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Dming with a computer


First Post
Hello everyone,

The game I am currently running just moved to a new location and the new room we play in has computer right next to my seat!

I would like to use some of the online tools for dming but I dont know where to start.

Any reccomendations on material or any tips would be welcomed enthusiasticly.

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Start slow.

Don't think you can use the computer to actually run encounters right off the bat. Computers can be very frustrating if you're not 100% competent with them.

In one group I was in, the DM was going to university and taking computer courses (that was his specialty there). So one would presume he knew what he was doing when he used DMGenie. First he used it to make monsters, then to run combats.

That thing was a pain. There were minor irritants and two major incidents. Pretty much everyone was suffering encumberance penalties they shouldn't, because the program couldn't handle things like "dropping that bag" properly. One time I had a camel carry a hundred arrows for my ranger, but my ranger character wouldn't carry more than 20; either the program couldn't, or the DM didn't realize, that you could stat up the camel and have it carry the arrows. Instead he insisted on cataloguing every copper piece and arrow on the computer, and of course I suffered encumberance for that. I literally couldn't spend money fast enough, and on those occasions I managed to trade cash for gems and other such things, there was still that problem of a hundred arrows I wasn't actually carrying. Grr... but that was a minor irritant. Also came dice rolling. He rolled on the computer (a good thing... I swear that green d20 was unbalanced to roll high) but we still rolled dice. Sometimes we were supposed to state our "natural" roll. Other times, it was the whole thing ("does AC 29 hit?"). Seeing how we were university students, maybe you would think we were intelligent enough to remember which convention to use, made easier since we were always supposed to use the same one. But of course that didn't work out. We got contradictory signals, and sometimes the computer made math errors, too. Fiddling with magic bonuses also got annoying. If it's annoying keeping track of who is getting bonuses from the Bless spell, it's three times as annoying when the computer has to do the same thing instead.

One time, the DM statted up some classed NPCs. However, apparently their equipment disappeared. I don't know if this was a computer bug or his fault. Whatever. So he just told the computer give them this AC (with large untyped bonuses). Later the equipment was added on, doubling their AC (double above 10 at any rate). He didn't notice this massive jump. Even when combat started and we would roll a natural 17 and still couldn't hit the opponents, he didn't realize there was a problem. Such an error couldn't occur with pen and paper. The battle became long and boring rather than something interesting (magic had changed dramatically due to a plot event; we fought our first druid, and so forth).

Another time, the DM statted up some orc-ogre crosses. I don't think he used the half-ogre template (fortunately?); in any event, he messed up their stats (they basically had 10 for everything before adding +6 Strength/Con). So instead of tough monsters we basically fought wimpy orcs. Never mind the overly-low CR, that's not the fault of the computer. (It was supposed to be challenging.) These monsters were new to the world, and were a huge plot event. Instead, the program gave them -3 to all their saves (and the low stats didn't help). Our cleric stunned four out of five attackers with a single 2nd-level spell, then they got blenderized so fast my character only got to Rapid Shot once before they all died. I had my character throw away his spear that battle. He had a spear all the way from level one 'til now (he was at least 6th-level by this point and less than 11th); the orcs started the battle with a charge, so of course I was hoping to stick one, but instead the only unstunned monster was killed too quickly to do that. Of course, that saved me a few pounds, not that it made much of a difference with those hundred arrows.

So I guess I'm saying make sure the computer doesn't slow you down, and make sure you know how to make NPCs as well on a computer as on paper, etc. The computer doesn't actually arrange stats for you.


www.d20srd.org is my main resource on my laptop during play.

I find that I need to have monster & NPC stats in print (printed out or in a book), right in front of me, so I can pencil in temporary changes on the fly.


Mark CMG said:
Check out the demo and reviews for the SRD 3.5 Revised (Full) Bundle from Creative Mountain Games, the Gold Standard in SRD access. You won't regret it. The creature stat blocks pdf, alone, is worth its virtual weight in virtual in-game gold.
I'd just like to say that while I use d20srd.org as online ressource, there have been a number of times when I couldn't go online (I'm taking my laptop with me), and I have really grown to appreaciate the CMG pdfs. I use them to print out seperate stats, to make up characters, etc.

And to think I didn't look at them for almost half a year! Now I've got a permanent shortcut on my desktop that takes me to the bundle.

