


Foundry District

Amidst the alleys of the Lower Ward, Grim weaved her way through the bustling crowds. Her intentions were not entirely noble, as she discreetly followed her prey, her expert eyes taking in at least thrice the information a novice might have. As she continued her pursuit incognito, her scorpion tattoo began to emit an unusual warmth, catching her off guard, hesitating for just a second, allowing a resident from one of the tenements above to lock eyes with her.

Instinctively, she sought refuge, darting into a nearby alleyway to assess the situation, just barely missing the razorvine-studded archway. The tattoo's heat intensified, causing her to feel strangely dizzy. Confused and disoriented, she stumbled forward.

She was no longer in Sigil.

Ragpicker’s Square.

In the dimly lit corners of the slums, Kachil'kcha moved with swift and silent grace. Her multifaceted eyes scanned her surroundings, keenly aware of shifting shadows and whispered secrets. The thrum of the Hive pulsed through her limbs as she navigated the labyrinthine alleys adorned with every manner of filthy, tattered brown cloth.

As she slipped through the twisted maze, dodging urchins and collectors, a peculiar sensation began to stir within her. The constellation of gemstones and runes that adorned her chitinous exoskeleton shimmered with an ethereal glow, an otherworldly energy surging through her being. Unaccustomed to such phenomena, she paused, trying to comprehend the source of this unsettling warmth. Her chitinous outer form began to warp, slightly. As she began to move around, the area around her looked different, and the smell in the air became thick with smoke. A reddish haze filled her vision, and the quiet cacophony of what was the Hive morphed into a louder, thicker, harsher crescendo.

Clerk’s Ward

In the heart of fine labyrinthine marble structures, Izek carried out his clandestine mission with practiced finesse. Cloaked in the shadows, he stealthily made his way through the meandering streets, seeking vital information about his next elusive assassination target. Each step was calculated, his fiendish eyes scanning for any hint or clue that could lead him closer to his quarry.

With the cloak of antipeak, Izek's path led him to a nondescript, seemingly out-of-place shack that held a crucial piece of the puzzle. The streets were empty, and he deftly kept his green eyes shifting for the slightest hint of movement. The locked door in front of him was no challenge. With one hand, his slender fingers were able to deftly manipulate the rudimentary iron shackle.

The fingers of his other hand absently palmed the small puzzle cube that hung from his belt.

A brief CLICK and the door swung open, barely a match for him. As he stepped inside, the cube began to glow with an unexpected warmth, catching him off guard. For a moment, disorientation washed over him, and the world around him seemed to shift and blur.

When his senses returned, he found himself no longer in the familiar Clerk's Ward. Instead, he stood in a dismal and decaying landscape. The stench filled his nostrils, and the oppressive air weighed heavily on his shoulders. Confused and thrown off balance, Izek tried to make sense of the inexplicable portal that had whisked him away from his intended destination.


Greytowers District

Orris indulged in the luxurious comfort of a grand bathhouse, his three devoted servants attending to his every need. The bathhouse was a haven of opulence, adorned with intricate mosaics and sculpted fountains that whispered with cascading water. The attractive air-genasi stood out even among the well-to-do clientele, his hazy mist-like hair cascading down his shoulders, occasionally crackling with a subtle charge, a sight both mesmerizing and mysterious.

As Orris submerged himself in the warm, scented waters, his servants meticulously pampered him, ensuring every aspect of his experience was perfect. His skin glistened under the soft light, and the air around him seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly aura. He savored the sensations, the fragrant steam enveloping him like a soothing embrace, and the stress of the world outside momentarily forgotten.

The small fist-sized blue crystal gem that he kept close, a token of sentimental value, rested nearby. Within the gem, an airy fog swirled, its inner glow growing warmer as if responding to some unseen presence. Just as Orris closed his eyes, a sudden surge of warmth caught him off guard. His eyes flickered open, and he glanced at the glowing crystal in surprise. In his moment of distraction, he lost his footing, and with a splash, he fell backward into the pool. To his astonishment, instead of the familiar tiles of the bathhouse, Orris found himself submerged in a fetid puddle of water so acrid, it made his pale skin tingle with discomfort. The world around him had transformed, and he was no longer in the Lady's Ward. A sense of disorientation gripped him as he surfaced, blinking in bewilderment. His once-tailored clothes clung to his soaked form, the contrast of his ethereal beauty against the grim environment around him striking. Orris realized that the warm crystal gem had been the catalyst, inadvertently opening a portal to this wretched realm.



