D&D 5E Dark Souls 5e Copy in Hand… Q&A


All the spells in the first game are in the book (and just those spells)
Ugh, I'm a little sad about that since my fave spell from Dark Souls, as a whole, is where you make a giant flipping great sword outta soul magic and slice somebody in half with it. So, it's Dark Souls 3 in equipment/items (according to Steamforged on their blog,) but this shows that they used Dark Souls 1 magic.

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PCs becoming bloodied is interesting, what are some of the abilities characters get when bloodied?
The Brute adds +3 to Con and AC, gains advantage on Strength related checks and saving throws and reduces all damage they take by 2.

The Fencer adds +2 to Dex and to AC, can make an additional free reaction on a turn and reduces all weapon position spend costs by 1.


Yes. It’s a combo of HP, Stamina and tactical position.

Base Position based on level, origin and Con

Temporary position = die x level and is then added to base position to form your Position pool for the combat.

Yeah you roll when you get to act in combat.
OK, so the amount of Position + Temporary Position appears to be roughly the same a HP in O5e, or is it more?


What is the max level for classes? 750 just like in the games, right?

Editor's Note: Okay I know it won't be like that in this, but boy, you all thought getting to level 20 in 5E was impossible/rare/a big deal. That's a cake walk compared to the actual game. in that regard


What is the max level for classes? 750 just like in the games, right?

Editor's Note: Boy, you all thought getting to level 20 in 5E was impossible/rare/a big deal. That's a cake walk compared to the actual game. in that regard
Ha ha. Lol. It caps at 20. You add stats as you go up at key levels like base 5e and not every level unfortunately!
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It is more. base position is equivalent to hp. The temporary position is on top of this.
OK, when I did a quick glance I thought the total was similar, but on 2nd look a realized that probably wasn't the case. Thank you for the clarification. My preference would be to, at minimum, switch them and use the temp. position as the base position and vice versa. Makes that surprise round more threatening that way.


What I can’t get my head round is that the temporary position seems to heal you at the end of combat if you hold on to them.

Let’s say I have 30 base position and I’m injured out of combat (for instance with a trap) down to 10 position. When we enter combat I roll my temp position and get 30 putting me on 40 in total. As long as I hold on to them - say by not engaging in melee or using position coating skills - at the end of combat I then drop down to current position or base position which in this case would be higher than I went in with.

Then again if you go into combat on 10 position then there is a good chance you’ll die if you don’t go first!

Voidrunner's Codex

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