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Detchitoyo High School: Freshmen Year, Q. 1

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P1 follows Kryptonite into the English class. Being a robot, and thus lacking hormones, he pays little attention to her. After she mentions the witches circle he pays attention again. That was one of the groups the others had said might have caused them trouble. If he ever did find out who it was that had dared to attack Kryptonite they would be the ones in trouble.

After class he catches up to the others.
"So have we got any new leads on the ones that attacked mother?"

OOC: So has anyone heard from Gnome Works lately? It's kind of hard to play the devoted robot when the object of it's devotion isn't around too often.

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"S-See you on friday then!"
J.K.'s eyes are too full of Raya for him to pay more than a vague attention to miss Selura's lesson.
A girl actually told him she would be happy to do something with me! She even said we could call it a date!!!
Actually, it's a mystery how he resists jumping all over the walls, letting out his joy and excitement in animalistic calls.

After class he's till visibly happy as he joins the others: "I've got good news! The Earth Science teacher is the sponsor of the Nature's friends club. He said he's a druid or something, but the fact is that he definitely got magic powers. They have a meeting on friday and I'm going! Then about the Witches... mmm... we need a girl with magic powers - where is Tamalyn now that we need her? - or... Lugh, how long can you take someone else's shape? Could you take Kryptonite's shape and try to convince Miss Selura to get you in? Mmm.. wait a moment... Damien, is that fear I smell? What happened to you?"


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Kalanyr said:
In Thomas's mind 2 words appear She's Enchanted.

It would be in my best interests to learn more about magic for this case. Meh, I don't care enough.

Once out of earshot of Ms Selura, Thomas asks, "What does that mean?"

Drakknyte32 said:
"So have we got any new leads on the ones that attacked mother?"

"Nothing that means anything without further investigation," he replies.

Lichtenhart said:
"I've got good news! The Earth Science teacher is the sponsor of the Nature's friends club. He said he's a druid or something, but the fact is that he definitely got magic powers. They have a meeting on friday and I'm going!"

"Excellant progress on your part JK. This may not turn out to be as difficult as we thought should we maintain momentum," praise coming from Thomas is a little disturbing in its lack of emotion.


OOC - So I can answer Lichtenhart I'll just assume Lugh heads to the cafeteria after checking.

"I can hold any form I assume as long as it pleases me, truth be told I'm not even sure that I have a real form. But I'd be radiating magic, which might make them check and a creature of indeterminate gender is likely to get voted out I imagine. Might be worth trying though. Probably not wise to go as Kryponite though because the next time she returned and they wanted to see magic .... "


Before they reach the cafeteria probably when in the computer room Lugh explains to Thomas

"Her mind is under the control of someone else or she's got a spell up that allows her to control people she chooses to, one or the other. Either way thats not good. "


Lichtenhart said:
" Mmm.. wait a moment... Damien, is that fear I smell? What happened to you?"

Damien turns around surprised at someone speaking to him. He looks back and spots one of the people from yesterday's lunch.

"Fear? Not really, not unless you count the residual shock from meeting the art teacher."

He shudders dramatically.

"Imagine GI Joe in a pink tutu and army boots."

He looks around at the gathering of students heading towards the cafeteria with him and talks as they walk.

"So what's with all the plotting? I heard you guys were involved in some sort of scuffle during the orientation. You scheming revenge or something?"


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"EWww! Now I got a brand new nightmare. Sorry, do you mind?"
Josh walks around Damien, sniffing the air.
"Mmm, I was wrong, it's not your fear. But someone has been pretty frightened to leave this smell on you, and... a cat? No, it's no normal cat... Is art supposed to be that... interesting? Anyway we aren't plotting revenge as much as trying to find out the culprit. If it wasn't for Kriptonite someone could have been seriously injured. Are you planning on joining a club?"


Damien gives Josh a puzzled look as he keeps sniffing around. He pulls the front of his shirt up to his nose and gives it an experimental sniff. He silently thanks the powers that be that he had time to shower and put on deoderant this morning. He shrugs at the questions raised.

"I guess I hadn't realized how serious it was. Local scuttlebutt has it that there's always something wierd that happens the first day. I wouldn't put it past the teachers here to plan it, but I guess I don't really know anything about it. If you guys need any help in your investigations just let me know, okay?

I haven't looked too deeply into the clubs, but none of them seem very much up my alley. I'm probably a bit too specialized for the High Mages' Council, but they might be a valuable resource for my research also."


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From Lughs investigation, The High Mages Council is Sponcered by a Mr. Raddlin, a teacher who dresses in business suits, has greying hair, and wears glasses. He teachers A.P. Psychology I and II.


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Kalanyr said:
"Her mind is under the control of someone else or she's got a spell up that allows her to control people she chooses to, one or the other. Either way thats not good."

Thomas nods as he takes the information in.

"Chances are we are on the right path by looking to the Witches' Circle. Could be an internal conflict, or trouble from a rival club," Thomas adds.

Lichtenhart said:
"Anyway we aren't plotting revenge as much as trying to find out the culprit.

He worded that well. For a hulking brute, JK has displayed some unexpected finesse. But of note, Damien's a real necromancer. Hehe, and I thought he just couldn't afford a whole butler. Another useful source should it be required.

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