D&D 5E DMs: How Old Are You?

DMs Only: How Old Are You

  • Teens/High School

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Early 20s/College

    Votes: 11 4.9%
  • Mid 20s -- Early 30s/Just Starting Out

    Votes: 38 17.0%
  • Mid-30s - Early 40s/Young Kids and Stuff

    Votes: 96 42.9%
  • Mid 40s - 50s/Settled

    Votes: 76 33.9%
  • 60s+/Older than Vecna ;)

    Votes: 3 1.3%


Totally non-scientific poll, because it came up in another thread. Note that I am using both "stage of life" ages and numbers because hard year limits sometimes exclude people.

EDIT: And just to be clear, I am asking only DMs to answer (but you can *also* be a player).
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39 currently but have been DM'ing since I was 9 or 10, not sure what help this small sample of information will garner us.


49. Does that make me a grognard?

I think the age at which you are considered a grognard is a moving target, being that it is a relative term.

Essentially follow the following formula which you might find correct under most circumstances (assuming the conditions):

if a/2 is > x,
then g = (a - x) + √a(e)

if a/2 is < x,
then g = a + √a(e)


g = the lower limit age of grognardism
a = your current age (√a is the square root of your age)
x = age at which you first played D&D
e = the mathematical constant 2.7182...
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39 currently but have been DM'ing since I was 9 or 10, not sure what help this small sample of information will garner us.

Like I said, non-scientific. I am curious, though, how the ages skew, even from the limited sample that is EN World. We know from previous polls that En World and other forums tend to favor DMs over players -- one of the going theories being that DMs spend more time thinking about the game -- and I wonder if it is more typical for those DMs to be older.


I'm close to 30, but I've been DMing 1 out of 100 games I've been to since I was 16 (IME this is true for almost every DM I've known)

Jeff Carlsen

Your age ranges are a little strange. I'm 33, which I consider early thirties, but I have young kids and stuff. I've been DMing since I was a teen.


Your age ranges are a little strange. I'm 33, which I consider early thirties, but I have young kids and stuff. I've been DMing since I was a teen.

Eh, 33 with young kids sounds close enough to Mid-30s to early-40s to me.

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