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DM beats the players...


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I haven't DMed yet, I am looking forward to the oppurtunity sometime. The DM of my group is an outstanding DM (in my opinion), a pretty tough act to follow! And I'm sure He's having as much, if not more fun during the game as I am! But one day.... some day..... Yea, I yearn for that DM power.....sometimes. Oh, almost for got , Hong, please stop being a booger. :D
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Re: Patrick-S&S

R.X.DIEM said:
I, Hong, please stop being a booger. :D

use the word GOOBER at least once per day..gotta bring it back into style!!

as for dm/player. I have played for the better part of 10+ years and now I am getting my first run at being DM for a full time group. IT takes patience and practice and getting over the feeling of watching your critters die without taking it personally. It takes a few combats before you realize that the monsters are NOT your PC and that you are NOT attached to them beyond combat. I feel better now and getting on with running my pc's around the small forest center in bluffside like chickens with theier heads cutoff!

ps. Storyline and continuity is key. Research and reread your modules over and over again so you keep it fresh in your head. I reread the stuff at least once a day so on game day i know it off the top of my head and can just rattle it off natural style.


Iron Fist of Pelor
Tom Cashel said:

(now all the EN World vegetarians will be out to drown me in tofu...)

You mouthbreathing carnivore, tofu is a solid! You suffocate people in tofu, not drown them!

No, if you want to drown somebody, try a nice vat of soy milk -- or, better yet, a megabowl of miso soup. Just make sure it doesn't have bonito flake in it, or your vegetarian creds go all to hell....

ovolactopescomielovegetarian extraordinaire

Tom Cashel

First Post
Pielorinho said:

You mouthbreathing carnivore, tofu is a solid! You suffocate people in tofu, not drown them!

Actually, suffocate is what a person would do if smothered by tofu. Either way, that stuff is gross. And it's a semisolid at best.

Although I hear it tastes like chicken...

...if you cook it with chicken.

Never trust a "food" that doesn't have its own flavor.

Red Baron

First Post
EricNoah said:
I wouldn't want to... polish my character sheet.
Is this some kind of racial slur here, huh!? Watch it, mister. I've seen this phrase a few times recently -- like "Going Dutch," or being an "Indian giver" -- I find such phrases and their users repugnant.

You're just lucky your grandmother's not around... (or is she a racist, too?)


Iron Fist of Pelor
Tom Cashel said:

Actually, suffocate is what a person would do if smothered by tofu. Either way, that stuff is gross. And it's a semisolid at best.

Ahem. From Merriam-Webster's
Main Entry: suf·fo·cate
Pronunciation: 's&-f&-"kAt
Function: verb
transitive senses
1 a : to stop the respiration of (as by strangling or asphyxiation)

Secondly, tofu is wonderful if cooked right. Raw it's nowhere near as nasty as, say, raw pork or raw chicken or raw flour or raw rice. But cooked right, it's fantastically wonderful. I can make a pepper-crusted pan-seared bean curd in ginger-peanut aioli over wilted greens* that'll make you weep for joy.


*or "tofu kale stuff" if I'm not trying to sound ubersnobby


First Post
Pielorinho said:

Secondly, tofu is wonderful if cooked right. Raw it's nowhere near as nasty as, say, raw pork or raw chicken or raw flour or raw rice. But cooked right, it's fantastically wonderful. I can make a pepper-crusted pan-seared bean curd in ginger-peanut aioli over wilted greens* that'll make you weep for joy.


*or "tofu kale stuff" if I'm not trying to sound ubersnobby
Yea, Right !heh heh heh, he said "bean curd"! :D


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
Tom Cashel said:

Although I hear it tastes like chicken...

...if you cook it with chicken.

Never trust a "food" that doesn't have its own flavor.
I hear human tastes like chicken, too. Does this mean I can no longer trust any of you? ;)

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