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I aim to misbehave
Lorenzo Reynolds Hps: 2/2

Kyle said:
"... and we do all sorts of typical teenager antics, witness my stunts at school."

"This is no stunt though, Kyle," Lorenzo commented. "It felt as if someone or something big happened maybe like a . . . what did that old show call it . . oh, yeah, a 'great disturbance in the Force'. Definitely weird."

Lorenzo checked his seatbelt as the G's from the truck's acceleration flattened him to his bucket seat. He put on his shades and made certain his mask was close at hand, neatly tucked in the pocket of his jacket.

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Sammy Donaldson

Sammy was still in his seat, a cut across his face and a curse in his throat. They both hung in their restraints facing down.

Sammy had to catch his breath...his ears rang slightly from the huge bangs that rocked the truck.

"Ohh, ain't that a son-of-a! Gabe!? Eleyna? Are those explosions yours? Its not me, what do we have going on?"

Sammy blinked time and time again, blood had been lightly running down his face from a cut.


First Post
Gabriel 'Gabe' Adams, HP 2/2

Eleyna said:
Plan set in her mind, she lifted herself slowly up into a crouching position. Then, sure that her target wasn't aware of her, Eleyna pushed herself forward off the side of the truck, lunging toward the guard holding his pistol. Closing the distance quickly, she swung her manacled hands at the guard's head.

Gabe abandoned all pretense of subtlety as Eleyna closed on the guard and hauled himself up in his chair, straining to break the restraints on his hands and free himself from the remains of the straps and clamps which held his feet to the floor and him to the seat. He tried to grab for one of the guards, prevent them from reacting to Eleyna's action. Gabe yelled as he moved, imploring the others to do something. "Andrew, Sammy, help us! This could be the only chance we get!"


First Post
Sammy Donaldson

Gabe yelled as he moved, imploring the others to do something. "Andrew, Sammy, help us! This could be the only chance we get!"

With Gabe's scream and Eleyna's fight Sammy was jolted into trying to free himself by moving any which way he could. Straining to help any way he can. He needed to make an exit for them, and fast.

"Gabe, Eleyna! Get me out....Come on!! Get me out and I'll see If I can burn us an exit!"
Sammy's eyes watered with fear and his heart had pounded full of adrenine. While yelling he kept watch on as many guards as possible.


Rogue Warrior
Sammy's Truck

As the truck sped across the interstate, brake lights could be seen ahead. As the group got closer they could see that about a dozen cars had stopped in front of them. There appeared to be an accident on the roadway. The smell of fire was easily noticed, so was the bright, flickering light in the darkening sky. Several motorists were standing out of their cars watching and most of them were on cell phones. Traffic travelling the opposite direction on the other side of the divider began to slow to a crawl as they took in the accident.

Lorenzo looked straight at the direction of the accident. He never looked away from it and he spoke only two, simple words. "It's them."

The view from closer up or on top of the truck revealed a truck had overturned in the middle of the road. There were no other cars around it that it might have collided with. There were several patches of flames on the roadway and from one of the tires. There seemed to be movement from near the front cab of the truck. The body of the truck looked heavily reinforced with doors on the back and a hatch visible on the top.

Prisoner Transport Truck

The guard turned to fire at Eleyna but was not able to swing around in time to get off a shot. The loud sound of her metal restraints slamming against his head could easily be heard over the commotion in the truck. The guard fell and didn't move.

Gabe moved about in his seat, trying to work against his restraints and managed to knock his seat loose. It landed on it's side on the floor. The fall also managed to loosen his binders holding his hands together.

Sammy's eyes were wild. He was watching everything and trying desperately to come up with a plan to get out. He noticed a set of keys connected to one of the unconscious guards belts. He also noticed the guard on the radio reaching for his gun.

Andrew did his best to shove the debris off of him. The whole time he was yelling to Catherine and trying to get someone to help her. After a brief moment she began to moan softly and stir.

