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Di'Fier Anton: The Making of a Watchman

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O.K. Well This new linux system can't read my .doc files so I'm gonna take this disk to work change it to a .txt file so then I can work on it I do have to get this story done. I'm gonna add a bit . in an hour or so now. just to give you a good cliff hanger.


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Remir walked up to her as soon as she had set down her fork. "We really need to talk" She pardoned herself form her guests and Walked with him to the back parlor.

"The book is Powerful tome on Necromancy. Uneas Treligan of Highgate is a powerful necromancer who has been researching it for years. he tracked it down to the guild library. It has been in freeport for since the Guild was established but even your father doesn't know how powerful it is.

Every page has the original Text obsured magically with a moderatly powerful text on the school of evocation. The clue to reading it is apearently hidden in the book itself.

The first day he arrived I was off on Guild business. Apearently He couldn't follow my library filing syate and could not find the book. In his agitated state he dropped some of his notes. I found them. I learned a little about the book he desired.

When he asked me to help him find the book I began making it invisible or moving it around the library with a variation of a reshelving spell I use. I didn't expect your son to find it. But he seemed intrigued by the evocation text. Uneas almost caught him with it but I created an simple illusion making the book appear to ba another book. Then using another illusion spell. I had it ask him to take it from the Library. I disabled the wards allowing him to safely remove it form the library. I worry that your son may have discovered the secret to reading the book.

Eventually Uneas decieded that the book was either never here or that someone else had found it. He returned to Highgate.

We have to secure the book now and copy the evocation text and destroy the original."


There was a knock at the door. Di'Fier turned. He heard his mother's voice at the door.

"Di'Fier. We're coming in." The door opened standing in the door way were his mother the gnome wizard and is father leaning against the wall across the hall looking slightly amused.

Di'Fier Stood, his mouth gaping open clutching the book to his chest.

"it's O.K." said his mother "Remir has explained everything to me. You don't have to protect the book anymore. "

Difier's Father steped throught the door with an odd look on his face "I've got a bad feeling . . . "

Suddenly the black wizard teleported into their midst. He grabbed Di'Fier as he was clobbered by a cascade of magic missles from Di'fier's Mother and the Gnome. Difier's father Charged into the room striking the wizard with a dagger.

Suddenly the world changed and Difier and the wizard were in a dank stone room with strange devices and skeletons hanging from the ceiling.

The wizard looked Down at Di'Fier "How do I read it?"


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Di'Fier looked at the wizard with a mixture of fear and confusion. "You don't know how to read?"

"bah." He grabed the book out of the boy's hands and cast a spell that Di'Fier didn't recognize. His' knees buckled and he hit the floor. everything went black.

Di'Fier awoke. He was locked in a cage in the room he had been teleported into. The wizard was sitting at a desk staring furiously at the book. Ocasionly he would mumble to himslef. Di'Fier took in the room. The stench was awful. Di'Fier's cage was sitting on a large metal table. at the center of the room . There were all sorts of devices in this labatory. There was a culdron bubling in the fire place. Chains hanging from the ceiling. there were tables covered with uncountable anchient tomes and modren magic books. Potions bubbled over flames or sat unused in wooden stands. There was a metal chair covered in metal spikes. There were a number of clear orbs some empty, some containing small flames and some had hearts in them.

Di'Fier winced as the door banged open and a slow wrinkily, grey fleshed man, shambeled into the room carrying a stack of books. The wizard looked over at the man and then at Di'Fier "ah you're awake." He walked over carrying the book. "how much of this did you read?"
"The whole thing Di'Fier stammered"
"interesting book. If you like fireballs and that sort of thing."
Di'Fier nodded.
"perhaps you know how to read it and you just don't know. unfortunatly Divination isn't my forte. I guess I'll have get the info the old fashioned way. He turned holding a sickly looking bone handled dagger.


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Di'Fier scrambled as far back as he could into the back of the cage. The wizard smirked and pointed the dagger at him, it began to glow. The man produced a key and set it into the lock turning it slowly. The metal scquealed as he opened the cage's door. The man reached in and grapped Di'Fier's shirt.

