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Detchitoyo HS Q.1 Continued


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To Brenna: "Who are you talking about? I don't remember any sisters by that name."

To Lugh: "I would love to." She says excitedly. "I haven't been to a Ball in so long!" Contemplating and speaking to herself, she adds "What should I wear?"

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Brenna nods her head, that turned out as she expected, and she departs.


"Perhaps a shopping trip ? I believe the school provided us with a small amount of spending money. "


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To Lugh "Wonderful." Smiliing, she gathers a couple things and lets you lead the way .

OOC: Any other preperations for the party?


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Tetsuya looks over himself before he goes to the party. It had been an uphill battle to be allowed to go at all, and in the end he had promised about a dozen things to his uncle that he had no idea were true or not. But still, he feels he has earned it. His team had won their match in the tournament, if that was any indication. And besides, he had been working hard on his magic lately--but he couldn't speak to Uncle about these things. Luckily, his grades hadn't dropped any.

Finally deciding he looks fine in his casual clothes, Tetsuya heads out to the party.


Damien puts on a slightly spiffier outfit than he would wear to a normal day of school, but nothing too different. He looks deeply into Skull's eyesockets.

"You stay here, I'll be back later tonight."

Then he flips through the television channels until he finds a special on Egyptian mummies for Skull to watch before he heads on out the door to the party.


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J.K. went home after the tournament, thinking that probably the guys and Kryptonite were too tired to go on with the virus plan that night. He called Raya to tell her what happened, and after a long shower, he flung himself into bed. But he had a lot of trouble sleeping. It seemed that all the usual noises of the city made him jump. The night after that was even worse, the headache he got in the morning got worse and worse, it made him want to bang his horns on the wall, so he totally forgot about the virus. Then his eyes started to burn. He thought it could be a bad case of pinkeye, and went to school with a pair of dark glasses that made him look quite stupid, and made Raya laugh.
He woke up suddenly on friday night. The headache was gone, but he could hear all the nightly noises with amazing clarity. He got up to go to the bathroom, and stumbled on the book he was reading before falling asleepwithout thinking too much he picked it up, and put a bookmarkat the chapter he had finished. Then he realized he didn't turn on the light, but could read the book anyway, in the dim light that filtered through the window. He ran to the bathroom, turned on the light, cold sweat running down his neck, and looked at the mirror.
Thankfully he looked pretty normal, or at least as normal as the day before, but now there were black tufts on his grey ears, like those of a lynx, and his eyes were slightly different. If before they looked like those of an hawk, now they looked even more golden. They reminded him of those of a lion. He breathed in relief, probably the stress of the duel triggered another little transformation in his dna, but this time it was nothing too freaky. Probably the pain he went through in the last few days was his body preparing to change. Now he could hear and see better. That reminded him of that scene in the Spiderman movie, when Peter realizes he doesn't need his glasses anymore. Smiling widely, he went back to bed.

It's saturday morning and J.K. is quite happy. He remembers that he was invited along with the others ant the karate club party, and phones Raya to ask her to come with him. If she accepts, he'll spend the morning on a wild skateboard ride all around the city, enjoying his new talents. Colors seem brighter, music louder and more exciting.
Preparing for the party, he wears all in black: formal trousers, suspenders and a wide beautiful tie. And obviously no shirt, shoes or jacket. This way he gets the look he was aiming for: elegant and silly. He smiles at the mirror, waves goodbye to his uncle who's snickering at the door and he's out on his skateboard.


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J.K.: Raya says " "My elders prefer to not participate in those tournaments officially. Sometimes members that want to vent do so, but we don't go as a whole. But it is good that you showed him compassion, hopefully he will back off" at word of the tournament. When asked to go to the party, she replies "Sounds like fun, I'll meet you there.

With everyone there, Raya in her usual style of dress, except she is wearing a glittering silver that matches her hair, the party is taking place at a very large home, with a central sky scraper 20 stories tall with extensions ot the home built on all sides. There is a large garden in front, with well kept trees and bushes and manacured grass. Large amounts of students are coming to the event, using many modes of transportation, such as designated incoming teleportation pads, a large parking garage to the south with all sorts of vehicles in there, vallet parkers moving vehicles out of the way.

When you step to the door, you are greeted by a roughed up butler with dark green curly hair and a handlebar mustache. Asking each of your names, he looks through a palm pilot, and recognizes each of your invitations. When you walk through, you over here a "Hey, you dont' have an invitation!" and an immediate whack! as he gets pounded into the ground by a buff student. You overhear "Invitations my a... as he grumbles in. The butler, looking sorry for himself, continues his duties.

Inside, lots of students are conversing, dancing (or moshing) on one of several dance floors, eating, etc. There is even an arcade set up in one of the rooms, where fighting and fps tournys are taking place. Also, there is a room dedicated to relaxing and talking over a drink, otherwise known as "The Pad". Overal, it's a party.

By the time everyone has gotten comfortable, the DJ announces "And here is teh man of the hour, Jason!" Jason takes the microphone immediately. He's dressed in a white silk suit, however with bracers on. "I'm glad everyone here is enjoying the party! For those of you that don't know, this is a party celebrating our most recent show of superiority!" Applause. "Thank you. Please continue to enjoy yourselves, and if any of you lovely single females out there want to get to know me better, I'll be at 'The Pad'." Pointing with both fingers and making a clicking sounds with this rediculous expression on his face, he exits the stage and moves on to "The Pad." The DJ then restarts the music, and so the party flollows.


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"Enjoy the party, I will see you all around," he mumbles vaguely towards the others.

Thomas' mind was made up. Ignoring Jason's announcement he walked purposefully over to the arcade. Switching his briefcase into his off hand he whipped up a light gun and got to work on the most challenging game he could find.

Voidrunner's Codex

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