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Di'Fier Anton: The Making of a Watchman


Good update!

My favorite Freeport Story Hour has given out two wonderful spin-offs/prequels, I'm very happy :D

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Di'Fier ran through the street, the sword gripped tightly in his hand. Behind him the hoards of Cumarigi close on his heels. He turned and slashed at the closest one it's pain obviuos as as is said "ow" and fell to the ground. But stopping had been a bad idea. Now the hoard tied to surround Him. He parried a blow from one but the other got under his defences and struck a glancing blow to his side. he ignored it. Striking the attacker and causing him to drop his sword.

The attacker looked up at Di'Fier and said, "No fair. I got you in the heart, you're dead."

"I am not you just hit my shirt. It barely touched me. Armor would have stopped it no problem."

"Who said you had armor?"

"We all have armor, but I killed Vinnon. I knocked him over. Besides there are 6 of you. I have to have armor."

"We need 6, Euth isn't here today and only he has a chance of beating you."

"I don't know Philiat, your hit came really close. I think you are improving."

The rest of the hoard arrived panting and wheezing.

Di'Fier had only been to the Wizard's Guild tower a few times. Today his mother had insisted that he come. She gave him the names a few books that had cantrips in them. He was to spend the day studying. He got the first book "wizard basics" and began reading.

He finished reading about an hour later there wasn't anything new in here. every spell memtioned was a duplication of something that he had spied in his mother's books. He could even cast a few of them. He looked at the next book on the list. "Disipline and hard work" and groaned. He and wondered into the stacks looking for the book. Who ever the librian was Di'Fier was certain he was mad. None of the books were where they should be. He was sure that the wizards had to use spells just to find the books they hunted.

Then He saw it. Not the Disipline book but a huge black book with a heavy steel binding. It didn't fit with the rest of the books on the shelf. He pulled it down. "Obscure Evocation" He grabbed it and a book on scribing scrolls hiding the evocation book behind the other as best he could. He found the closest study nitche and climbed in. Once in the nitche he discarded the scribing book and opened the black book.

The begining was an introduction for the reader who didn't know the basics. he skipped over that part. The second part was basic evocation spells. Di'Fier had read up on most first circle spells especially the evocation ones. If His mother was going to make him become a wizard at least he would be able to blow things up. He Started with the 2nd circle spells and began reading. Hours later he had read about every regular evocation spell 2nd through 4th circle. He had re-read fireball a number of times. Then it was on to the enhancements and odd Evocation spells that were more powerful and had surprising effects.

He didn't get very far. In his mind he heard his mother's voice. "Di'Fier. It is time to go home."

"O.K. I just have to return these books." He got up and headed back to where he found the books returning them to that location as best he could. he remembered the spot for the next time he would be here.

As he was about to leave he heard someone muttering the next row over. "Damn book. . . I know I put it here somewhere. . . I was sure it was the last row . . . we'll check there again. . . "

Di'Fier Ran to the end of the stack and watched as two wizadrds turned the corner. The one was extremely tall human with long grey hair and a long grey beard. He was wearing a long black robe that had stars on it. The stars seemsed to stay in place as he walked among them. Standing next to him was a gnome with deep black hair and wearing a bright red high collared wizard's outfit. The tall wizard said nothing but glared at the shelves as the gnome muttered on about the missing book.

Di'Fier looked to where he had just reshelved the book Obscure Evocation. The book was no longer there.

"Perhaps it is down further" said the gnome.

Di'Fier turned and ran.


First Post
"Don't run in the Guild Library." Di'Fier's mother scolded.

Di'Fier stopped and looked behind him. The wizards hadn't followed him. They probablly hadn't even seen him. They were too busy looking for the book. He wasn't sure why he had run but he felt safer now that he was with his mother.

He was sure that they were looking for the book that he had been reading. He would have to be more careful next time. He hoped that the book would be there when he went back. Perhaps he had looked in the wrong place it could not have disappeared.

"Are we coming back tommorow?" asked Di'Fier.

"We can. Why?"

"I didn't finish my book"

"Sure, but it will have to be early tommorow. I have things to do in the afternoon."


They both walked home smiling slightly to themselves.

There it was right where he left it. Di'Fier looked up and down the asile and then removed the large black book form the shelf. He had quite a few of the other books his mother had suggested and took them all to the nitche and crawled in. He began reading the book again. He lost track of time as he again immerced himself in the arcane lore.

Something caught his attention and he looked up in time to see the two wizards from yesterday walking towards him. He almost paniced glancing down at the book and then to the left where his other books were. He realized suddenly that he was now holding a bright red book with bright white pages and gold edges. He shut the book quietly and looked at the cover, "Wizard Basics". The wizards stopped in front of the nitche both pearing at the books that Di'Fier had in the nitche with him. When they didn't see what they were looking for. They Exchanged a look and then turned and headed toward the back of the Library.