Though while I'm praising: I'd really like to have the monster stats in the new statblock format. Any thoughts on that, Mark?

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
Berandor said:
Though while I'm praising: I'd really like to have the monster stats in the new statblock format. Any thoughts on that, Mark?

I've been toying with the idea but it's a substantial time commitment and I've been in the process of moving (for too long, now). With WotC's confirmation that 4E is not right around the corner, it becomes more of a possibility. There are, however, a couple of shortcomings to the new stat blocks that I'd have to find a way to address, such as the lack of an AC breakdown. Anyway, keep an eye on CMG's website and I'll certainly post news on the matter should it become a reality.

Another thing I thought of that is worth having on the computer for the "Laptop DM" or "PC DM" are extra free adventures, in case the group takes a left turn and you don't want to have to force them back on track. They are fun to read through and keep available. I've compiled a thread of free adventure path fodder that can be found here.


I use my laptop when i dm though ido not use any of those resources. I find ms word documents converted into pdf format does the job for me alongside a dice roller program. i dont feel i need anything else. i just use it to prevent me from printing out (and loosing) reams of papers and NPc sheets etc.

Be careful though, many players do not seemt o like DMs using computer at the table. In my groups case it was the computer itself - the DMs in my group are pretty open and dont tend to use DM screens, though the laptop screen served as a DM screen, which most of my pcs were uncomfortable with.


I actually have a double monitor set-up. I use my laptop and a freestanding flat screen on a swing-arm. I keep the SRD open on one screen, and my adventure/notes/map open on the other.

Sometimes I bring up preselected images to show the PCs - so I like to be able to swing the monitor around and let them look. It's great!

Someday I'd like to add a projector so I could do maps on the tabletop and other really neat stuff.

Having XP calculators, dice rollers, a conversion factors website, the WOTC free adventures page and Crystal Ball on hand for instant NPC generation is also really handy in emergencies.


Azer Paladin
I use DM Genie extensively in my sessions, but I agree with the original post -- go slow.

Primarily I use it to be an instant reference to look up monsters, pregenerated NPCs, spells, feats, etc. I do not use it to run combats, program in my group's PCs, or actually track an adventure. But with it, I can look up a spell or a feat faster than I can physically with a book (handy when a PC says 'I cast Aganazzar's Scorcher'). Sometimes, when I'm feeling fancy, I'll use DM Genie to build a monster on the fly (fiendish dire rat, ogre mage with 5 levels of fighter, etc), if I need a quick opponent. I've been using DM Genie for several years, and I highly recommend it, but too much computer use in a session can bog the game down, be distracting, and otherwise not add to the session.

Lastly, I keep a log of my campaign in a MS Word file to track unidentified treasure, xp rewards, and pertinent campaign info (major events, dates, etc) - here's a sample of what a session's note might look like:

• Elesias 18th, 1374
• 5 Players (Ian didn't make it)
• XP - Encounter Thifirii (CR13), Shield Guardian (CR8), Zarn (CR12), 5 Gnolls (5x CR8), Resurrect Tosh (CR12), Freed 20 statues of Var (CR5 x20)
• Xuthah woos Coryl Lightspire
• Damon makes magic items (3 days)
• Denoument 1 Week until meeting
• UNIDENTIFIED TREASURE - +1 full plate, +1 greataxe, +1 leather gloves ogre power, silver amulet of natural armor +1, ring of protection +2, headband of intellect +2, amulet of natural armor +2, cloak of resistance +3, bracers of armor +4, wand of magic missile (CL 3, 23 charges), figurine of wondrous power obsidian steed, spider rod (FRMF), staff of size alteration (40 charges), +3 brilliant energy greatsword, harp of charming


Go very slow.

Speaking as a professional programmer, I've found that all I can reliably use my computer for is:
1) Using an electronic SRD (either Sovelior's from this site, the one at www.d20srd.org, or CMG's pdfs)
2) Keeping my adventure notes (I use a rather complex HTML setup, but anything rapidly searchable would work)
3) If I'm feeling *very* fancy, AND I'm adhering close to the RAW, AND it isn't time sensitive, use an electronic character program (like PCGen [my fave], or GMGenie, or e-Tools)

Anything else more complicated has failed miserably for me, most often because of time required issues, but lack of functionality runs a very close second.

Voidrunner's Codex

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