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Dead Again


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One of my players has lost a third character since we began our campaign back in September. No other PCs have died except for his. He wonders what he's doing wrong. I know what's he doing wrong, but I don't think he can change.

We are playing City of the Spider Queen in 3.5E. The players all started with 10th level characters and a cohort for free. We used 32-point buy, and all the characters have maximum hit points because CotSQ has the reputation of being a killer.

The player's first character was a 10th level wood elf ranger. The party had just fought a ginormous fiendous spider and the character had been poisoned. Well, a drow fighter, 2 drow wizards, and a quth-maren show up and the party decides to flee because they're hurt.
(A quth-maren is a kind of intelligent undead that can make you cowered with its Will DC 17 gaze attack.) Instead of directly fleeing, the ranger decides to hold them off while the party climbs up a rope and into a tunnel to escape.

The ranger finally barely makes it up the rope with some bad tactics on my (the DM) part and some very lucky Climb checks (he has Strength damage from the spider's poison). I knew he had a secondary save vs. drow poison from the drow fighter's crossbow coming up, but I thought the party members would be around to help him if he failed. He'd yelled at the party members to retreat and then decided to take a swipe at a spider climbing drow rather than fleeing. Then he rolls a 1 on his save vs. poison. (He would have failed on a 1 or 2.) Since all the party members had retreated, I ruled that he died. Drow poison renders you unconscious for hours. The drow pulled him out of the tunnel and gave him to their vampire mistress who turned him into a vampire.

His next character was a front line human fighter 10 who died in his first encounter. The party came upon 2 quth-marens and a high-level blackguard, wizard, and cleric. It was a fairly even fight. THe first thing the character does is to run to close the distance between
himself and the enemies. No other characters join him in the the fray for several rounds - they're much more cautious & some get cowered. The fighter gets cowered (of course) and the blackguard starts sneak attacking him like crazy with his multi attacks. The quth marens just lay into him, too. Not surprisingly, the character quickly drops from c. 130 HP to -10. (BTW, the more attacks your enemy gets, the more crits YOU tend to
get.) The party wins the fight, however.

His newest character was a scout 5/fighter 5 who was very powerful. THe party climbs a cliff face to the entrance to a cave where the drow's headquarters are. They are accompanied by stone giant and bugbear allies they've picked up. The scout/fighter is
first to arrive. He sees three quth-maren, a wizard, and a powerful guard. So he jumps into the cave in the middle of the three quth-maren and instantly becomes cowered. His cohort, a human rogue, follows, and is also cowered. (At least he yelled out "Quth-maren!" as a warning.)

Well, those quth-marens lay into him with their acidy slam attacks and have
brought him down to -8 hit points by the end of the session. Lots of natural 20s on my part. The giants have started to arrive (slowly - some unlucky Climb checks), but the flying party members are fighting two vampires in dire bat form. The cohort is at -2. Short of stabilizing, there's no way the PC will survive.

What is sad is that right before being brought down to -8 HP, the character had a round of not being cowered. Instead of fleeing to heal up (he could have Tumbled to avoid AoOs), he used his Whirlwind Attack, which did not bring down his enemies. He said it was a
calculated risk because he thought the quth-marens had been damaged by an ally's fireball (they've got fire resistance 15). They're not that weak, people!

The players have a lot of trouble dealing with the quth-maren and do not take
them seriously. The players don't seem to be good at dealing with unusual threats, even after their knowledge checks give them lots of informatin about them. I finally just told the player with a cleric to read the Remove Fear spell (1st level spell that grants +4 vs. fear for 10 minutes to multiple targets, and the quth-maren's gaze is a fear effect). Kind of too late, now, though.

The situation with the player with the dying characters is getting serious. Do you think this guy can change from someone who always runs forward without thought of defense? He doesn't seem like a dim person, and he is frustrated. I may strongly suggest that he flee if he goes below 1/3 his HP. He is not advancing his character because he keeps dying. The other PCs are at level 12 and 11 and advancing nicely. This guy would normally have been at level 12 if his characters hadn't kept dying.