Di'Fier looked at the book. It was smaller than the black book and looked brand new just like the one he had read yesterday. he filpped throught a few pages, exactly the same. Then he came to a blank page. there hadn't been any blank pages in the middle of the book. this was not the same book he had read yesterday. He put his finger at the blank page and looked for more oddities. None; but page 166 & 167 were blank.

As he looked words began appearing on the page. "They know I'm here somewhere. Please do not give me to them."

"I wouldn't." Difier Wispered. "Can you hear me?"

"Yes" appeared on the page. And after a pause "I need your help"

[slight edit to the story. made some world continuity alterations. you shouldn't notice them. I also added time between Di'Fier finding the book and the wizards seeing him.]
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First Post
Good to see DiFier finally getting his own SH too. I missed when you started this one, but very glad I noticed it today. Keep up the good work!

Just an idea, but I think you and Dru should sit down and collaborate. It;d be cool to see a co-written piece at some point about their first meeting, etc...


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we have actually talked a little bit about it and have a basic story. I have the begining from Di'Fier's perspective written as a first draft. The part untill they actually meet . . . or should I say bump into each other. I'm not sure how much longer Dru has untill she joins the watch from the current position in her story hour. Dru and Di'Fier met when they first joined the watch. I hope to have the story come out on our two story hours at the same time but from different perspectives.


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Di'Fier stared down at the book in amazement.

"I need you to take me home." it continued. "Put me in you bag. return the other books. and walk home. Don't worry the wards keeping books from being removed from the Library will not be active."

Di'Fier just stared at the page.

"This is Important!"

"O.K. when my mother takes me home." Di'Fier looked around. He probablly had over an hour untill his mother would take him home. When he looked down the book was back to it's original form. He flipped to page 166 & 167 but the blank pages were gone. He continued reading the book occasionlly watching for the two wizards to return. Neither wizard passed by him again. When the message came from his mother that it was time to go, he closed the book and placed it in his bag and slung the bag over his shoulder. He carrier the other books out to the return desk. The Red wizard was sitting behind the desk. He looked a little worried but smiled slightly as Di'Fier returned the books. Di'Fier was shaking like a leaf. He had never stolen anything before and he wasn't sure that he hadn't fallen asleep and drempt the whole thing. He wondered what the wards were that guarded the library against theives. They had to powerful. His mother was standing outside the doors.

"Come on Di'Fier. I don't want to be late."

He walked slowly toward the open doors, the weight of the book seeming to increase with each step. If the wards were working he would be caught trying to steal a book from the guild library his mother would be so embarresed, his father would yell at him. Uncle Fenwic would blame him for ruining the family name. He swallowed hard and stepped past the doors.

Nothing happened. He looked around and then quickly followed his mother. They left the Guild tower and walked home. No magical beasts had attacked them or were following them. He looked around quickly but saw only regular freeport folks. The book had told the truth.

"Hey mom." Di'Fier asked, "How do they keep people from stealign from the library?

She looked at him a little funny. "Well, there is a permenant teleport redirect spell on the whole library that send anyone teleporting out of the library to the basement somewhere. There is also a field that the books can't pass through. So if someone tried to walk out with a book under their shirt the book would stop at the library doors or at one of the windows. There is more for more persistant thieves but it is next to impossible to steal a book from the guild library. You don't have any plans?"

"Oh no!" He smiled, "I was just wondering.

When they got to their neighborhood his mother told him to return home and then she headed toward the temple district for her meeting. Di'Fier ran home and up to his room. He quickly opened the book to page 166, 167 and wispered "Hello" The page stayed the same. "Are you there?" nothing. He flipped through the book lookng for blank pages but found none. He gave up and began reading through the book.

A couple of minutes later there was a knock on his door. "Di'Fier?" It was his father, he quickly hid the book in his desk.

"Yes Dad?" He opened the door expecting to see the entire Feeport city watch ready to arrest him. His father stood there alone his hands behind his back hiding something. Something large.

". . . Since your mother is away for the afternoon . . . I thought I'd give you this . . " He pulled out a large wooden sword from behind his back. This wan't just some stick with a hand guard nailed to it this was a real paractice sword.


"One of the guys at headquarters owed me a favor and he's real good at making weapons. . . It's a practice long sword but I figured it is the right propotions for you to wield it as a bastard sword. Once you learn how to weild it then we'll try to teach you to cast spells with your off hand. . . then we can tell your mother about it. I also got you this. . . " he held up a quilted shirt and pants. "It is padded armor."

"Wow" Di'Fier was smiling ear to ear.

His father smiled and handed him the sword. Di'Fier held the sword in two hands and his father showed him how to grip it properly. He paused, "We should probablly go outside and do this, put on your armor and come to the back yard."

Di'Fier practiced with his father for hours. It wasn't untill close to diner time that they stopped. Di'Fier's fathr rushing him up to his room to change before his mother got home. It wasn't untill Di'Fier went to bed that he remembered the book. The book didn't talk to him but he stayed up late reading it.
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