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Detchitoyo HS Q.1 Continued


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OOC: Ok, so we're missing a couple people, but hopefully they'll catch on soon.

Once at Damiens house, the DVD now being played, you see a bird's eye view over a vast audience as the camera moves swiftly towards the stage of a grand concert where Christian Lajorn is standing on stage. Just as he begins, the image focuses out, and in front of it Christian Lajorn walks out in front. "Hey guys, as you may well know, I'm Christian. You've probably heard of me, if you aren't atleast fans." He smiles a gleaming grin that many women have fallen for before. "I know what you have been doing over the past couple months, and I'm proud of you for it. You've really been showing what this school will need in the next couple years. But, I want a couple more tests before I officially induct you in. But we can worry about that later. Now, why you? You have potential, and you can do some great things with it. You are all making the right moves, whether you know it or not. However, I want each of you to be prepared for what's to come, if you'll accept my request." *he poses dramatically now, a red rose had appeared in his hand as the camera focused in on his face during his speach, and has now focused out, the blurred picture of himself still behind him*Relaxing now, "Don't stress out on this, but I have a favor to ask. If you get it done, you may learn a little bit about what exactly happened that first day of school. Now, it involves that elemental heart. Now as you may know, the elemental heart has a lot of qualities, and is difficult to obtain, because when an elemental dies, usually the center of it's being, it's heart, breaks down into it's basic components just like the rest of it's body. With that heart, I need you to craft a vessel with which you can siphon off energies, and I will need you bind a name to this vessel. How you do this is up to you, and what shape it comes out to be is also up to you. Be creative, and remember, the simpler it is, the simpler it is to use it. Thanks in advance, and happy hunting." He moves to walk off camera, then turns around "What do you find in moutains? Now, how would you break it without touching it?"

With that, the screen goes dark, shows a line of credits (all of it done by Christian) while playing one of his many ballads.

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Lugh raises an eyebrow

"I think I just found someone more conceited than myself. I suppose the first question is are we interested ? "


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Thomas' blank look doesn't change.

"I do not trust him," he says, "What could he want with a vessel to siphon off energies?"

Behind his emotionless eyes the cogs are turning, and he comes to his conclusions for the current time.

The flashy git is trying to use us for his own benefit, I would wager. Fool me once, shame on you... He wants power, and to gain it through a group that has proven itself capable but to which noone pays much mind is an effective move. He must have realised opportunity when word reached him of our possession of the elemental's heart.

He presumes the group would actually want to work for him though, just because a big name has turned his gaze upon them. An explanation of what is happening is enticing, but it is not convincing. If he wants someone to do his dirty work then it will cost him, for parts and labour, and it will not be cheap.

If he can meet our price he can have his toy, unless we find a better use for the heart first.
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Rikandur Azebol

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Usagi, sword bunny.

Usagi wasn't speaking or expressing any emotions during the display ... and after the record enede she turned her head to the rest of the party. Her voice was questioning, but not pushing.

"Elemental heart ? Why it sounds, to me, like jar used by evil priests to steal souls ..."


Damien shrugs.

"Am I the only one who had no idea what he was talking about? I wouldn't know how to do whatever he wants, even if I had the desire to do so."


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"I do not know how to achieve the end product either, but we do know what the end product is. It would be a simple matter to research how to use the heart to our own benefit while feigning that we are going to help him," Thomas suggests.


"I would be wary of feigning anything around that one, I suspect that he or his followers are capable of detecting thoughts. They are certainly sufficiently adept at detecting and negating glamour. "


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At first, Tetsuya almost beams as the on-screen Christian gives praise to his group, and then his expression turns into a frown of confusion. Finally, when the others begin to talk, he quickly adapts their cynical tones and critical edge.

"Yeah, I didn't understand some of that either. I mean, inducting us into what? And how exactly do you bind a name to something? I know I'm not the world's best mage, but geez, for an idol he should speak more simply. And probably less egotistical." He smirks as he says the last line. Whatever did happen with that heart anyway? I don't think we were able to find a use for it.


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The DVD fires up J.K.'s imagination in so many ways he can barely contain his frenzy.

"Well, when did you all become so suspicious? Chis is a good friend of Ryuoh, and probably shares the same attitude about summoning monsters or wielding shotguns at school. He probably noticed that we are quite adept at getting into trouble and sorting it out, and we are, we can't deny it. Maybe he thinks he was like us when he was a freshman too, before the whole idol thing. He didn't ask for the heart, he just asked for us to do something with it. And wouldn't we like to anyway? Now, what about the riddle? Could it be ice, and sound?"


Lugh watches Tetsuya's changing expressions with interest. Hmm, now isn't that interesting, he craves approval so very very much, of course the question is whether I should try and take advantage of it, or see if I can find the root of it and attempts to do something about it, so no one working against us does precisely that.
Its better to be helpful, after all if you can do something about it, he will be in our debt anyway and that doesn't lead to resentment for your manipulation, besides if you fail your manipulation the second is impossible but not the other way around.

Lugh merely shrugs.
"I did not become so suspicious, it is simply what I am. But as to your question, its possible but it might also be fire, depending on how whether or not melting is breaking but considering the elemental nature of the heart, its probably resistant to fire, so sound seems like the wisest choice." And Christian is cute, so give him a chance. -_-; I almost thought you were intelligent for a second there.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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