There was sort of a popping sound and suddenly there were 4 more people in the room. The red gnome wizard, Di'Fier's Mother and father all stood and watched. They were ready but they difering to High Wizard Volund of The Freeport mages guild. Volund was Di'Fier's Grandfather. Volund commanded somthing in draconic and the black wizard froze his hand still clutching Di'Fier's Shirt. Di'fier saw as his fingers struggled to maintain the hold but it was if a giant invisible hand was prying them off. when the man's hand released Di'Fier he floated to the center of the room. Suddenly he yelled out an arcane word he vanished from sight.

High Wizard Volund Lifted his hands and commanded "Return" and the black wizard was teleproted back from where ever he went.

A banshee's scream erupted from the wizard. it was echoes by a hundred voices outside outisde the room. The doors shattered as zombies and skeletons poured in ito the room all screaming. Di'Fier's knees buckled again he tried to run but his legs disn't seem to work. He clutched at his ears, tears poured from his eyes.

Dulanous, Eleanor and Remir turned and began fighting the undead. But there were so many. Remir disapeared in the sea of undead. Dulanos was thrust back as he sliced into the mass of undead. Eleanor called forth black bolts that struck the undead and dropped them but for everyone that they killed 2 more entered the room.

Volund ignored the zombies. He held up his hands and bits of metal, rope and other debries flew throught the air and wraped themselves around the black wizard. One particuarrly heavy leather strap wrapped around his mouth. The iron chair was pulled apart and then reached up and entangled the wizard. soon the man had disappeared, entombed in the scrap, only his nose was still visable.

Volund sliced the head off a zombie seconds after a glowing long sword appeared in his hand. He held it before him and in a voice that would make even the gods pause he commanded "STOP." The zombies and skeletons crumbled to dust. Then there was only quiet.
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Di'Fier sat at a desk in his grandfather's office in the guild tower. He flipped a page of the book and began meticulously copying the words in it. He had been copying the book for 2 weeks now four hours a day. His handwriting was now wizard precise and the copy he was making looked like a newer version of the book. Di'Fier was tired of this book. He knew it front to back and while he couldn't cast any of the spells in it he knew most of them by heart.

His Grandfather opened the door and entered his office. "Good afternoon, Di'Fier. You may stop for the day now."

Di'Fier set down the quill and inserted the page marking ribbons before he closed the books. He handed them to his grandfather who muttered a magic command and then set the books onto a beautifully carved wooden bookshelf with glass doors. He locked the doors and again locked them with magic.

Di'Fier cleaned the quill and capped the ink well. He set them in the black leather case with a red silk lining. He closed the case and wound the red silk cord around the two brass buttons fastening it shut. He set the kit in the lower drawer of the small, dark stained, wooden desk. He lifted the writing surface/front door and set into place, closing the desk.

"What did you learn today, Di'Fier?"

"I learned not to take books from the guild library."

His grandfather laughed. "No. That lesson you should have learned by the end of the first day."

“ . . . I learned I don't like books."

"I hope you are exagerating. Books are very useful and knowing one as well as you do this one is never a bad thing. What are the material spell components for Arichabald's Burst?"

"A pinch of coal dust and a drop of casmar oil."

"How about force blast?"

"Force blast doesn't have material components."

"See, You haven't just been doing busy work . . .But you deserve a day off. I'll tell your mother not to send you in tommorow. Go out and play. It is susposed to be a really nice day. but come in the day after that prepared to learn. I have assigned you to Remir you will help with the library. He has a reshelving wand that should be fun to use."

Di'Fier smiled, then looked at his grandfather can I see Anarásolis. His grandfather smiled and held out his hand, the sword shimmering as it appeared in his grasp.

"would you like to hold him?"

Di'Fier just nodded. Volund set the sword down on Di'Fier's outstreached hands. It was extremelly light.

"Hello" said the sword in Di'Fier's mind.

"Hi" said Difier. He smiled and handed to sword back to his grandfather. "I have a sword, it is bigger and much heavier than Anarásolis. My father says I can have it when I'm bigger."

His Grandfather smiled and the sword vanished from his hand. "Ah boys and their swords. When I was your age I made wooden swords and my friends and I would have wars in the streets." He smiled. "I'll see you in two days then." He opened the door to his office.

"good night Grandfather"

"Good night Di'Fier"
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Well this is the end of the stories of Di'Fier as a 10 year old (for a while?) the next set of stories are of 14 y.o. Di'Fier.


