D&D (2024) Dear Team WotC: Better Pact Magic Fixes


I don't know if I'd go that far. Pact magic lacks the ability to nova that standard spellcasting has, and also lacks the breadth of utility options that low-level slots brings. They're pretty similar in terms of total capacity, for sure, but I definitely normal spellcasting has a higher overall power level.
If your metric to measure "full caster", "full casting", and/or "not losing out on spellcasting" is nova ability and low-level spell slots, then you are entirely correct.
I did the math a long while ago. Warlocks can't out damage a wizard without a lot of Eldritch blast spam. And that assumed 2 short rests per day, which tends not to happen.
If your metric to measure "full caster"/"full casting" is a class's ability to match up with the wizard in raw damage output, then you are entirely correct.

Here's my metric: if a class receives spell levels at the same rate as a full caster (we can use the wizard as the standard example) and gets comparable spell slot value as a full caster, that class is a full caster. Here's how the warlock matches up:
  • Between Pact Magic and Mystic Arcanum, the warlock gains access to spell levels at the same rate as the wizard. Warlock passes this test.
  • Warlocks only ever get one 8th and 9th level spell per long rest, same as the wizard. Wizard eventually gets two 6th and 7th level spells per long rest, while warlock caps out at one. For me, this still fits the metric of "comparable spell slot value," so the warlock passes this test for 6th–9th level spells, but we can note that the warlock has a little less spell slot value at higher levels.
  • Warlocks get Pact Magic for 1st–5th level spells, while wizards get traditional spell progression. This is harder to measure for comparable spell slot value, but not impossible. We can use the Spell Points variant rule in the DMG to assign a value to every spell slot of every level and, from there, determine how many points' worth of slots wizards and warlocks get at every level (specifically for spell levels 1–5; we don't need to compare the higher spell levels in this test because we already did in a previous test). I'll share the chart comparing the two below. Here are the results: nine out of 20 levels, warlocks have a higher spell slot value than wizards, and on average across all levels warlocks are 1 spell point above wizards, which isn't even enough spell points to cast a first-level spell. I think that means the warlock passes this test.
Screenshot 2023-04-27 at 4.28.59 PM.png

Left Chart: Spell Points by Spell Level and Character Level, Traditional Caster, Spell Levels 1–5.
Middle Chart: Spell Points by Spell Level and Number of Slots, Pact Magic.
Right Chart: Difference in Total Spell Points Per Day by Level, Pact Magic Minus Traditional Magic. (Averaged at the bottom. Assumes two short rests per day for Pact Magic.)

This is not an argument that the warlock does not need eldritch blast, Invocations, Pact Boons, and the rest of the warlock package. Having to take a rest in order to access all of their spell slots does limit warlock nova potential; not being able to break their spell slots up into smaller slots for the purpose of utility does limit warlock versatility; etc. Warlocks having weird casting gives them unique strengths and weaknesses that differ greatly from traditional full casters, both in flavor and in application, and in practice it may be that the warlock approach is weaker (despite still technically being full casting) because it is less flexible, or because it doesn't have as good access to spells, etc. But the math is pretty clear: strictly in terms of the relative value of spell levels and spell slots, warlocks have everything that traditional casters have, just, as Neonchameleon put it earlier, built high rather than wide. That makes them full casters.

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I like the idea of Meditation (or Channel Patron, or what have you), but I don't think there's any point limiting them to one at low levels. Right now, it's (theoretically) expected they can take 2 Short Rests per long rest. I think that's how many Meditations they should get. Keeps it simple, and I'm not sure why they'd have to end up with less casting than they (are supposed to) have now.
This is a better solution. My suggestion of 1 Meditation/Channel Patron (I really like that term) at lower levels was just to keep, by my metrics, warlocks and traditional casters more even, but warlocks aren't much ahead of traditional casters if they get 2 Meditations/Channel Patrons at earlier levels.


Here is how you fix Warlocks.

