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Di'Fier Anton: The Making of a Watchman

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DiFier said:
at the center of the room . There were all sorts of devices in this labatory. There was a culdron bubling in the fire place. Chains hanging from the ceiling. There was a metal chair covered in metal spikes. There were a number of clear orbs some empty, some containing small flames and some had hearts in them.

I just wanted to give a shout out to Claymore I used some of the"Items found in a Necromancers Laboratory" http://enworld.cyberstreet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=41122

To flavor the necromancer's labortory.

oh yeah new update coming tonight (?)


First Post
Everyone was bored. It had been weeks since "The Breakers" had decieded that they were a gang. They kept all the kids off the street. Demanding money to allow them to go outside like they were renting freedom. Luckily Di'fier and his friends had a hideout. The basement of the abandoned alchimest's lab near most of their homes. It had been empty and unused for years since it caught fire and destroyed most of the block around it. Needless to say the alchmist wasn't seen in Freeport again. The city had kept the building in his name in the hopes that he would some day return and then they could execute him.

There was lots of cool stuff in there, though nothing useful anymore, that had all been destroyed or stolen. The Building was only 4 away from Di'Fier's house and his was the first building not destroyed. His mother had saved the rest of the neighboorhood and probablly most of freeport when she snuffed the fire. Kenna had lived in the building next door, she still lived there but in a new house.

Ever since the incident Kenna had an odd facination with fire. Even stranger was that she was able to cast fire spells. She could send a single firey orb hurtling at someone or something or she could send a fan of flames our from her hands. she could light up an object. and a few more. Di'Fier recognized all these spells. He was studying them at the wizard's guild but Kenna didn't have to memorize the spells like Di'Fier's mother did, she just sorta knew them. Di'Fier had only figured out 2 spells so far: read magic and prestigitation. So far Di'Fier was the only one who knew Kenna's seceret and she made him promice to keep it.

Di'fier and Kenna could get to the hideout with out venturing far outside. They had a grate to the sewers direcly behind each of their houses. The lab had a grate in the sub basement which used to be a wine cellar. There were only 2 other grates that had access to this group and this section of the neighborhoods's sewers was barred off from the rest of the system. And of course De'on sort of lived there. He had drank most of the wine that hadden't shattered.

Euth, Vinnon, Yrus, Gyre and Philiat had a tougher time getting there. But they were there whenever they had the chance. Yrus was too fast, the Breakers couldn't catch him. Philiat could often sneak through the neighborhood but if was caught he fought his way out and ran. Gyre was much better at sneaking there but when he was caught they beat him up good. Euth could fight off 1 or 2 of them with out a problem. It was Vinnon who often arrived bloody and bruised.

"this sucks" said Vinnon "It is one of the longest days of the year and we have to spend it inside." He whiped the blood from his nose with a rag.

"why do we have to?" said Euth Gruffly "there are eight of us here. They will not mess with all of us."

"Yeah" agreed everyone. except Kenna and Vinnon.

"There are at tleast 12 of them and most of them are bigger than you, Euth" reasoned Kenna.

"they're never all out at once. besides being bigger doesn't make you a better fighter."

Everyone climbed down the stairs to the wine cellar, even Kenna and Vinnon. They crawled out into the alley. Euth marched them directly out onto the main street.

It was unnevringly quiet. Di'Fier saw two retired wizards from the guild walking in the opisite direction. One comented to the other on how nice and quiet the neighboorhood was.

They turned a corner and saw two breakers leaning agains a porch step. They got up looking angry, untill they noticed how many kids had just come around the corner. they both ran. Euth snorted but Kenna just said.

"they're just going to get Khaucer."


First Post
Hello. I'm adding a few more stories that I have. I finally have the story where Di'Fier first meets Dru from Di'Fier's perspective. if you wanna read it form Dru's POV go to Dru's last big post on this page

It was raining, there was nothing to do. Uncle Fenwic Was going on about the guild again.
". . . almost 4% of the Guild members don't pay their yearly dues. Sometimes for years. Balmor has twice skipped dues for 3 years in a row. They just let them back in. as if nothing had happened. And they don't like the idea I suggested that we charge them for the years in between before letting them rejoin. They say 'it's not about the money.' Of course it isn't about the money but blah, blah, blah blah blah. . . "

Difier Tuned him out. Fenwic wasn't even looking at him any more. Di'Fier Slowly slid out of his chair and Slung his bastard sword over his shoulder. He pulled on his cloak. Ampiel flew to sit on the hilt of his sword. "Boring" he said.

"Yes, Very boring."

