
Orris' disembodied voice rang out through the chaos, trying to guide the unknown fighter to safety. But the armored figure remained focused on battling his assailants, oblivious to the genasi's call.

A volley of arrows whizzed through the space Orris occupied, aimed at his general position rather than hitting true. It seemed the snipers could vaguely perceive his location via acoustic means, but not pinpoint him.

With the dark armored figure still embroiled in fierce combat, Orris faced a quandary. Rushing in could disrupt the distraction allowing Grim and Izek to act from cover. Yet simply shouting was proving ineffective at diverting the stranger's attention mid-melee.

The invisible genasi had to improvise quickly. Revealing himself could court ambush, but more direct intervention appeared necessary to extricate this healer. Another option was simply using the distraction to escape, though the Genasi had made that significantly more difficult with drawing attention to the area they were in.

Orris did note pink orbs about 20 feet above the buildings. Watching.

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Name: Orris Hariri
Race: Air Genasai
HP: 44/44
AC: 16 (18 shield)
Pass Perc: 10
Pass Inv: 10
Pass Ins: 13
Initiative: +2
Speed: 35
Lay on hands: 25/25
Divine Senses 3/5
Rapier To Hit: +5
Damage: 1d8+2
Spell Save DC: 15
STR: 10 +0
DEX: 14 +2
CON: 14 +2
INT: 10 +0
WIS: 10 +0 (+3)
CHA:18 +4 (+7)
Deception: +10*
Insight +3
History: +3
1st: [] [] [] []
2nd: [] [X]
1/Long Rest: []Feather Fall; [X} Levitate;

Prepared spells
Cantrip: Shocking Grasp; Toll the Dead; Decompose
1st Heroism; Shield of Faith; compelled duel Charm Person*; Exped retreat*
2nd Locate Object, Invisibility*,Aid; Mirror Image*

The Knight refused to move their position. Orris looked above at the glowing orbs - was the creature watching them? It occured to the Genasai that, perhaps, the person trapped in the building earlier was an illusion created by this creature to 'test' the group's morals. If so, the creature had misjudged Orris' intentions: Orris had wanted a guide at the time and rescuing someone from a burning building was a quick and easy way to garner loyalty from a local.

This situation was different.

He was not going to expose himself to an ambush for someone who was, clearly, suicidal. Especially since there was nothing in it for Orris. Perhaps, if the creature had bartered a favour in return for his help, the situation would be different. It also occurred to Orris that this creature had manipulated the situation - changing the streets in such a way to get them lost here - and befuddled their guide. This 'creature of compassion' had lead them straight into an ambush and gotten their guide murdered. It was not lost on Orris that it could have just as easily been himself lying dead, face down in the street.

Orris promptly turned around and headed back to the safety of the apartment. His disembodied voice echoed in the depressing room,

"The 'healer' refuses to move to safety. If we can move to higher ground, maybe we can take out their archers from the windows above. Besides that, I have no other suggestions unless we want to expose ourselves. I'm open to other suggestions - including walking away and finding the portal ourselves."

At this point, Orris decided it would be simpler to be frank with the others.

Yeah, sorry, not sure what we're expected to do. I'm going to explore the buildings and see if there's a way that we can start taking out enemies in the connecting buildings.
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Li Shenron

"Why did you come back? You're invisibile, you already have much better advantage in melee than higher ground, we can support you from range."

Grim takes a quick glance around the room: "There's no exit here, so in order to get to higher ground, we would have to go outside and climb the walls. I can try to search if there's a hidden door or stairs here if you wish, but it might cost some precious time".

Carefully trying to remain within the shadows of the room, Grim readies her bow and approaches the exit from one side to take a peek outside towards the fighting cleric to assess how many enemies he's facing. She also wants to see if anyone is still shooting from the windows of the building opposite to one we're standing in.


The alley remained chaotic, though no arrows currently flew from the windows across the way. Grim's sharp eyes did mark one ominous spot - a darkened alcove on the second floor that would make an ideal sniper's nest. She made note in case they had to clear the building later. Focusing back on the melee, Grim quickly discerned at least three hooded assassins pressing the lone figure in dark armor. The healer fought fiercely despite the odds, longsword swinging in unrelenting strokes. But he was slowly being forced back under the relentless assault. Amazingly, the spattering of arrows did not seem to have the same deadly result with him as they did with the groups' doomed guide. Some clanked harmlessly away from his armor, while most actually missed him. One he managed to flippantly parry with his longsword.

