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Divine Avengers

J. Alexander

First Post

In reference to your question here is the deal.. i outlined a few books that i wish most of the sources to be drawn from but i tend to be very accomodating to players who wish to do the research and make me think along different avenues..Yes i will bitch and whine about it but as long as it fits along with the core concept of your character and you justify it someway in your background/history most anything is fair game. I lisited the books as a starting point from which to work.......so feel free.....and if worst comes to worst we will send a flurry of emails and post to each other..argue/debate/perhaps evne cuss under our breath until we reach an agreement....to me players have to have a stake in their character in order to keep their interest up over a long period of time as to give them as much fun seeing them grow...so...create and we can edit if necessary.

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J. Alexander

First Post

At third level he would have the ability to teach basic steps and manuvers.......off the top of my head I would say that a full instructor would be 5th level..and you will be spending the rest of your life learing from your superior...but no by 3rd level you would be no longer considered a student but a full brother.....


Ok, after sketching out a build or two, Ill go with Jessica as a cleric 1/Sorc2. Since I want to concentrate on being artillery, there should a be more focused cleric in the party.

Is there a default last name for bastards/orphans? such as Snow/Stone/Waters in "Song of Ice and Fire" series hmm I like the irony of her being named Waters, perhaps its the tradition of her orphanage. It would have been located somewhere in the valley, near a river or bay.
I'm actually happier with the suspicion placed on a sorcerer, it just adds to the official nervousness about her.

Can 3rd level be reached by training, or should the background include some violence?
Also how do you feel about lesser fire orbs from Complete arcane/spell compendium?


First Post
J. Alexander said:
Was that a whine :)....surely not for a blood soaked entrail wearing fighter type that you love to play :).

Never a whine from me. I love your dirty, gritty DM style.

And what can I say: I likes me some blood-soaked front line warrior types. Hell, even my cleric in your Great North game is more of a front line fighter than a priest. :D

J. Alexander

First Post

Sounds good and feel free to pick a surname for you bastard child :)....i imagine it would be regionaly oriented so pick one that you like. All the character will have achieved third level stickly thru training...and have limited real world experinece. As long as they are a spell i dont have a problem with them at all though i will have to give serious thought to them if they are reserve feats.

But he is so much fun to torment..cant wait till i get him back into civilization and he can finally address the charges against him for consorting with heatherns, actively participating in heretical acts...oh my it should be interesting indeed (picture your dm drooling here)


How would a monk go about learning? Perhaps studying scrolls of ancient masters or first hand experience? I'd love to play a monk, and am dead set on presenting one :) I just am curious as to how we would explain him leveling.

J. Alexander

First Post

Well of course it would be some course work and study but mainly he would advance and learn thru physical training much like the steps one take in earning a black belt in a martial arts...so in effect you could have many high level monks who have never actually done anything but training combats or matches.....usually there is one teacher and five students...in some advance classes it would be two or even one student per teacher.....


My background thus far:

[sblock=A Letter to the Preceptor]
Preceptor Fairfax,

Greetings old friend. I hope you are well. It is long since we corresponded and we must catch up. However, that will have to come from my next missive.

An incident occurred near the Unclaimed Lands at the village of C'ffey. Over a year ago, a young man called Garyd, a village hunter and scout, survived an encounter with some sort of undead beast. It left him pale, weak, and barely alive. If not for his family and his betrothed, he probably would not have survived as long as he had.

Fortunately, I had been on my way to minister to C'ffey as part of my circuit and arrived a day after the attack. They thought the boy was delirious with fever causing him to hallucinate and rave. They were overjoyed at my arrival and took me to him straight away.

My examination of him revealed that he was not suffering from a natural affliction. A foul beast of the risen dead had taken a piece of his soul! I quickly went to work and with the glory of the Light I was able to wrest the boy from the creature's unclean grasp. I searched for any sign of the creature lurking around the village but found none. I attended to my duties to the villagers while Garyd recovered and, when I left to continue my circuit, he was responding well to his family and betrothed's care.

I returned to C'ffey this year certain that I would be performing at least one marriage. My expectation was not met. Garyd's family told me that after his recovery he had become reclusive and hunted almost exclusively at night. His behavior had strained his familial bonds and had been responsible for his betrothal ending. The smith also accused him of stealing a sword from his forge.

I went to the boy to talk with him, who looked healthy despite the pale pallor of his skin. He told me a tale of a hunt that had taken a year to complete. Unable to recall the attack or where it had happened, he patrolled the village every night he was able since his recovery. He finally found signs of the creature's passing and began tracking it. The trail led him to a forgotten barrow mound. For weeks he watched the barrow until the thing finally left it.

He began stalking the creature. With horror, he realized the undead was headed toward the village. Garyd began a series of harrying attacks with his bow in an attempt to weaken or kill the beast. Finally wounding the thing, it broke away from Garyd and raced to the village. Only Garyd's intimate knowledge of the land enabled him to intercept it before it could arrive. In desperation, he attacked, using the sword that he had indeed stolen from the smith. In single combat he destroyed it then returned the body to the barrow mound.

I marveled at his story and requested to see the barrow mound. He took me there the next day without protest. Upon arrival at the mound I was immediately struck with the sight of the correct preparations had been made to put a soul to rest. Lacking any education, this boy had seen to Last Rites. He later told me it seemed to be the proper way to do things.

I examined the remains and came to the conclusion that this young man had survived a battle with a wight! Twice! Finally slaying it in single combat no less.

Some in his village say he has the Mark of the Unliving because of the pallor of his skin but I think he has been Chosen by St. Krypta, Patron Saint of the Dead and Souls at Rest. He has faced a terrible trial and become stronger for it. He cannot be allowed to languish in this place.

With your permission, I would send him into your care where you may have the Order train him as a Knight of the Light. St. Krypta's Chosen are rare and she has obviously chosen this young man to become a Hunter of the Dead. I think this is an opportunity that should not be missed.

He is strong, capable, and forceful. He has a determination that will grow even more powerful. This pale light should not be extinguished.

My thanks. I look forward to your reply.

Yours in Service to the Light,

Father Genrus [/sblock]
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First Post
J. Alexander, I've been reading your word document about the four lands and I'd like to ask you a few questions.

I'd like to play a knight, hailing from the borderlands.

I need a help on this matter: He comes from an order/suborder notorious for the fact that it is composed by extremely efficient and rude people, living in a harsh land (maybe on the very border with the northlands) with little or no courtesy. Well think about the thalesians, and Ulath above all.

Which one of the borderland kingdoms is the most appropriate for such an order?

J. Alexander

First Post

Impressive....but perpahs you should move it from the Borderlands to some villiage in the Valley proper closer to the unclaimed lands,, that would put it in the norhtern portion of the Valley and about mid continent..just a suggestion

Northwarden, Highgate or Menokin would work. I like the concept you can shock your civilized brethern :)

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