D&D 5E DMs: How Old Are You?

DMs Only: How Old Are You

  • Teens/High School

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Early 20s/College

    Votes: 11 4.9%
  • Mid 20s -- Early 30s/Just Starting Out

    Votes: 38 17.0%
  • Mid-30s - Early 40s/Young Kids and Stuff

    Votes: 96 42.9%
  • Mid 40s - 50s/Settled

    Votes: 76 33.9%
  • 60s+/Older than Vecna ;)

    Votes: 3 1.3%

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First Post
I am 41. Son is 15 and a DM. Daughter is 12 and a player. Wife is of unspecified age and a commoner.

I have been DMing since I was 9. Loving every minute of it.


Heh. I think this poll demonstrates one thing very clearly. Us En Worlder's are OLD. :D Bring on the NEW. Good grief, not ONE teen age DM? 179 votes and not a single one? Yeeesh. I hope that's just skewing because of where we are. I'd love to see a similar poll on other sites - WOTC, Paizo, that sort of thing. Three quarters of us are mid thirties and older? :/

42, been DMing since 1980 or so.


First Post
Here's a thought for you: given the demographic that we seem to represent, why is the typical PC aged about 17 and single?

Maybe "married, with kids" should be the default background for PCs?


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Here's a thought for you: given the demographic that we seem to represent, why is the typical PC aged about 17 and single?

Maybe "married, with kids" should be the default background for PCs?

Why because PCs should mirror players? Was there a poll indicating most PCs are teens and single?


Being an adventurer is a big hinderment for getting married and having kids. Mainly because the possibility of death is increased estimately by 800%.


First Post
Why because PCs should mirror players? Was there a poll indicating most PCs are teens and single?

I'm going to suggest an answer to my own question. Role-playing a character that is younger than you is okay because you can remember what it was like to be that age. Role-playing a character that is substantially older than you is harder because you don't know what it is like, all you can do is to imitate older people which is less convincing unless you are a good actor.

Maybe we play D&D so that we can throw off the burden of maturity and act like children again for a while.



Heh. I think this poll demonstrates one thing very clearly. Us En Worlder's are OLD. :D Bring on the NEW. Good grief, not ONE teen age DM? 179 votes and not a single one? Yeeesh. I hope that's just skewing because of where we are. I'd love to see a similar poll on other sites - WOTC, Paizo, that sort of thing. Three quarters of us are mid thirties and older? :/

Hussar has a point, that is the first thing I noticed when I saw this thread (no teens).

37, married, working on kids, started playing around '88 D&D Basic
Sadly, have predominantly DMed


First Post
Being an adventurer is a big hinderment for getting married and having kids. Mainly because the possibility of death is increased estimately by 800%.

Yup. But look at it the other way around. For a married parent to have taken up adventuring, there must have been a powerful motive of some kind. That's a plot hook for the DM to leverage !

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