Izek tilted his head, picking up a faint murmuring from above. The muffled voices were too indistinct to make out words, but indicated at least two hidden occupants on the floor above them.

He quickly gestured this discovery to Orris as the genasi moved back into the chamber. Prior to his entry, the genasi briefly surveyed the area . Near the entrance of the building across the alley, his sharp eyes caught an intriguing discovery - several barrels stashed right outside the doorway. From their markings and residue outside the barrels, Orris deduced these likely held explosive black powder, a useful find. However, retrieving them would be challenging with snipers likely still poised in the upper floors. Perhaps there was another way they could be useful?

With someone covering the allies from here, investigation of the overhead chamber could prove enlightening. And if stealth permitted, perhaps also an opportunity to thin enemy ranks. The trio was poised to unleash some ambushes of their own.

If deciding to go up the stairs: Move silently to go up the stairs and spot once you're up at the top. If deciding to stay down on first floor and cover, a spot check for noticing something in the building across. No sources of fire in the immediate room, but the wagon outside in which the group initially sought cover is burning quite thoroughly. A gust of wind, or other type of covert action could move the fire closer to the barrels. Alternatively the barrels could be somehow moved into the fire. Wouldn't help with the chaos, but might help with the battle.

Name: Orris Hariri
Race: Air Genasai
HP: 44/44
AC: 16 (18 shield)
Pass Perc: 10
Pass Inv: 10
Pass Ins: 13
Initiative: +2
Speed: 35
Lay on hands: 25/25
Divine Senses 3/5
Rapier To Hit: +5
Damage: 1d8+2
Spell Save DC: 15
STR: 10 +0
DEX: 14 +2
CON: 14 +2
INT: 10 +0
WIS: 10 +0 (+3)
CHA:18 +4 (+7)
Deception: +10*
Insight +3
History: +3
1st: [] [] [] []
2nd: [] [X]
1/Long Rest: []Feather Fall; [X} Levitate;

Prepared spells
Cantrip: Shocking Grasp; Toll the Dead; Decompose
1st Heroism; Shield of Faith; compelled duel Charm Person*; Exped retreat*
2nd Locate Object, Invisibility*,Aid; Mirror Image*

"Why did you come back? You're invisibile, you already have much better advantage in melee than higher ground, we can support you from range."

Grim takes a quick glance around the room: "There's no exit here, so in order to get to higher ground, we would have to go outside and climb the walls. I can try to search if there's a hidden door or stairs here if you wish, but it might cost some precious time".
"I came back because attacking would be foolish as it would negate my spell. Like you, I'm not suicidal and don't want to shot at from above. And no worries about climbing."

There was a brief pause, a scuffle of invisible footsteps and then a click as a hatch opened in the ceiling, almost of it's own volition revealing a small, compact staircase.

"Let's go quietly, take out the archers. We can decide what to do from there. I noticed gunpowder barrels just outside the building. After you. These confounded boots make too much noise on the wood."

There! That's why Grim didn't see the stairs. It was one of those pull-down hatch stairs.

Sneak (rolling twice in case invisibility gives me advantage):
sneak: 1D20+2 = [5]+2 = 7
sneak: 1D20+2 = [3]+2 = 5
Awesome. 7

Perception (if you need it):
Perception: 1D20+1 = [3]+1 = 4 Edit: I guess I already made my check for hearing people above.

Beautiful, the dice roller loves me tonight!

Name: Orris Hariri
Race: Air Genasai
HP: 44/44
AC: 16 (18 shield)
Pass Perc: 10
Pass Inv: 10
Pass Ins: 13
Initiative: +2
Speed: 35
Lay on hands: 25/25
Divine Senses 3/5
Rapier To Hit: +5
Damage: 1d8+2
Spell Save DC: 15
STR: 10 +0
DEX: 14 +2
CON: 14 +2
INT: 10 +0
WIS: 10 +0 (+3)
CHA:18 +4 (+7)
Deception: +10*
Insight +3
History: +3
1st: [] [] [] []
2nd: [] [X]
1/Long Rest: []Feather Fall; [X} Levitate;

Prepared spells
Cantrip: Shocking Grasp; Toll the Dead; Decompose
1st Heroism; Shield of Faith; compelled duel Charm Person*; Exped retreat*
2nd Locate Object, Invisibility*,Aid; Mirror Image*

Thinking about it again, being invisible was an advantage. Even if they heard him, he wasn't likely to get hit.

