Denver going overboard on pit bulls?

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Pit bull holocaust in Denver

Will somebody from Denver please tell me if this is for real? They can't possibly be going door to door and rounding up people's innocent pets, can they? I gotta think there's a subtlety I'm missing here, perhaps they're only rounding up animals with complaints lodged against them. Anyone know what the real deal is?

They can have my dog when they pry him from my cold, dead arms :mad:.

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Ranger REG

You can have your Pit Bull, but don't even try to convince me they're gentle animals that kids can play with. Fence in your dog.


First Post
They passed this act recently in Ontario. It has yet to become law, I think. Well, not the killing, but breeding.


Pit bulls seem to make the news a lot. I know here in Ohio many years back a couple of pit bulls that were unfenced mauled a young girl (2 years old I believe). Certain breeds can surprise you when you least expect it and get more vicious than intended. I believe that is where a lot of the concern comes from.

You can have your Pit Bull, but don't even try to convince me they're gentle animals that kids can play with. Fence in your dog.

I do fence in my dogs. And not that I'm in the habit of leaving them alone with children, but I wouldn't own them if I thought they would hurt someone. Aggression towards humans was specifically bred out of pit bulls (a name which really doesn't mean much BTW, as it describes many different breeds) to make them easier to handle. Of course, this was for dog-fighting, but trust me, my dogs couldn't even handle another dog. They're wussies :).


Ir's probably your standard case of a group of idiots ruining it for everyone else. It seems for every responsible pit bull owner, there's another one that buys the dogs to use as weapons against 'burglars' or to boast he has a savage dog.


It was headed that way - I had a friend who got his dog picked up and a huge fine cause it was about 1/2 pitt bull, although this was a few years back. hmm I saw something about pitbulls in the sat paper but didn't read it. maybe I should ...

Ranger REG

Tarrasque Wrangler said:
I do fence in my dogs. And not that I'm in the habit of leaving them alone with children, but I wouldn't own them if I thought they would hurt someone. Aggression towards humans was specifically bred out of pit bulls (a name which really doesn't mean much BTW, as it describes many different breeds) to make them easier to handle. Of course, this was for dog-fighting, but trust me, my dogs couldn't even handle another dog. They're wussies :)
Funny, that's what owners of their pit bull that mauled a human being have at least been quoted or stated, in print or on camera.

I have yet to see report that they actually bred out aggression (the very concept to their existence).

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