullets missed.

The last cultist shooting fired a single shot at Diego, hitting him in the left shoulder. The bullet passed through, and left a clean but bleeding wound.

[sblock]Meredith hits Xeria and deals 13 points of damage
Diego hits and deals 17 points of damage. The cultists fails his massive damage save
Diego takes 11 points of damage[/sblock]


First Post
"Stop fooling around Joker! Start racking up some kills." Shouting from the doorway were he kneels down to shoot from, Larry aims at the cultist who had just fired at Quinn. "At the Cultists, Doc! Shoot the Cultists!"

After a heartbeat in which he cleared his mind for a good shot, he pulls the Trigger. The flash of light and darkness catches his eye, and he can't help but add. "Ooh, Catfight!"

OOC: Kneelling for the +2 defense, and whatever cover I can get from the edge of the door. Use an Action Point for effect with my Desert Eagle.


Nick takes a deep breath and steadies his hand. Now that he's got the feel for the gun, he aims it at the scroll-reader. With a quick prayer, he lets loose.

ooc: Finally a chance to use Nick's Exploit Weakness ability. He should get to use his Int bonus instead of his Dex bonus to fire against the scroll-reader.

I'll also burn an action point for some added insurance.


Falkus said:
Another cultist grabbed his AK-47 and fired a burst at Cade. The bullets scattered across the church, and one of them hit Cade in the chest. However, it embedded itself in his body armor that he had worn that night, and failed to penetrate or cause any other serious damage.

"Sonuva.." curses Cade as he turns and fires a shotgun round at the cultist who shot him. This round is an AP round.


First Post
(sorry...I'll be home tomorrow, so regular posting will resume!)

Gaining some confidence, Meri parries another slash and backs up a step, holding her sword out before her. She honestly has no idea what to say...the whole situation is so completely out of her sphere of experience.

"I'm not an action movie hero," Meredith growls at her opposite, as more flashes of light and sparks flare around them. "I don't really do snappy comebacks. Pretty much all I do is write and research stories...and more recently, kill demons."

"And you may not have skin like an overdone lobster, or big spikes or teeth...but right now, I'm more than happy to lump you into that definition."

With that, Meri redoubles her attack, seeking to pierce the other woman's defense and strike a telling blow!

(normal attack, not defensive, no AP this time)



In pain, Diego fires back at the cultist who shot him, as that guy seems to know what he's doing.

Taking a cue from Larry, he kneels in the doorway, trying to reduce his cross-sectional area and take what cover he can.

(ooc: He'll use another AP)
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