He moved up the rickety stairs and towards the enemies shooting out the window.

As above, my stealth was 7. If they want to attack Orris while he's invisible, roll to hit twice for each enemy and take their lowest result. Orris' AC is currently 18

Will attack an archer:
To Hit: Rolling twice for advantage.and 1D20+5 = [5]+5 = 10 or 1D20+5 = [20]+5 = 25 (critical hit)

Damage with a smite:1D8+2D8 = [1]+[8, 7]+2 = 18 piecing + crit damage: 3D8 = [3, 5, 2] = 10
Total damage: 28
(or 34 (extra damage: 1D8 = [3] = 3;1D8 = [3] = 3) If it's infernal)

Second attack:
second attack with advantage: 1D20+5 = [12]+5 = 17 or 1D20+5 = [8]+5 = 13

damage: 1D8+2 = [7]+2 = 9
Or damage 11(+_: 1D8 = [2] = 2 If the enemy is an infernal creature )

Second attack is a 17 to hit even without advantage since the first roll was a 17. (invisibility goes away after the 1st attack, I think?)

Note: I'll attack the same target until it's dead. If the first attack killed the first target, the second attack will be against second target. I should have enough movement to reach both.
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"Let's go quietly, take out the archers. We can decide what to do from there. I noticed gunpowder barrels just outside the building. After you. These confounded boots make too much noise on the wood."
Izek decided that sarcasm was the correct response to earnestness.

"Explosive barrels. Oh joy. I'll try to avoid fire spells unless I want to set them off in that case."

Izek follows behind Orris, thinking to pick off any ranged attackers while they focus on the more obvious threat.

"I'll provide covering fire."

OOC: Izek will cast Eldritch Blast once the fight starts. 2 bolts, each aimed at a different enemy.
1D20+7 = [12]+7 = 19
1D20+7 = [18]+7 = 25

Li Shenron

Grim aims her shortbow for a second at those attacking the lone cleric in the alley, but before she could let her arrow fly she notices the others going up the stairs and chooses to follow them. While still cautiously keeping an eye at the door to the outside, she joins the ambush on the upper floor by staying as stealthy as possible, trying to pinpoint where her invisible ally is in order to both not hit him with friendly fire, and to gain advantage for sneak-attacking the enemies.

(rolls are on the OOC thread)


Grim and Orris noisily ascend the stairs, while Izek manages to move with stealth. Their racket draws the attention of two hooded assassins in the upper room - a tiefling and half-orc. Their ascent is so obscenely loud that the duo casually disregards them, thinking that no one moving this loudly could possibly be trying to ambush them. Assuming the commotion is from allies, the pair continue conversing, backs turned and unaware of the danger.

Exploiting their obliviousness, Grim silently nocks and looses a bolt, catching the tiefling directly in the neck. He drops instantly. Before the half-orc can react, Izek materializes from the shadows, unleashing an eldritch blast that immolates the assassin where he stands.

The companions regroup in the smoke-filled chamber, dispatched half orc smoldering at their feet.

Examining the fallen assassins, the companions note they wear nondescript black leathers bearing a strange insignia - three amber teardrops enclosed within an inverted purple triangle. Fouled crossbow bolts are embedded in a quiver belt found on the tiefling's body, confirming their usage of the plagued ichor weaponry.

The small top room otherwise holds little of interest - plain furnishings and an unremarkable bed. But the vantage point grants a clearer view of the alley battle below.

The skilled swordsman who Judex labeled a healer remains embroiled with a single foe now, having felled several others. Pink spheres of magical energy swirl around above him. For the moment, he seems to have gained the upper hand -incredibly- against the assailants.

With the interior threats cleared, the companions can turn their focus back to retrieving the warrior.

Choose ONE for your character's next roll:
Intelligence/knowlege (religion) check for the symbol on their armor,
perception check if one chooses to further examine the tiefling's body,
perception check if one decides to look for assassins in other windows from this vantage, or
perception check if one decides to more closely observe the. swordsman
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As they examine the fallen assassins, Grim's gaze lingers on the strange tri-teardrop insignia. Meanwhile, Orris' sharp eyes discern wispy pink ether swirling around the swordsman, similar to the energy they witnessed manifesting from Judex earlier.

Izek surveys the alley from above and the opposite building from across but detects no remaining threats or movements.

For now, the coast looks clear - but there were far too many arrows sticking out of their guide's back to truly believe that.

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