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Something woke Di'Fier. He heard screams from outside. His window was shattered. Then he heard an explosion, more screams, yells of "Fire." The magical clock his grand father had given him said it was 3:20 am. It was never wrong.

Di'Fier climbed out of bed and got dressed quickly. He could see the red glow of fire down the street. He headed for the front door. It was partially open. He looked outside everyone was running, some toward the glow from the right, most away from it.

Di'Fier Headed toward the fire. Kenna's house was burning. He began to run. The House next to Kenna's was gone it was just a pile of burning rubble. Di'Fier's Mother was Standing in the middle of the street her hands thrust toward the sky chanting. There were 4 watchmen surrounding her keeping people clear. Di'Fier hadn't heard the beginning of the spell but it was a long one.

The bucket brigade was just forming. His father was yelling orders to people. A man in white robes was standing between Di'Fier's Father and a large barrel. He chanted calling on his god to help him and these people. The large barrel filled with water. The buckets began to move.

The cleric called upon his god's protection and stepped into a burning house. Di'Fier lost track of the cleric as he joined the bucket line. The Cleric's water was going to run out soon. Di'Fier's Father sent him to see how close the line of buckets from the next street over was to getting there.

Di'Fier returned with bad news. But the street was in chaos. He didn't see his father or his mother or the cleric. Three more houses had collapsed more were burning. There were empty buckets everywhere. People were yelling and screaming. Many more looked on dazed not knowing what to do. Kenna's house creaked ominously then with a roar it collapsed.

Suddenly and with an unnatural sound a flaming figure appeared in the street it was clutching what appeared to be a body. The figure screamed words that Di'Fier couldn't understand but he recognized the voice . . . It was mother's. As he watched, dazed, the cleric ran from another burning building to his mother. She set the body on the street. It was Kenna, Di'Fier recognized her She wasn't moving. The cleric prayed and placed his hands on her. A bolt of lightning streaked across the sky. Kenna screamed. It began to pour.

Di'Fier's Mother began to sooth the girl. "It's Alright. You're fine.” She said. The rain put out his mother's burning cloths. She was unharmed. Kenna said nothing but stopped screaming she stared at her smoldering house. It was raining so hard that Di'Fier couldn't tell if she was crying or not.

Di'Fier's Mother noticed him standing there watching. "Di'Fier take Kenna to the house and let her sleep in the guest room. Then you go to bed too. Get her a night gown from my dresser."

"O.K." Di'Fier responded still dazed.

His mother helped Kenna to her feet and then led her over to Di'Fier. "Go on now." She said.

Di'Fier led Kenna to their house and let her into the guestroom. He then ran upstairs changing into some comfortable dry cloths. The rain was pouring into his window. He tried mending it the glass but the spell wasn't powerful enough and he couldn't find all the pieces. He replaced his half-mended widow and then headed to his parents’ room. He grabbed a nightgown from his mother's dresser and some towels from the linen closet and headed back down stairs to the guestroom. Kenna hadn't moved from where he had left her. He set the towels and nightgown on the bed. She was watching him. He headed for the door.

"Di'Fier don't leave." She pleaded. He was relieved that she was able to talk.

"I'm just gonna stand out side while you change." He stepped out side and waited next to the door. A few minutes later she opened the door. "Now go to bed. I'll see you in the morning."

She looked like she was going to cry. "Please don't leave."

Di'Fier went into the room and closed the door. She was crying anyway but she smiled at him and crawled onto the bed. He crawled onto the bed next to her. She slid over and wrapped her arms and legs around him, resting her head on his chest. After a moment of horror he wrapped his arms around her too, deciding that girls really weren't all that bad after all, especially Kenna. Besides she was soft and warm. They were asleep moments later.

It rained for 3 days after that. But the rain had stopped the fire from spreading and had eventually put out the fire. His mother was a Hero.

Tamreon the alchemist’s lab had exploded. They never found his body so it was assumed that he was able to escape or had not been there when the explosion occurred. The damage to the neighborhood was extensive. Five houses not including the alchemist’s were destroyed, 4 more had some fire damage and almost every house on the block took some kind of damage from the initial blast. Surprisingly only six people had died. The house to the right of the lab had taken the brunt of the explosion. All 6 family member's living there had died. Everyone else had been able to get out in time or was rescued.

There was a warrant out for Tamreon's arrest, If he was alive.

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