Everyone stopped at the sound of machine gun fire from outside the truck.


First Post
Jennifer Allen

With screechign tires the truck stops beside the pirsoner trasnport, spinnign lightly as Jen tries to keep it under control.
Once it stands still she leaps out and hurres towards the fallen vehicle.
"Looks nice. Next time we shouldn't plan so much."

Kyle Graham hp: 2/2

Kyle slips out quick and rushes up to Jenn, "Hold back okay, I got an idea." looks to the others. "Corey, you stand ready to back me up, but stay back till it looks like I'm in trouble okay? I'm going to try to sow a little confusion."

<Assuming they go along, otherwise I'll delete this>

Kyle moves up, pulling out her 'badge' as she approaches. "Hello in the transport, this is Special Agent Valerie Dobson, I've been trying to catch up wit you. Anyone that can here me I've got a electronic warrant for the custody of your prisoners. I need them released to my custody, in what appears to be a massive fraud case on the part of a mutant agitator. I've got 3 of the prisoner's friends with me to prove to them that I'm here in a peaceful manner." She holds her 'id' up to show and keeps her hands clearly in view. "If I was seeking to move against the transport as part of an assualt, I'd have back up beyond 3 teens AND would not have announced myself. So, may I approach and render aid?"

<BIG BUTT BLUFF/DIPLOMACY.. figure Kyle's going to try and scam the kids out of the transport.. got a Bluff of 13 and Dip of 10, and will use a HP to reroll in case of fail)

kid A

First Post
Eleyna Robertson

Everyone stopped at the sound of machine gun fire from outside the truck.

Eleyna smiled briefly after dropping the guard. Her plan had worked out exactly as she hoped - she'd added one more guard to the pile on the floor. More crashes came from behind her and she whirled around to look for the source of the sounds. In trying to free himself from the restraints, Gabe had fallen to the floor in a heap. Without a thought, she rushed to his side, unable to do much more than speak to him. "Gabe, are you alright?"

The sound of machine gun fire seemed to halt all action in the truck. Eleyna looked around and noticed another guard with his hand on his firearm. She shifted her weight and prepared to lunge at him as well. It worked once...


First Post
Gabriel 'Gabe' Adams, HP 2/2

Eleyna said:
Eleyna smiled briefly after dropping the guard. Her plan had worked out exactly as she hoped - she'd added one more guard to the pile on the floor. More crashes came from behind her and she whirled around to look for the source of the sounds. In trying to free himself from the restraints, Gabe had fallen to the floor in a heap. Without a thought, she rushed to his side, unable to do much more than speak to him. "Gabe, are you alright?"

The sound of machine gun fire seemed to halt all action in the truck. Eleyna looked around and noticed another guard with his hand on his firearm. She shifted her weight and prepared to lunge at him as well. It worked once...

Gabe shook his head, trying to sit up. He looked up as Eleyna ran over and gave her a strained smile. "I'm OK. We need to try and - Eleyna, watch it!" Gabe pointed as the second guard reached for his gun, but Eleyna was already moving. Frustrated by his inability to extricate himself from his bonds, Gabe glanced around frantically, looking for some keys he could free himself with and trying not to think about what might happen to Eleyna if the guard got to his gun. 'Come on, keys, keys...where are they?!' Not seeing any keys on a quick inspection, Gabe tried using his newly freed hands to wrench himself out of the chair, attempting to wriggle free and lend a hand.
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Corey Vinyard

KaintheSeeker said:
Kyle Graham hp: 2/2

Kyle slips out quick and rushes up to Jenn, "Hold back okay, I got an idea." looks to the others. "Corey, you stand ready to back me up, but stay back till it looks like I'm in trouble okay? I'm going to try to sow a little confusion."

"Uh, ok." Corey hops out of the truck and tries to stay out sight as much as possible while watching what happens around the prisoner transport. Wow. We're really doing this. What could've tipped that truck?

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