I have noticed a lot of abilities that by all logic should be in a different category.
Great Breath, for example, makes more sense as a mere Divine ability due to the costs being so insane. As a Cosmic, I'd almost want it to be able to create life at no cost, but have a cap on what you're capable of creating.
Other abilities like Elusion, Invincibility, etc. that zero out damage with a save are little different from subepic abilities that do the same (Improved Uncanny Dodge, etc.) and should almost be mere feats were it not for them affecting all attacks against you.
Then others, like Doppleganger, Extra Portfolio, etc. are so ridiculously powerful, they should almost be Transcendental.
What changes in ability tiers have you implemented as DMs?
Great Breath, for example, makes more sense as a mere Divine ability due to the costs being so insane. As a Cosmic, I'd almost want it to be able to create life at no cost, but have a cap on what you're capable of creating.
Other abilities like Elusion, Invincibility, etc. that zero out damage with a save are little different from subepic abilities that do the same (Improved Uncanny Dodge, etc.) and should almost be mere feats were it not for them affecting all attacks against you.
Then others, like Doppleganger, Extra Portfolio, etc. are so ridiculously powerful, they should almost be Transcendental.
What changes in ability tiers have you implemented as DMs?