D&D 5E DMs: How Old Are You?

DMs Only: How Old Are You

  • Teens/High School

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Early 20s/College

    Votes: 11 4.9%
  • Mid 20s -- Early 30s/Just Starting Out

    Votes: 38 17.0%
  • Mid-30s - Early 40s/Young Kids and Stuff

    Votes: 96 42.9%
  • Mid 40s - 50s/Settled

    Votes: 76 33.9%
  • 60s+/Older than Vecna ;)

    Votes: 3 1.3%


Your age ranges are a little strange. I'm 33, which I consider early thirties, but I have young kids and stuff. I've been DMing since I was a teen.

That's why I went with Stage of Life elements too, because the ages shift a little depending of geography. Having lived in the south, the midwest and the northeast, that "married with a couple young kids and our first house" period is anywhere from early 20s (south and midwest) to mid 30s (northeast).

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I am 45 and I have a young kid (3 year old). This is not uncommon for my generation.

It is certainly getting more common. It looks like you are from CA, which has an impact too. Some of the folks I grew up with in OH are grandparents at your age. (Note, I am not judging either way.) I live in the NE and we started having kids in our late 20s, which generally is a little early for here.


55 as of Sunday (sorta...February 29th actually), so you can put me down for 55 years old but only having 13.75 Birthdays! :)



Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
It is certainly getting more common. It looks like you are from CA, which has an impact too. Some of the folks I grew up with in OH are grandparents at your age. (Note, I am not judging either way.) I live in the NE and we started having kids in our late 20s, which generally is a little early for here.

My wife has high school friends who are grandparents (from North Shore of Hawaii). It does vary by culture. But, for my region, my having an almost-4-year-old is not unusual.


First Post
My wife has high school friends who are grandparents (from North Shore of Hawaii). It does vary by culture. But, for my region, my having an almost-4-year-old is not unusual.

So true. My wife and I are both 46 and we have a 13 year old, 9 year old and a 5 year old. A lot of our friends of the same age are in the same boat in terms of kids.

Voidrunner's Codex

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