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Di'Fier Anton: The Making of a Watchman


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I have been writing Di'Fier's back story for a bit now, but I don't have as much as Dru does. but I thought I'd start sharing the stories. They are not in cronological order but i like them better that way. They are very much works in progress but I thought I'd start posting them.

As the fog drew in, the King ordered his bugler to sound the call to dig in. The Orcs were much better suited to this sort of battle but if his men stayed out in the open over night the orcs would over run the camp in hours. The reports began coming in, Orc had decimated the left flank and it had to move back to keep them from penetrating the line. The reserves were holding but only tenatively. The right flank held though his son was gravely injured. The full attack in the middle was slowly making its way toward the camp If nothing changed the orcs would overrun them in 2 hours. The king called to his squire to help him put on his armor.

The sound of the battle approached. He could see the torches of the Orcs as they topped the last hill. His archers began firing. the mass of blackness continued toward him unfazed. The king unseathed his sword it's magic humming slightly as he held it from of him. The orc's stopped. Only a few had crossed the shallow river in the valley below. He saw pincers of the orish flanks toping the westren and eastren rigdes. The Orcs looked up at the sword and screamed or cursed the day it had been created. But even the sight of Anarásolis the legendary sword that had killed Engog was not enough to keep them quelled as it had at The battle of Akai. They began to advance again.

They paused as a solitary figure stepped from the mists. He was wearing a bright mithral suit of armor that reflected the horror around him. The helmet was Horned and horrible but resembled a vergful god rather than a demon. The Knight unshethed an enormous bastard sword that was slung over his shoulder. The Orcs charged. The Knight effected an odd stance and methodically spun the sword about his body as he prepared for their onslaught. Then strangly he grasped it in one hand pointed it at the sky screaming loudly in a language the king could not understand. With blinding speed he thrust the sword toward the river as if to attack the orcs charging across it from a hundred feet away. Suddenly the river turned to ice. Giant shards hundreds of feet high grew up impaling the orcs and freezing, those not impaled, in place.

The few Orcs that had made it across the river had no place to go but forward. The Knight met them one at a time and dropped each one with a single blow. A clamor arose from the orcs and then a rain of buring arrows topped the ice baracade as the sounds of frenzied barbarian orcs hacking away at the ice wall reached the king.

As his camp burned around him the king watched in amazement as the rain of arrows around the knight flared up and burnt themselves to dust just seconds before striking him. The King marveled as the kight patiently waited for the tunneling horde to break through he icy baracade. The knight began chanting again. and as the first group of orcs battered though the ice he again pointed his sword. Suddenly as if a great wind had barreled from its tip the emerging orcs were blown back their bodies crushed like they were porcein dolls the ice around them shattered showering those not crushed by the force blast with razor sharp shards of ice.

But There were still hundreds of Orcs and they were breaking through the frozen river up and down the shore. The king lost sight of the knight as the horde swarmed over the banks. Suddenly he heard his voice saying, archers fire. and was surprised that it came from his mouth. The clouds and partially obscured moon dissapeared as the arrows blackend the sky. The Orcs Broke and ran. A great cheer arose from the weary men.

but it was short lived. The erie howles of supernatural wolves drowned out the cheers as they echoed across the battle field. A column of flame breached the ice barrier and two figures floated across the river. The fleeing orcs parted and the king once again caught glimpse of the Knight. He turned toward the two figures. The Taller orc screamed and a ball of flame erupted where the knight was standing as it grew it enveloped scores of orcs that were around the knight. Before the ball of fire burnt itself out the knight emerged from it as he charged the orc wizard As he struck the creature his blade rippled with electrisity before slicing into it. As The mage screamed the second orc raised his giant axe and struck the knight denting his mihtral armor.

The Orc Mage Reached forward and touched the knights arm. Vile blackness began to envelope the mirthral armor and then it began to crumble. As the Orc warrior and the knight traded blows the mitral armor disapeared totally. The King noticed them knight was just a boy. Or perhaps he just looked small with out the armor and next to the Orcs. The Warior Orc smiled evily and swung his axe for the boy's head. Fire enveloped the boy and he slid to the left the blow just glancing his shoulder. The fire armor set the orc and his axe on fire. The Orc Warrior stepped back slightly raised the axe above his head and swung down at the boy. As the axe aproached his head The boy's sword, burning hot itself, flashed out of the flames for a second. As the orc's axe hit it melted and the molten metal flowed around the boy and into the ground. The Orc stood there for an instant then it's head toppled backward and it's body toppled forward.

The Orc mage screamed in anger as the boy struck him again and again. A giant bolt of lightning struck the boy sending him realing the sword going one direction and the flaming armor disapearing. He crawled to his knees and looked helplessly over at his sword. The Orc Screamed a curse and charged at the boy his hands glowing with a black light that hurt the king's soul to watch.