Orris, Izek, Grim, and Kachil'kcha found themselves inexplicably transported to a realm far removed from the familiar sights of the Cage. The air was heavy with the foul stench of decay, and a reddish haze veiled almost everything in sight, casting an ominous hue over the dreary landscape. Makeshift tenements surrounded them, their gray hues offering little comfort in this unfamiliar and unsettling place. The late-autumn chill added to the discomfort, while the uneasy silence was punctuated by the haunting symphony of hacking coughs in the distance. There was also an occasional scream. As they stood in the alcove, the healthy growth of razorvine on the sides seemed to herd them towards the opening out of it, adding to the oppressive atmosphere. The two-story nondescript buildings boxed them in, their nondescript facades adding to the sense of claustrophobia that lingered in the air.

In the distance, an incongruous sight caught their attention—a grand residence with gilded spires, standing tall amidst the decaying surroundings. The very presence of such opulence seemed out of place in this realm of desolation, and yet, even the gilded spires were dotted with razorvine.

For a moment, it was just the four of them.

As far as they knew.
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Kachil'kcha eyed the other cutters warily. "I am not summoning you, no," she crooned; her telepathic 'voice' was warm and soothing, in contrast to the razored edges of her chitin. "I think also you are not summoning me, yes? Summoned here together, we are, yes?"

"Is being job interview, yes?" She looks at the other 'new recruits' and her 'voice' takes on a hint of mirth. "Is being very ugly, the nature of this job, yes? Hiring for cutters such as these. Very ugly."

Name: Orris Hariri
Race: Air Genasai
HP: 44/44
AC: 15 (17 shield)
Pass Perc: 10
Pass Inv: 10
Pass Ins: 13
Initiative: +2
Speed: 35
Lay on hands: 25/25Rapier: 1d8+2 Spell Save DC: 15
STR: 10 +0
DEX: 14 +2
CON: 14 +2
INT: 10 +0
WIS: 10 +1 (+4)
CHA:18 +4 (+7)
Deception: 10*
Insight +3
History: +3
1st: [] [] [] []
2nd: [] []
1/Long Rest: Feather Fall; Levitate;

Prepared spells
Cantrip: Shocking Grasp
1st Heroism; Shield of Faith; compelled duel; Charm Person*; Exped retreat*
2nd Locate Object, Invisibility*,Aid; Mirror Image*

Everything happened fast and the sudden change was jarring, to say the least. As Orris fell to the mud, he noted the presence of other people.

I wonder if this is where I die...

But they didn't immediately move aggressively and so he was able to quickly recover from his surprise and confusion. He sat in the mud long enough to show that he'd expected to land exactly there. Slowly getting up and ringing out the end of his bathrobe, he looked at the others, shaking his head with good humour,

"These translocations are never as smooth as they advertise."

He stood there, looking around at the new scenery, practically naked, robe half open and completely ruined; he made being dirty and covered in grime look positively fashionable.

He gazed at the mansion in the distance and responded to the Thri-Kreen's assessment of the situation with a simple word,


"Ah! And they remembered my belongings! How thoughtful."

After a moment of daze, Grim recovers her lucidity and instinctively reaches out for the pommel of one of her daggers. She quickly glances everywhere to assess her new location as well the people around her before the thri-kreen breaks the silence.

"I summon no-one, and neither I like being summoned without proper notice. Particularly when it interrupts my business."

Somewhat relieved by the lack of imminent threats, Grim's eyes turn around to investigate the surroundings a bit, while she stays on her spot, still keeping a finger gently circling around her dagger's pommel.

(in her thought:
"Of course, another surprise... I better get used to this 'life' around the planes. At least it might be amusing as often as it is irritating...")

Izek was apoplectic with rage, his features twisted into a snarl as he tried to fight down his surging emotions.

Everything had been under control, and now nothing was!

Readying himself for the attack he assumed was about to happen, Izek managed to calm himself once he saw it wasn't.

Like a puzzle box resetting after a wrong answer itself Izek's rational mind reasserted logical thinking.

Taking a deep breath, the Warlock muttered under his breath and moved his hand over his face, revealing emerald green eyes.

"Is being job interview, yes?" She looks at the other 'new recruits' and her 'voice' takes on a hint of mirth. "Is being very ugly, the nature of this job, yes? Hiring for cutters such as these. Very ugly."
Izek eyed the insectoid humanoid. Her suggestion seemed like the most likely answer, but assumptions were to be avoided.

"At the very least answers are owed. Shall we go collect on that debt?"