". . .So you'll soon be a guild mage." Fenwic didn't notice Difier's preperations as he glanced at him. "It is a honarable family tradition. Your grandfather was High Wizard for quite a while. So you have a little bit of an advantage, I can begin teaching you how to do the treasury books if you like. The last Treasurer was stealing from the guild. Stealing. Imagine that. I myself found his treachery. Imagine stealing from the guild. He was keeping 2 books. He was actually a briliant man. 40 years of records, 2 books for almost 30 of those years and not a single calculation error. It reminds me of my teacher from years ago. I don't think he ever made a mistake. I think I've made 1 or 2 in the last 10 years. minor stuff. math is a facinating subject. I try to apply it to my magic. I can teach you my method I'm going to be publishing a book on it. did you know that almost one third of all the Freeport guild mages have published somtehing or other . . . "

Di'Fier eased the door shut and let himself into the rain. He wasn't exactly sure what he was doing or where he was going. He walked aimlessly for a while.

A man brushed by Di'Fier bringing him out of his daydream. He was standing in front of the freeport city watch headquarters.

He went inside. Captain Donnach was talking to a front desk attendant who Di'Fier didn't recognise, probablly hired since his father had retired.

The Captain looked up. After a moment he seemed to recognise Di'fier. "You're Dulanos' boy aren't you? Are you here to join the watch."

"yes." Replied Di'fier before he had even thought about it.

"Good, Good. We're a little short on watchmen right now, luckily it's the rainy season so it's quiet. Second shift starts in about an hour. What's your name again?"

"Di'fier. sir"

"Hognee get Watch Private Di'Fier a Watch Medallion"

Donnach turned to the look at the men in the back of the room, which seemed to be a lounge/office. "O.K. who wants to be Watch private Di'fier's partner.

No responce.

"He's retired watch Sergent Dulanos' boy."

That got an iteristing responce. Di'fier's Father was one of the few watch man who retired from the watch with honors and with all his limbs still intact. Still no one volenteered.

"Am I going to have to assign someone?" Donnach rubbed his temples, he looked like he was getting a headache.

Suddenly the front door flew open and a wet figure slammed into Di'fier hard, sending them both to the floor.

Di'Fier looked over at the thin elven figure pushing herself up from the floor. Her arms were covered with thin almost invisible scars. She looked angry. He heard Capt. Donnach yelling at her.

"What is the meaning of this? What makes you think that you can come charging in here like that, hurting my people?"

"I'm not hurt." Di'Fier responded as he climbed up off the floor. He didn't think that anyone heard him.

I was just . . . I'm going to join the Watch, what else," The elf snapped at Capt. Donnach.

Di'Fier stood up and brushed himself off. A Watch badge flew through the air and the Elf caught it.

"Fine." Said the Captain. "Watch Private Di'Fier, I think we've finally found you a partner."

Di'Fier looked at the captain and then at the Elf. He was hoping that he'd get a partner that was . . . well . . .More experienced . . . Someone who could teach him the secrets of being a watchman. She seems to be thinking the same thing.

"My name is Dru," she said.

"My name is Di'Fier."

"You two are assigned to the docks. Jafar, Gavin looks like you two don't have to serve the double shift."

The two watchmen that Donnach seemed to be talking to had totally different reactions. The one looked relived and tired. The other looked just as tired but shocked, like the elf had run into him and he still hadn't recovered.
He stammered "Captain . . . are you sure they just started . . ."

The other looked over at his partner and wispered a little too loudly "Jafar . . . shut up"

Most of the guards laughed. someone said something about jafar needing the money for his new girlfriend. and they laughed again.

"Don't worry Jafar." Said Capt. Donnach. "Di'Fier is Dulanos' son. He'll do fine. And The elf has special spirit I can tell. Besides there isn't anyone in the docks during the rainy season." He turned to Dru and Di'Fier "Well You've got a half hour to get ready."
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Jon Potter

First Post
Thanks for posting this Difier.

It takes me back to those halcyon days when there were three active Dru and Difier threads and I could get a freeport fix just about every day of the week.



Any chance you'll get around to finishing the previous story about Difier and the gang of older bullies?

Editted for Spelling.
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First Post
Jon Potter said:
Thanks for posting this Difier.

It takes me back to those halcyon days when there were three active Dru and Difier threads and I could get a freeport fix just about every day of the week.



Any chance you'll get around to finishing the previous story about Difier and the gang of older bullies?

Editted for Spelling.

Yeah. Soon actually. there are a few things I want to work on but the next update it is about half done. I kinda got a witing bug a few day ago.


First Post
well I got laid off so I'm gonna have some free time untill I get a new job. So I might have some time to work on the Di'Fier background. hopefully more coming soon

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