And then it was over. The boy kneeling, his giant sword in his hands, the Orc mage impaled down to the hilt of it. The rest of the orcs broke and ran. He watched the orcs run past him the men chasing those that faltered. The boy turned as the king approached they smiled at each other. He closed his eyes as the rain began to pour.

Rain. Di'Fier sat up in bed. Hard rain. He looked at the small magical clock that his grandfather had given him. It was very early. Rain. Oh no. He hurled himself out of bed. The rainy season had begun. It was days before the weather wizards had forast it to begin. He grabbed his sword and his spell book and a bag of stuff he had started to pack and ran out the front door of the house. He didn't stop running untill he was at the dock. but it was empty. The ship that would take him to Highgate was gone.

A sailor supported by a crutch looked at him for a second. "There'll not be any boats leaving Freeport for at least 4 month lad."

Di'Fier looked at him for a second, "When did the Jade Queen leave port?" he asked.

"The Jade Queen?, She Shoved off a full 3 days ago."

"Three days ago? I gave him my fare for passage three days ago. . . he said he wasn't leaving until. . . . " Difier glared at the sailor as he Laughed at him soaked to the bone. in his sleeping clothes. ":mad: :eek: :eek: :mad: off," Difier said and cast a cantrip at the man. The man stared blankly as Di'Fier ran off into the night. A monent later he began laughting again.

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Jon Potter

First Post
Very nice.

So Di'Fier wanted to be a Spellsword even then. It's nice to see his dreams of youth being fulfilled in Di-Fier's adult life.

Now he just needs a nice suit of mithril armor...

You keep writing and I'll keep reading.


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Di'Fier huddled under the eave of a warehouse. He was shivering from the cold. He clutched his sword and spell book to him. keeping them out of the rain as best he could. He'd have to take the book to his mother in the morning to get it dryed out. but for now he just want to sit here in his funk. He had saved for a year and a half to get enough money for passage to highgate. it was all gone. All his friends were gone too. They had gone to highgate or Tamsual to begin adventures and he was still stuck here in Freeport. He was lonely.

He thought about them. De'on had been the first to leave. He had been discovered by the bard Parius while Parius was stuck in freeport during the rainy season two years ago. De'on was loyal and could always make them laugh. Di'Fier wondered where De'on was now. Next Kenna, Philiat and Vinnon had left before last rainy season. Vinnon had written once, he was training to become a Paladin. Imagine that. Not too surprising tho. Philiat had also written once. Telling everyone of his adventures in Highgate and that he was moving on to Tamsual. Di'Fier hadn't heard from Kenna which disapointed him the most. but there was too much hurt in freeport for her and she had to move on. He'd look her up in Highgate when he got there. Eyth, Yrus and Gyre had sailed to Tamsual to meet up with Philiat last summer. Di'fier had no doubt that they were either adventuring or running scams. Although if Eyth had anything to do with it they were off treasure hunting. He rummaged through his bag. He pulled the dull grey ion stone that Kenna had given him and held it in his hand then he stuffed it back in the bag. He sighed, he felt even worse.

Suddenly something in the distance caught his attention. A bird of some sort was struggling to fly through the downpour. Difier shivered as he watched the bird approach. It was crow. No. not a crow. Oddly Di'Fier felt slightly annoyed at himself for not knowing what kind of bird it was. The bird was flying directly toward Di'Fier and soon it alighted on the ground next to him.

It tilted it's head and looked up at him and said, "I'm a Raven, not a crow!"

Di'Fier looked at the raven. He wasn't sure if the cold was getting to him or if the raven actually talked to him. It had sounded slightly annoyed. He'd seen other wizards with Familiars at the guild, perhaps this raven was his. The raven climbed onto his knee and sat there shviering uncontrolablily. Di'Fier noticed that he too was shivering. He mumbled a few phrases and waved his hand slightly and dried the bird. he looked down at the happy bird and asked, "Ampiel, are you my Familiar?"

"I hope so." said the bird, "besides, how else would you know my name?"

Di'Fier had a cold. his mother was furious about his spell book. He had dried it out but the pages were slightly wrinkled and stained. Di'Fier thought that it gave the book charachter and since it still worked fine he didn't care. He had gotten the lecture about caring for his spellbook, again. He looked serious and listened half-heartedly, occasionally sneezing. Ampiel jumped and flapped his wings everytime he sneezed. Di'Fier was sure that he saw his mother smile each time it happened.
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Dulanos Crept up to the edge of the platform. fifteen feet below he saw his partner kneeling infront of Rheonvan. Rheonvan was an infamous theif know through out the kingdom. He had decieded to make Freeport his next stop while plundering the kingdom. He was notorious for stealing famous, magical and expensive items through out the kingdom. Dulanos and Caryddry had been tracking him as best they could him since he arrived. But he had proved a very slippery charachter. In fact it was only a missstep by Rhenovan that had led them here in the first place.
Rhenovan had made the mistake of trying to steal from Falthar, and while Falthar was home. Rhenovan wasn't able to take anything from Falthar's except wounds. While investigating Dulanos had discovered the trail of blood.

