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DDO is dead!


Felon said:
Thanks for the info.

So, how about Tumble? Can characters now execute the uber-flip without arcane buffs?

Well, yes, but with most skills you often need to hit a certain skill level to even make it worth trying. Buffs & items make it happen that much faster.

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Servers merging! Beginning of the END?!?

Per the DDO website, the developers are merging servers. It's basically a 2 merged into 1 thing, explained as the need for players to find groups more easily. \

No one will lose any characters, even if they've maxed out both of the servers that are going to be merged. They just won't be able to make any new characters.

Anyone still out there?

Kael Trask

First Post
MarauderX said:
I'm guessing you don't play DDO. Try it, you'll like it! Then try to find others to group with that aren't level 12...

Edit: This AM there were 56 on. 1/2 hour later it dropped to 32.

I tried it, hated it, now I don't play it. It was NOT D&D as we know it, and it did a bad job of twisting the rules, and strangling character generation and creativity.

My advice: Stick with WoW if you like that, CoH and CoV are still MY faves.



First Post
MarauderX said:
Per the DDO website, the developers are merging servers. It's basically a 2 merged into 1 thing, explained as the need for players to find groups more easily. \

No one will lose any characters, even if they've maxed out both of the servers that are going to be merged. They just won't be able to make any new characters.

Anyone still out there?

There were definitely not enough people playing on our server, Xoriat, so the merge should be good. Could be the beginning of the end, but people have been crying it's the end since before it went live. Same as people crying about downtime, this game has less downtime than any MMO I've ever played.

They lost a lot of people with the enhancement *cough*NERF*cough* revision. It didn't bother me too much because I thought the PCs were rediculously over-powered at launch.

It's just not a game like WoW, which is evident by the nine characters I have on one server on one account, five of them capped on xp and over 1750 favor. It's much more like a closed NWN begging for more content. A lot of players start, and basically run out of material after a couple months.


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DDO gameplay is fantastic! It is a great diversion from the normal MMO formula. I'm not sure why it is dying. Maybe just because the MMO market is so overwhelmed with games. The only beef I have with DDO is the setting and art direction. I think the game looks terrible. I HATE the dwarf models and I HATE Eberron. I seriously HATE it. But once you get into a dungeon with a good group DDO is a great experience (even if Gary's voiceover skill leave a little to be desired :p ).

I know on Fernia, on friday night, I couldn't find a group with my lvl 7 Clr. WTH is up with that. I am hoping the server merge will help A LOT!


First Post
Well, after the merge there are A LOT of people online anytime I check. At 5pm central last night there were over 400 people on the who that were not anonymous.

But also the LAG is worse than a bonus XP weekend. Some people were waiting MINUTES for attachments to show up on opened mail. I ran stormcleave, which is notorious for have bugs sometimes, and didn't even get credit for finishing the quest while the rest of the party did. I attribute that to the lag and freshly overloaded servers.


Age of Conan?


While I have dislike the Eberron setting since the start, they have kept a lot of the parts I detest from DDO. Mostly it's the shifters, changlings, and other goofy crap but it's beginning to develop now. Dragonmarks are the beginning, but you have to give a few toys & trophies out to the hard-core players versus the casual guys like myself.

I'm guessing LotR is stealing away some of the DDO fans, as the server merge is only a few months after LotR's release.

Perhaps we should get something more gritty, dirty, and gruesome... when is Warhammer online coming and does it fit that bill?


First Post
The game deserved to die. Ignoring 30 years of IP, no Forgotten Realms, no Greyhawk, no PvP until their arms were twisted, not enough content ... yeah. Total mess. Hopefully another company will try again and make a decent game. LotRO isn't bad, however.


First Post
MarauderX said:
Perhaps we should get something more gritty, dirty, and gruesome...

Age of Conan. All that you are talking about, with a mature rating.

MarauderX said:
when is Warhammer online coming and does it fit that bill?

No, and who cares? so far the reviews have been lack-lustre and complain that it is buggy. The whole thing is largely based around pvp, unlike Conan, where pvp is well integrated with other MMO standards. And it keeps getting pushed back...

Conan Oct 30th 2007 (or so they say)


First Post
Regarding Warhammer Online:
werk said:
No, and who cares? so far the reviews have been lack-lustre and complain that it is buggy. The whole thing is largely based around pvp, unlike Conan, where pvp is well integrated with other MMO standards. And it keeps getting pushed back...
Reviews? It's due out in like a year! What are they reviewing? The building where the developers work?

Both games are pvp/rvr-centric, so I expect a lot from both of them in that respect.

Warhammer has been pushed back because Mythic won't release it until it's ready. I have Conan pre-ordered at EB, but I expect that when we get that game you'll understand why it's better to push back a game than release it prematurely.

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