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DND 3.5 "Pain Pride and Prejudice" [Interest/Recruiting]


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Well, I had been toying with the idea of playing a Lycanthrope of some kind, or a Lizardfolk Barbarian(or fighter)/Druid, but with the Lizardfolk, I'd have to begin without any class levels, as they have 2 racial hit dice and an LA of +1... leaving them at ECL 3 right off the bat, unless I misunderstand how racial hit dice and LA interact. Would something like this be allowable?

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First Post
You are right in assuming that ECL = LA + Racial Hit Dice + Class lvl Hit Dice.

If you chose to play a lizardfolk, yes you would just be the monster type with different stats and no class levels. :p would be an interesting character type.


First Post
Well, the SRD in my signature has the relevant Unearthed Arcana information, if that helps you at all. The material is listed as "Variant rules".

I'm thinking about playing a Lizardfolk Barbarian/fighter and eventually moving into Dragon Disciple as levels and such allow, reflecting the character's perception that dragons are the epitome of his aspirations. Powerful, intelligent, and respectable. If it appears we're without a healer, I'll have him take a few levels of druid to acquire some healing spells.

Does this sound alright with you? I'm fairly flexible in what I'm doing atm, as I'm not sure exactly where I want to take it, so I'll likely just go how the campaign flows as much as possible.

Edit: hrm... I'm having trouble finding a program which does point-buy in your method to draft out the type of thing I'm trying to do... I usually use
For a quick looksee, but that doesn't use the right point buy. I suppose I can use it as a general guideline though.

Edit #2 Additional question:
What rules are you using regarding starting wealth/gear for the campaign. >.> Keep in mind if you're allowing me to play a level 3 Lizardfolk, I have no class until my first level increase.
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First Post
Enough interest has been shown on this game setting for me to announce its release. Recruitment ends on May 1st (edited main post to show this). Game will begin on May 2nd.

Just to give you an idea of where we are currently sitting.

4-6 players, The team I will be DMing will be one of each of the four main classes (Tank, Support, Heal, Arcane) and two additional teammates. Will be doing a first come first serve on the positions listed below.

Tank - Creamsteak has claimed this position with his Orc Knight.

Support - Arkhandus has claimed this position with his Dragon Shaman.

Healer - Still Available

Arcanist - Jemal has claimed this position with his warlock/paladin.

Add 1 - Pneumatik has claimed this position with his Shifter Fighter.

Add 2 - Theroc has claimed this position with his Lizardfolk Barbarian.

*Great Ideas all around, would like to see character sheets and backstories*

Have seen interest from the following but do not have set character concepts;


Edit @ Jemal - Sorry about misspelling your name, no offense was intended. :p
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A few different concepts to propose:

A: Redeemed Warlock (Paladin/warlock). This would require the Paladin of Freedom variant from the UA (also the d20srd.org link theroc mentioned earlier), as warlocks must normally be chaotic or evil, and paladins have to be lawful good. If you were to allow access to the freedom variant, it's a CG paladin, which would allow me to play the Warlock/pally. I can still play it without freedom, it's just harder.
This concept would (If we reach high enough level) eventually lead into the Enlightened Spirit PrC (Complete Mage)

B: Combat Medic (Cleric or Favoured Soul). you know the type. Probably war/healing domains, hopefully ending up in the Pious Templar PrC (Complete Divine).

C: Combat rogue/Sneak (Orc Rogue). Pretty basic rogue with an orcy twist. He'd still be very sneaky and dextrous, but unlike his halfling counterparts, not so easy to stop if you DO catch him. Possibly leading into Nightsong Enforcer(Complete Adventurer).

All three of these types would be melee for combat purposes, but would fill different niches. The warlock would be a very smitey character, charging headlong to prove himself. The medic would be more concerned with keeping his companions up, whether that means inserting himself between them and the oponents, or healing. The sneak is straight DPS.

As far as personality/background goes, those would vary widely for the three, but they're all party-friendly. I'm just suggesting the base info to see which you'd prefer in your game.

Also, I mean no offense by this, but I really cringe every time someone mispells my name. It's Jemal with an E, pls. :)
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First Post
Since you've expressed dislike for Lycanthropes, I'll just go with the Lizardfolk. Not sure what 'support' is, but I guess I'd be the second "other party member" unless the other roles remain open as I level.


First Post
@ Jemal - I rather enjoyed reading over your ideas, and The paladin Warlock looks 'interesting'. However, I don't have unearthed arcana.

I will give you the ok for the other 2 if you want to create one of them, but I will need to borrow UA from my friend to look over the variant for the first one. Will post the accept/decline later tonight when i get the chance. I will mark you down as the arcanist to save the spot, taking the warlock into consideration.

@ Theroc - I will mark you down for lizardfolk to save the spot, and take a look into the UA for you too, Will look at the variant that you pointed out in your first post.

