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di Senzio's Tournament: Winged Flute


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Nirassa shouts, almost at the hears of his aggressor. He almost release the small Katara, but the other quickly strike her, all her world becoming black...


When she opens her eyes, she is bound. He cloth in her mouth prevent her to talk or shout. She is in a backalley, somewhere, most likely still in the High district, seeing the high wall surroudning her. The two thugs that had followed her to the Winged Flute keep her pinned to the ground.

"You know that you start to be annoying. I am only the messenger, nothing more, and you don't make my job easy, but now that you are cooperative, I think I'll be able to finish to deliver the message. As I told you, you need to see your priority. You place your ambition before the love of someone else. How egoist! You told you think bribery is wrong, I think keeping your health is better than keeping your moral... you made your choice. I'll make sure you'll remember that you must assume the consequence of your choice."

The man draw the dagger he is wearing at his belt. "You wanted to be the best archer? How good is a blind archer?" The man approach his dagger from the Katara eye. A deep pain fill her head as all become black on his right. As the dagger reappear in the vision of her left eyes, she see the man's smile. The pain increase as all become black. The Katara start to have difficulty to breath as she try to shout her pain, which is contain by the cloth in her mouth. All is so painfull that ti take only a moment that she lose consciousness.


The Katara hear the sound of the wind. A soft wind seems to enter a narrow place, humming a gentle sounds. She feels the cold stone under her, but over all, the pain in her head. All is black around her. It is the deep starless night it seems... but a soft warm sensation seems to touch her skin... just as if the sun was shining on her.

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Nirrassa of Clan Swiftclaw

"My eye, my eye!" she exclaims. She blinks as she takes the scene in, wondering where she is.


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-=-=-= Somewhere... =-=-=-

Nirrassa hands touch both his eyes. Blood have dried over them. She also feels that they have taken an unusual shaped, there spherical form being rip by the rift created by the man's dagger. Both her eyes have been damaged and she only see deep darkness.

Panic takes over her a moment standing up, she starts to walks blindly and hit a wall and fall down on her back. She repeat that another time before taking time to relax. It is then she starts to relax and calm down.

She is now able to percieve the world with his other senses. She hears to her left a faint noise of a wagon, the wooden wheel rolling on a stoned road. She feels a very soft wind. Warmth on her feet and legs but freshness on her chest and shoulder. The transition is pretty clear on her thigh. The wind carry a mixt of smell. Flowers perfume is barely percieve among the bad small of trashes. She starts to touch teh ground. the ground is made of stones, square and soft. A paving made of 1 foot square stones. Her hand feels the warmth stones near her feets and the cold stone in her back. He hand finally touch a wall made of soft stone. Most likely, that wall is made of stone that have no predetermine shapes, but all have been polish by the effect of wind or water over along period of time, and they are holding each other with some kind of ciment. the wall is cold to the touch.

Nirrassa also percieved her body from a new perspective. She feels her hearth, beating quickly. She feels that the airs is entering her lungs, but it seems to have a some difficulty to enter. Her hands touch her nose... the nose is slowly bleeding, it seems there is some minor wounds inside her that hasn't yet closed. She feels her muscles in her back being rigid, most likely a consequence of teh blow that thugs have given her. She stands on her feet again. At least, she seems being able to walk without suffering too much.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Nirrassa is back to 1 hp... if she ever need to know, but in that condition, I doubt you would want to enter a fight... by the way, you are blind ;) You know what... I am still wondering why you have declare a double move when you tried to flee... is it a mistake, or it was on purpose you didn't run instead (and thus, doing 4x you moevment insted of twice). [/SBLOCK]


Nirrassa of Clan Swiftclaw

OOC: Truth be told, it was a brain fart :p. I realized they were flatfooted yet I forgot that I wouldn't draw AoOs for running. Oh well. let's see how this works out.

Realizing that she is blind, she feels for the wall. When she finds the wall, she follows it to what she thinks is the end of the alley.


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Velmont said:
-=-=-= A few block from the Winged Flute =-=-=-

The dwarf put his hammer on the anvil and the hot metal back into the forge. "I'll tell you, if you need a forge to do your own things, we can figure something for you. But if you need somewhere to work for commercial use, you have knocked at the wrong door. Anyway, my cousin have changed a bit his work lately. He his working on decorative weapons. You won't have much chance to work on masterwork pieces that do there job better. It's not really his fault, it is what his client want. I am about to think he should subscribe to the jeweler's guild."

Thank you for the kind offer of use of your forge. Decoration is nice but I prefer functionality first and decoration as enhancement. I do not plan to do commercial but cannot say I will never do any. Perhaps someday our craft will bring us together, but I do not think this is the time. Good luck to your cousin in the tournament and I hope you both prosper in your business.

Cepheus will go back to Stonebender's shop to talk with him as his 1st apprentice had stated he should.

OoC: sorry for the delay in response. I must have some memory lapse as I thought I had responded :\


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-=-=-= Somewhere... =-=-=-

Nirrassa put her hands on the wall. not use to walk blindly like that, she both use the wall to maintin her balance and also to lead her way. She walks ahead, feeling the warmth feeling on her head. The sound of the wagon starts to fade away on her back. He feet lead her to the corner of the wall. She doesn't hear much, only a faint background noise of teh city she can locate, and the sounds of a strong wind that blow in the branch of a large tree. She feels once in a while a little gust of wind playing in her clothes.

-=-=-= A few block from the Winged Flute =-=-=-

Cepheus leaves teh shop and head back to the Merchant Avenue


Nirrassa of Clan Swiftclaw

Velmont said:
-=-=-= Somewhere... =-=-=-

Nirrassa put her hands on the wall. not use to walk blindly like that, she both use the wall to maintin her balance and also to lead her way. She walks ahead, feeling the warmth feeling on her head. The sound of the wagon starts to fade away on her back. He feet lead her to the corner of the wall. She doesn't hear much, only a faint background noise of teh city she can locate, and the sounds of a strong wind that blow in the branch of a large tree. She feels once in a while a little gust of wind playing in her clothes.

Nirrassa runs towards the wagon, screaming for help.


First Post
-=-=-= Somewhere... =-=-=-

Nirrassa turns around and start to shout for help. She goes back on her steps and wander. She stops to shout a moment, to listen to the wagon. He right hand still on the wall to maintain her balance, not use to walk in the dark, the sounds seems now to be very far now. She felt it coming from her left. She make a step away from the wall but quickly touch another wall, almost hitting it. She shouts again and search with her hands. She feels anotehr wall, made of brick. That one is warmer than teh stone wall. Feeling being now under the sunlight, the wall must be too under the sun, and thus gathering his heat. Nirrassa falls foward as her hand, still searching the wall, simply miss it. She stands up and see she has found a corner. She start to follow the new alley that end after a moment. She shouts again and then listen. She hears murmurs coming from the right... or it is from the left... no, it is from both. She feels the wind have increase. Most likely she has found the street, where the wind can travel more easily.


First Post
She continues to hear a few whispers. She hears someone walking near but as she ask some help, she hears the footstep moving away from her. After a few minutes, she hears the sound of footsteps. A group walking together. Only some soldiers or guards could walk with this precise rythm, all at the same times. She hears them appraoching. Nirrassa have finally hope for some help, but she hears one of them telling.

"What are you doing here, beggar? Your place is in the slum. Corporal, take two men with you and escort him out of the district"

Voidrunner's Codex

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