A tuft of razorvine tumbleweed rolled anticlimactically in front of the alcove's opening, and there was a gentle lull in the cacophony of chaos. The sky- very much not a Sigilian sky - was a sickly mixture of of gray and red, difficult to extricate from the acrid miasma of ground-level "air."

A few more moments passed.

Yet no apparent summoner or would-be employer presented themselves. . .Was there a grand puppet master after all?

It's not like anyone besides Her Dread Majesty would be able to control the transport of other bashers in and out of the Cage. . . would it?

But then was it truly a coincidence that 4 souls in 4 different places were somehow 'tricked' into 4 different portals using 4 specific portal keys that each had for a long time, to arrive in the exact same place outside of Sigil at exactly the same time?
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Name: Orris Hariri
Race: Air Genasai
HP: 44/44
AC: 15 (17 shield)
Pass Perc: 10
Pass Inv: 10
Pass Ins: 13
Initiative: +2
Speed: 35
Lay on hands: 25/25Rapier: 1d8+2 Spell Save DC: 15
STR: 10 +0
DEX: 14 +2
CON: 14 +2
INT: 10 +0
WIS: 10 +1 (+4)
CHA:18 +4 (+7)
Deception: 10*
Insight +3
History: +3
1st: [] [] [] []
2nd: [] []
1/Long Rest: Feather Fall; Levitate;

Prepared spells
Cantrip: Shocking Grasp
1st Heroism; Shield of Faith; compelled duel; Charm Person*; Exped retreat*
2nd Locate Object, Invisibility*,Aid; Mirror Image*

Orris watched the other reactions, assessing how much these strangers knew of the situation. He casually walked over to his belongings lying on the ground and gathered them up, keeping a sheathed dagger in one hand and, if one had been paying attention, clasping it tighter than necessary.

"It seems you don't know who brought you here or why."

The Genasi strolled up to the nearest tenement building and knocked on a door.
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Most of the doors appeared to be boarded shut, and the heavy wooden door that loomed before Orris was the exception. The tainted wind whistled through the narrow, dirt alcove. carrying with it the haunting howls of distant creatures and the creaking of the decrepit, seemingly ancient buildings before him. Wisps of dust emerged from Orris's knuckle traces as he reached out to knock on the door, a cloud of gray settling over his fingertips like a spectral veil. The tenements, in their timeworn facades marred by the elements, leaned wearily against one another as if seeking support from their equally worn neighbors. Tattered banners fluttered feebly in the wind, their colors now faded and indistinguishable. It was as if the very essence of life had been sucked out of this place, leaving behind only echoes of what once was.

Orris couldn't help but feel a tinge of apprehension, wondering what awaited him on the other side.

But there was no answer.

Upon closer inspection of the tenement wall, shadows lazily danced on the walls, almost as if they would coalesce into solid forms, though never quite. The shadowy, grey tenements simply loomed in an unsettling silence - as if the town itself was alive and watching, waiting to reveal its secrets, or perhaps to ensnare those who dared to disturb its solitude.

Name: Orris Hariri
Race: Air Genasai
HP: 44/44
AC: 15 (17 shield)
Pass Perc: 10
Pass Inv: 10
Pass Ins: 13
Initiative: +2
Speed: 35
Lay on hands: 25/25Rapier: 1d8+2 Spell Save DC: 15
STR: 10 +0
DEX: 14 +2
CON: 14 +2
INT: 10 +0
WIS: 10 +1 (+4)
CHA:18 +4 (+7)
Deception: 10*
Insight +3
History: +3
1st: [] [] [] []
2nd: [] []
1/Long Rest: Feather Fall; Levitate;

Prepared spells
Cantrip: Shocking Grasp
1st Heroism; Shield of Faith; compelled duel; Charm Person*; Exped retreat*
2nd Locate Object, Invisibility*,Aid; Mirror Image*


Orris, turned around and eschewed his bathrobe, using it to stand on. Unabashed by his nakedness, he began to put his clothes back on as continued to address the others,

"Surely, your Masters know where you've been taken?"
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"Surely, your Masters know where you've been taken?"
Izek raises an eyebrow.

"I don't make a habit of having-" he waves his left hand to indicate the area around them "-this happen to me. I'd imagine it would be the same for the rest of us. Unless any of you have more information then maybe we should search the most obvious building here?"

He points at the large razorvine-covered structure with his right hand.

"Seeing as we're currently lacking food and water we can't exactly camp out here. 'Necessities of life' and all that."

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