@ everyone - My definition of 'support' is bard, rogue, ranger, druid, scout, ninja etc. A supporting role, whether its a flank dmger, or a tracking/trapfinding specialist. Any roll that doesnt fit the tank/heal/arcane spots that helps the party succeed. *Typically can be identified by its larger than average amount of skill points.*

"Here are your mandatory 32 skill points, trapfinding, and sneak attack. Thank you for shopping Rogue! We hope to see you back again soon, for our Evasion special!"
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First Post
Sounds to me like I'll end up a support character then, seeing as I was going for 'offtank/damagedealer' initially, but if the party composition leaves a hole, my character will likely seek to shore those gaps.


First Post
Well, looks like I'll finish working on my Dragon Shaman concept, then. Sort of a healer but more of a support character....... Dragon Shamans don't get any major healing until 7th-level, and the Touch of Vitality is fairly limited compared to a cleric's healing. So, stick Seamus O'Brady in whichever of those two slots nobody else fills. Now I just have to try finding the site I did years ago describing Scottish (or was it Irish?) English terms.....somehow......

For that matter, can anyone point out if "Seamus O'Brady" is more of an Irish name or a Scottish one? I'm not from the UK or thereabouts so I'm not really up to snuff on the important cultural differences.

DM Tiali: What starting gold do we get, and what starting hit points? For Seamus, I've just assumed for now that it's average DMG-listed starting gold for 3rd-level and max HP for 1st-level + half the maximum roll for each additional level (so 5 from each of his d10s past 1st, + Con bonus).

Edit: I'm still working on his background, but stat-wise he looks like this. Whaddya think folks, should his 3rd-level feat be Combat Expertise (to lead into Improved Trip later), or Improved Initiative, or Negotiator, or Skill Focus (Diplomacy)?

Dragon Savant Seamus O'Brady, Male Human Dragon Shaman 3, XP 3,000
Tanned Caucasian Skin, Curly Brown Hair & Sideburns, Brown Eyes
Age 23, Height 5'-11", Weight 165 lbs., Medium-size
Alignment: Lawful Good, Patron Deity: Bahamut
Languages: Common, Draconic, and Halfling

Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14

HP 26, Nonlethal 0, AC 20, Touch 12, Flat-Footed 18
Fortitude +5, Reflex +3, Will +3, Speed 30/20 ft. (run x4)
BAB +2, Grapple +4, Melee +4, Ranged +4, Initiative +2

MW Morningstar +5 melee for 1d8+2 bludgeoning/piercing (20/x2)
Javelin +4 ranged for 1d6+2 piercing (20/x2, 30 ft. increment)

Combat Reflexes, Vexing Flanker, Skill Focus (Survival), Combat Expertise/Improved Initiative/Negotiator

Climb +3 (5 R, +2 Str, -4 ACP), Diplomacy +5 (3 ccR, +2 Cha), Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (3 ccR, +2 Int), Knowledge (Nature) +5 (3 R, +2 Int), Search +5 (3 R, +2 Int), Survival +5 (2 R, +0 Wis, +3 Feat), Swim -5 (5 R, +2 Str, -8 ACP)

Class Features:
Dragon Shaman Proficiencies (all simple weapons, all light armors, all medium armors, all shields except tower shields), Draconic Aura +1 (swift action to project out to 30 feet, ends when unconscious or dead or dismissing as a free action, cannot project multiple auras at once, knows the auras of Electricity Shield 2, Presence +1, Senses +1, and Vigor 1), Totem Dragon (Bronze, bonus class skills: Disguise, Survival, Swim), Skill Focus (bonus feat with one of the totem's skills), Draconic Adaptation (Water Breathing, Ex, can breathe and cast spells or use other abilities freely underwater)

Racial Traits:
Medium Humanoid (Human), Speed 30 ft., bonus feat, extra skill points, favored class: highest-level class

Masterwork Morningstar (308 gp, 6 lbs., one-handed melee), Dagger (2 gp, 1 lb., light melee/thrown), Light Crossbow (35 gp, 4 lbs., ranged projectile), 20 Bolts (2 gp, 2 lbs.), Masterwork Heavy Wooden Shield (157 gp, 10 lbs., +2 AC, -1 ACP, 15% ASF), Magic +1 Breastplate (1,350 gp, 30 lbs., medium, 20 ft. speed, x4 run, +6 AC, +3 MDB, -3 ACP, 25% ASF), Traveler's Outfit (free, worn), Traveler's Outfit (1 gp, 5 lbs.), Tent (10 gp, 20 lbs.), Backpack (2 gp, 2 lbs.), 2 Belt Pouches (2 gp, 1 lb.), Wooden Holy Symbol (1 gp), Bedroll (1 sp, 5 lbs.), Flint and Steel (1 gp), 2 Torches (2 cp, 2 lbs.), Soap (5 sp, 1 lb.), 2 Trail Rations (1 gp, 2 lbs.), 2 Waterskins (2 gp, 8 lbs.), 2 Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds (600 gp, 3rd-level caster, each heals 2d8+3 hp), Mule (8 gp, carries tent, backpack, rations, water, soap, bedroll, and spare outfit), Bit & Bridle (2 gp, 1 lb.), Pack Saddle (5 gp, 15 lbs.), 20 pp, 10 gp, 22 sp, 18 cp

Load 55.4 lbs., Light 0-58, Medium 59-116, Heavy 117-175
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