D&D 5E Dark Souls 5e Copy in Hand… Q&A


B/X Known World
What I can’t get my head round is that the temporary position seems to heal you at the end of combat if you hold on to them.

Let’s say I have 30 base position and I’m injured out of combat (for instance with a trap) down to 10 position. When we enter combat I roll my temp position and get 30 putting me on 40 in total. As long as I hold on to them - say by not engaging in melee or using position coating skills - at the end of combat I then drop down to current position or base position which in this case would be higher than I went in with.

Then again if you go into combat on 10 position then there is a good chance you’ll die if you don’t go first!
I foresee lots of cheesing that in future. Someone's down a lot, the group engages, and that PC just stands as far away as possible. Gaining all that temp position as healing.

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Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Yeah, it seems like a good idea on paper, but I feel that specific mechanic will be a little clunky at the table. Cant wait to see how it actually plays.


In your opinion, what do you think of the way the Attunement slots are done for magic in this. Capable of being ported over or what not?


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
What I can’t get my head round is that the temporary position seems to heal you at the end of combat if you hold on to them.

Let’s say I have 30 base position and I’m injured out of combat (for instance with a trap) down to 10 position. When we enter combat I roll my temp position and get 30 putting me on 40 in total. As long as I hold on to them - say by not engaging in melee or using position coating skills - at the end of combat I then drop down to current position or base position which in this case would be higher than I went in with.

Then again if you go into combat on 10 position then there is a good chance you’ll die if you don’t go first!
I mean, yeah you can get healed for 10, but then that’s 10 position you didn’t get to spend on extra damage or spells or whatever. In a sense, you can think of “Base Position” as Health and “Temporary Position” as a mix of Stamina and FP. Makes sense to me that restoring your base position would be something you could “spend” your temp position on.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
You mention that class determines weapon and armor proficiencies, but the preview material said there were no weapon and armor proficiencies and anyone could equip any weapons and armor as long as they met the Strength requirement. Is that not the case in the finalized book?


In your opinion, what do you think of the way the Attunement slots are done for magic in this. Capable of being ported over or what not?
I mean you could. They are pretty straightforward and the spell system is what it is.

Though you really don’t get many. 12 slots at 20th level and some spells use more than one.

It would be an immense undertaking to assign attunement slots to D&d spells and I’m not even sure it would work with utility spells.

The only way it works here is because Arcane Magic is basically damaging. Clerical is slightly more balanced.
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What I find interesting is that while they mostly went with DS3 for inspiration, they used the magic system from DS1. Which I supposed makes sense if you want something very different - DS3 would essentially just be spell points.

Magic: No spells slots. You have attunement slots based on level that let you equip spells that can each be cast a set number of times. You find the spells as treasure or buy them (just as in the game). Spells can cost position. They can also take multiple rounds to cast (though spellcasters get abilities to speed this up) All the spells in the first game are in the book (and just those spells)

I asked the co-creator this very question at Gary Con. The intention (whether it's communicated in the book or not, I cannot yet say) is that when you finish combat, your position drops down to either what it was before you rolled position if it is higher at the end of combat, or stays where it currently is, if it is lower than what it was before you rolled position.

What I can’t get my head round is that the temporary position seems to heal you at the end of combat if you hold on to them.

Let’s say I have 30 base position and I’m injured out of combat (for instance with a trap) down to 10 position. When we enter combat I roll my temp position and get 30 putting me on 40 in total. As long as I hold on to them - say by not engaging in melee or using position coating skills - at the end of combat I then drop down to current position or base position which in this case would be higher than I went in with.

Then again if you go into combat on 10 position then there is a good chance you’ll die if you don’t go first!


You mention that class determines weapon and armor proficiencies, but the preview material said there were no weapon and armor proficiencies and anyone could equip any weapons and armor as long as they met the Strength requirement. Is that not the case in the finalized book?
Could possibly be a relic of the spelling errors and what not that was mentioned appearing before, but not in Dark Souls as a whole, like the Healing Kits and Paladin.

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