D&D 5E DMs: How Old Are You?

DMs Only: How Old Are You

  • Teens/High School

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Early 20s/College

    Votes: 11 4.9%
  • Mid 20s -- Early 30s/Just Starting Out

    Votes: 38 17.0%
  • Mid-30s - Early 40s/Young Kids and Stuff

    Votes: 96 42.9%
  • Mid 40s - 50s/Settled

    Votes: 76 33.9%
  • 60s+/Older than Vecna ;)

    Votes: 3 1.3%


At 65 I'm the oldest one here... so far. But I'd never even heard of RPGs until I was nearly 30, in '78 or '79. Never married, no kids. Also haven't played in about 5 years, but I keep hoping! But I've been lucky in that I've been able to play about as often as I've DMed.

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First Post
At 65 I'm the oldest one here... so far. But I'd never even heard of RPGs until I was nearly 30, in '78 or '79. Never married, no kids. Also haven't played in about 5 years, but I keep hoping! But I've been lucky in that I've been able to play about as often as I've DMed.
Sorry, young man, but I'm 68 :] and I've been DMing since 1977. I claim the internet !


I'm 40 and like quite a few folks here I started playing in the 80s with the Red Box.
I've been DMing since my 2nd game of D&D.


39. DMing since '89 (14).
Sorry OP, I'm not trying to be argumentative (Really!) :) But I really don't agree with the "life stage" qualifiers, even when they are re-qualified with regional nuance. My players (in this and previous groups I've DMed) range from mid twenties to early 40s, but are in quite varied stages of life which are not aligned with age. And we are in Northern Michigan, too (so very Mid-West).
Again, PLEASE don't see this as an attack. I DREAD coming off as comfrontational! But my experience is so different from that paradigm that I had to throw in my 2 cents, espcecially if we are trying to understand DMing through those social markers.

I am 52 with a six year old. Started playing in 1974 (with photocopies of the original rules - not sure what version. Started DMing in 1979-ish, played for a few more years until I started my 30 year hiatus. Got back into it a year or so ago, now just trying to find a group to play my world for in the interior of BC

Voidrunner's Codex

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