Make Mystic Arcanum a class feature that Warlocks get at 5th level. It grants them a third level spell slot and the ability to prepare any Arcane spell in it up to third level in it. Once it's cast, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest. Every two levels, the spell slot increases one spell level (4th at 7, 5th and 9, etc to a max of 9th). Warlocks get this in addition to their half-caster spells, but they no longer get the patron spell free casting.

What this does: It allows you to use your regular spell slots for your regular effects (utility and defensive magic or non-nova booms and controls) while giving you a nova-boom spell you can drop when you need. It gives you the firepower of a high-level spell to augment your lower-level spells and it doesn't eat up Invocations to do it. It also means that if you can't get a short rest, you still have your regular spell slots to fall back on.

Basically, you get one pact magic spell per day in addition to normal half-caster spells.

I think it's a good compromise to maintain the feel pact magic without all the headaches and drawbacks of weird recharge mechanics. It also is a good reason to stay in warlock (as multiclass levels don't increase your MA spell level) and it makes people attempting multiclassing shenanigans invest 5+ levels in warlock to have it pay off. It also helps add to the "gift from your patron" feel as that spell represents knowledge beyond your capacity gifted by your patron.


This is a better solution. My suggestion of 1 Meditation/Channel Patron (I really like that term) at lower levels was just to keep, by my metrics, warlocks and traditional casters more even, but warlocks aren't much ahead of traditional casters if they get 2 Meditations/Channel Patrons at earlier levels.
Especially if the number one complaint they had with Warlocks was not enough slots :). Anyway, I don't think anyone ever accused Warlocks of out-performing traditional casters.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Here is how you fix Warlocks.

Make Mystic Arcanum a class feature that Warlocks get at 5th level. It grants them a third level spell slot and the ability to prepare any Arcane spell in it up to third level in it. Once it's cast, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest. Every two levels, the spell slot increases one spell level (4th at 7, 5th and 9, etc to a max of 9th). Warlocks get this in addition to their half-caster spells,
Nope. Any “solution” that turns warlocks into any variety of Vancian caster dishonors the class’s unique mechanical identity.

But the math is pretty clear: strictly in terms of the relative value of spell levels and spell slots, warlocks have everything that traditional casters have, just, as Neonchameleon put it earlier, built high rather than wide. That makes them full casters.
Except I can't agree here because how useful spells are doesn't really follow any sort of formula.

Also you aren't taking Arcane Recovery into account. The level 1 wizard for example gets two spells plus one for arcane recovery, meaning 6SP not 4. The only levels at which the warlock is ahead are 2 and 17 (which is a weird one because it's the level where the wizard completely blows the curve by getting any L1 and L2 spell to stop taking a slot), and at level 10 the wizard is up 74:42.

Plus Mystic Arcanum is far weaker than level 6th or higher spells. Wizards don't just get more slots, the warlock only gets to know a single spell from Mystic Arcana. A warlock is far behind a wizard here as even if the spell points are even the flexibility doesn't come vaguely close.

Throw in arcane recovery and the warlock is only ahead at 2 and even at 1 and 3 while falling behind at higher levels as Eldritch Blast gets better and they have to lean on Invocations more - and at level 17 things change massively. That feels right to me.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Then I hope for your sake that Kobold's Warlock is more up your ally, but there is no way in Baator this warlock isn't getting some form of Vancian magic.
I disagree. I think there are enough fans of the warlock as it currently functions that their attempt to Vancianize it won’t break the 80% satisfaction threshold. Maybe that’s overly optimistic of me, and if I’m wrong, 🤷‍♀️ there are other games out there.


I definitely think it’s too early to make that call. Just look how much discussions have popped up in just one day. Although there are certainly those who think Pact Magic needs adjusting (I’m one of them), that doesn’t mean everyone thinks Vancian is the way to go.

The only thing I think we can be certain of is that they got a lot of feedback saying Warlocks needed more casting. I’m not sure anyone asked for Vancian slots. That’s one way to do it of course, but fixing the short rest issue also helps. I don’t think anything’s a done deal until the feedback comes in.

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