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It looks as if you should have a word with your player and tell him that, as heroic as it may seem, plunging yourself in the midst of a group of enemies is challenging certain death when the rest of your party isn't in place to back you up.


Notice that all 3 times, his character is a front-line combatant. A meat-shield. It seems that the other characters aren't supporting him sufficiently.

Money quote:

No other characters join him in the the fray for several rounds

Are they even buffing him?

D&D is a team game.


First Post
I'm tempted to ask the same question Quartz is. How much support is this guy getting? I've played a front line fighter in an otherwise all spellcaster/archer party, and it's a pretty good way to get hosed.

Are there no other front-liners? If not, they may need to start conjuring a little melee backup for him. Can any of the casters use the Summon monster/natures ally/punching bag spells?


I have a similar case at hand. The player wants to be heroic and courageous. She plays a Clr-8/Ftr-2. She carries a plot-relevant weapon of legacy. Another player is very tactically minded, likes high stakes and overcoming difficult obstacles Mnk-2/Sor-1/Brb-1/Ftr-1/Dra-7 – he keeps casting Shield, Enlarge Person, and wielding a chain weapon that gives +2 to trip attack. He's the trip master.

So, what happens? Monsters come in waves. Tactically minded player rules the map and says, "Hey, where are the big bosses? We haven't lost a single hit point!" More monsters come, attacking the Clr-3/Wiz-3/Mys-5, and when the going gets tough, the cleric steps forward to do what is necessary and protected the weaker party members.

Except that often these enemies have strong offensive capabilities. She might risk an extra attack of opportunity, or ignores the possibility that one of the enemies might cast Slay Living, and so on. So she has died twice already. And she's not liking it.

Here's what I'm doing right now:

  • provide some tactical advice for the player
  • provide more warning signs to players as they approach enemies
  • add enemies that specifically target the trip master
  • provide non-combat scenes for the cleric
  • provide plot-relevant allies for the cleric (I had her possessed by a demon granting her +4 CON using FC2 Rider rules)

Anyway, food for thought. The reason I'm doing all that is that we're too old for me to "teach" them anything or for them to change their ways. That's how they are having fun, and thus I'll just have to change the game accordingly.


Is the Cleric player new at playing Clerics? Are the players all used to playing 10th lvl PCs?

It kinda sounds like no one is ready to be playing the characters they are playing. For one thing, if they are encountering so many fear effects, the Cleric should know by now which spells to buff everyone up with. It doesn't sound like that player is reviewing the cleric spell list.

This is also another reason why it's hard to start players out at high levels. They don't have a good feel for their PC yet. It kinda sounds like you might be better off running a lower level adventure and let them work their way up to 10th level and then run CotSQ. They may be better able to handle it with their characters by then.

I wouldn't really put the blame on the players. It sounds like they just aren't used to these high level characters and they haven't figured out how to work as a team with them yet.


First Post
I agree that part of the problem is that it appears the whole party is not working together. For instance, what are the other henchmen doing? Are there no other meatshields in the entire party? Or do the henchmen stay close to their PC, regardless of the situation? What about buffing and healing? How about the wizards using spells to isolate enemies, so the meatshield isn't taking on everyone at the same time.

Also, I'm a bit concerned that he's having to restart at 10th level, while the other players' characters have advanced. That's a recipe for disaster - my group went through something similar in RttToEE and the imbalance was a killer. Let him start over at the same level as the lowest level PC in the party.

Lastly, have his next character take a cleric as a henchman. A rogue is not a good fit for a meatshield. He needs someone who can buff and heal him, while being strong enough to survive near the front line (since that's where he always is).

Edit: if you allow the players to select their gear when creating new characters, both the PC and his henchman should take a Tan Bag of Tricks. At these levels, the summoned creatures won't last long, but any damage they take is damage the meatshield is not taking, and they may buy one round for the party to get into a good position (or run like crazy).
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First Post
My reaction is a mega-ditto to Quartz... Where the heck are the other characters?

D&D is a Heroic game. This fellow plays Heroes. I'd welcome him to my group in the blink of an eye.


Sounds like that man needs to grab iron will and a few other will boosting abilities. It sounds your party is getting constantly hosed by fear effects.

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