Interestingly, what this isn’t is D&D hardcore mode.
- Position is nice but fundamentally no worse than hp, and in some cases will lead to more hp equivalents and healing than 5e.
- Bloodied is a nice mechanic and boosts monsters but it also boosts PCs so not harder.
- Classes aren’t weaker - they just lack the variance of subclass (with the exception of casters who are nerfed to hell - as befits a dark souls game) So not really harder, just different
- Initiative rolls are interesting but it’s really still an initiative roll off, it just means the monsters is fixed. Plus PCs can act in whatever order they like so actually easier.
- Limited equipment - weapons actually do more. Quite a bit more as standard. So not harder.
What actually makes the game harder is tougher monsters such as those in the back… which we can do in 5e as we stand now.
So all in all, my quest for a 5e hardcore mode continues…