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Designing a Char, Help Please


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Alright here's the deal: Design the most powerfull fighter class you can.

Using these stats

STR: 18
DEX: 20
CON: 10
INT: 16
INT: 16
CHA: 14

RACE: Elf,

I would like to see what everyone comes up with.

---Sylvyr Angel

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First Post
Before everyone else asks...

what level?
what multiclasses count as "fighter"? Would a ranger/paladin/fighter count? Do you mean "combatant" instead?

I probably won't submit an answer, since there probably isn't a single answer that is "the most powerful." You can often craft a character who is very strong in limited circumstances.



First Post
To clarify,

It can be multi classed, but it can use no magic user classes. Preferably sticking to classes that have the fighter BAB, but if you have a great idea on mixing them then that's fine.

Max level of 20.

And not the most powerful ever, That can never happen. And combatant would be a better word than 'fighter' I guess.

There is never a best class, I just wanted to see many different ideas.

---Sylvyr Angel

Baron Von StarBlade

Registered User
What books are we limited too for Prestige Classes/Feats? Also is there any limitations on Magical equipment? I would assume using the standard $$$ from the DMG.


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
These stats are quite similar to Drizzt Do'Urden's, you know... :D (Higher Str and lower Con are the biggest differences.)


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Well, I'm not going to go through all the trouble of making the full character, but I can make some suggestions.

Take 4 level of fighter to get the bonus feats and weapon specialization.

Taking Dualist levels will increase your AC since your Int is decent.

3 levels of rogue will give you some extra skill points, +2d6 damage when your opponent is flat footed or flanked, evasion, and help with the reflex save, while only reducing your BAB by one and your HP by 4pts average.

Feats: Expert Tactician, Improved Critical, Weapon Spec, Weapon Focus, Power Attack, Cleave, Dodge, Combat Reflexes, Mobility

A +5 Holy Frost Flaming weapon will pretty much assure that you do a lot of damage to anything you hit.

Well, there are some ideas.

--Typical Spikey


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You can use the OA, PHB, S&F, DMG.

Try and stick to the $$$ amounts in the DMG. It's really the character and it's class levels I am after. Magic equipment would be a cool touch.

I don't even know what drizzt's stats are, these are stats I rolled.

---Sylvyr Angel
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Community Supporter
What's your character's Wisdom? Is your character's Int 16 or 32 - should I average the two scores, or add them?

Assuming 16 Wisdom and 16 Int:

Character, male elf Bbn1: CR 1; ECL 1; Medium-size Humanoid (elf); HD 1d12; hp 12; Init +5; Spd 40 ft; AC 18 (+4 chain shirt, +4 Dex); Melee greatsword +5 (2d6+4/crit 19-20); SA rage; SQ elven traits, fast movement; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3; Str 18, Dex 20, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 14.

Skills and Feats: Climb +6, Handle Animal +6, Intimidate +6, Jump +6, Listen +7, Ride +9, Wilderness Lore +7; Dodge.

SA–Rage (Ex): 1/day, Character can fly into a screaming blood frenzy for 5 rounds. Character gains +4 Str, +4 Con, and a +2 morale bonus vs. fear, but suffers -2 to AC. After the rage, Character is winded.
SQ–Elven Traits (Ex): Sleep immunity, +2 save vs. Enchantment, low-light vision, proficient: longsword or rapier, proficient: longbows and shortbows.
Equipment: greatsword, chain shirt, rations (7 days).

Rashak Mani

First Post
With these stats you dont need any help my friend :D !!

Your achilles heel will be your lousy HPs... try to get a magical item that gives you more con or the headband of ferocity... its in the Magic of Faerun ... dont remember name... basically allows you to fight on even at -1 to -9 ... its like having extra 9 hps... :)

I always thought the ultimate fighter would have lvls of Barbarian, fighter, rogue and Ranger.

Fighter - BAB, Wpn Special, Feats and feats
Barbarian - +10 move ! Uncanny dodge (2nd lvl) d12 HD
Ranger - skills, two weapon fighting.
Rogue - sneak attack (or for you flank attack), reflex save, uncanny dodge, evasion

Ranger 1 lvl Barbarian 2 lvls Rogue 3 lvls Fighter rest... try 4 lvls at least

The barbarian and rogue 5 lvs will give you full uncanny dodge bonuses ... no flanking and no losing dex. Rogues evasion means fireball doesnt sting as much as before. Always flank and get +2d6 damage. Even flatfooted opponents since your +5 init minimum will help. Rogue will cost you BAB 1 and hp´s... but every time you make an evasion those hp´s will seem so low a price to pay :)

Ranger is optional... I like the idea of Two weapons. Get 2 short swords and get those fighter feats boosting them. Get Wpn Focus, Wpn Special and impr critical eventually. Your high dex means you wont go around in heavy armor anyway. (Get Mithril Chain shirt... ) If you dont like two weapons go for one big weapon... this extra level Ranger gives you track and +2 fort thou.

Never done this character concept... but this barbarian like fighter seems to be a good combo.


First Post
Ranger 1/Paladin 2/Fighter 6/Rogue 3/Master Samurai 8

Cleave, Improved Initiative, Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Exotic Weapon Prof. (bastard sword), Shield Expert, Weapon Focus (bastard Sword), Weapon Specializtion (bastard sword)

And if you can take feats from the DoF, take Divine Might, Improved Shield Bash, and Divine Shield.

Then I'd get items to increase your Charisma.

Voidrunner's Codex

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