"The Freeport City Watch? . . . I think you are little out of your league today." Rheonvan said, pointing a rapier at Caryddry. "I'm under arrest?" his laugh echoed off the walls of the small warehouse.

Dulanos Recognized the sword. It was Aethyrraent Lonvan's sword. Lovan had been distraught when it disappeared. he said it was worth over 20,000 gold pieces. Lovan's father had been a famous adventurer and while Aethyrraent looked for his adventures in the merchant's district, rather than the mainland, he had kept his father's sword.

Luckily Rhenovan was not a swordsman. He was a master theif, adept at getting into the most secure places and getting out with out anyone noticing. lately he had become more violent He had killed a merchent soon after he had arrived in Freeport and had injured quite a few people. taking unnessissary risks. It was almost as if he want to be caught.

Dulanos obliged. He drank two of the three potions that his wife had given him. He rolled to a standing position and yelling, jumped off the platform, sword in hand. Caryddry was waiting for this, he ducked under Rhenovan's sword and tried to tackle the theif. Rhenovan surprisingly parryed Dulanos' blow and returned the attack slicing deep into the watchman's side,then sliced at the watch man trying to lift him up and drive him into the ground. Dulanos paused for a second, feeling the potions in full effect making him stronger and nimbler. He ignoreed the pain and struck the thief. Which the thief returned.

But Caryddry had gotten a grip on the man's wrist and Dulanos saw his opening sending Lovan's sword clattering to the ground. Alone Dulanos probablly could not take Renovan even with the buffing potions. And the two of them could not take him with that sword. but now they had the advantage. Caryddry had worked around and now had him immobilized in a choke hold. Dulanos reversed his sword and struck the man in the head with the butt. knocking him unconsience.

They had gone through everything in the warehouse. Rhenovan had been busy. Captain Jaric had congratulated them both. Only one item didn't fit. It was only worth about 300 gold. It was a beautiful, well made, bastard sword but the aprentice wizard had assured him that it wasn't magical or special. It was also the only item that they didn't have an owner for. Dulanos had decieded that he would take it to Falthar just in case.

But Capt. Jaric decieded,"We can't afford that, we can barely afford the aprentice wizards that do our detection spells."

"So what do we do with it" asked Dulanos.

"I don't care." said Jaric, "You could even take it home"

Dulanos did just that. He wasn't sure why. He knew that Di'Fier would get a kick out of it. His mother had him studying and doing wizardly stuff but the boy still loved swords. Perhaps he would give it to him thought the sword was taller than the boy was now. Perhas he would become a swordsman rather than a wizard.

"You gave him what?" asked Elenor watching Di'Fier try to weild the sword but he was barely being able to lift the tip from the floor. "He's going to hurt himself."
"We'll keep it out of his reach untill he's old enough to use it. Di'Fier please bring me the sword. Beside even your father has a sword, Ana. . . Anar . . . "
"Anarásolis . . . and that is a famous, intelligent sword. it has gotten him out of quite a few scrapes"
"exactly. Every wizard needs a sword . . . just in case. This one will be Di'Fier's."
"father's sword is a long sword . . . that thing is . . . well it's too big He'll need two hands to use it. How can he cast spells while weilding that sword?"
He'll just use his off hand, you can't cast spells and attack at the same time. We wouldn't let him use it untill he's big enough. I'll hang it above the mantel or something"
Elenor gave him a sour look
Di'Fier looked disappointed. but he slide the sheath back on the sword and carried it over to his father.

"Thank you. When you are older I'll teach you how to use it."

Difier shrugged and ran off to his room to get the wooden sword he had made.

"Perhaps he'll forget about it."

"I doubt that very much."

We skip back about 8 years here to when Di'Fier is only 10. A few Things of note: the rapier is actually a lawful rapier and so Rhenovan was at one level lower but didn't know it. When I began writing this (about a month ago) Di'Fier's father name was Di'Fier's Father. We had never named him and when we attempted to; none of the names fit. for that matter Di'Fier didn't have a last name untill last week. He has an Uncle on his mother's side named Jardek Anton. So we decieded that the faimly name was Anton. We had decieded earlier that most people especially commoners don't actually have last names. Di'Fier's father was just Watch Sergeant Dulanos. He didn't have a family name. So Di'Fier got his mother's last name.
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