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DnD 3.5 Prophet's Blood


Additional query.

Light warhorse. Is this a possibility? I'd be willing to spend a feat for it if this is not within the bounds.

Call the feat, Improved Animal Companion? would this be a fair deal?

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James Heard

Are the House rules so extensive that they can't be posted here? Just asking, because what's already here looks pretty substantial, and I'm not positive I'm up for a game where I've got to have a printout supplemental booklet to figure out what's different from the core rules? Maybe they could be slipped under a sblock if they're not huge? Or posted to the House Rules forum with a link to there from here?

Also, do you think you could elaborate further on the setting? I can't tell what your game is about, or if I wanted to join what sort of character I'd want to play because I don't know what sort of characters (besides that you probably should simply bar elves unless you have some sadistic streak you're hoping to fulfill) I'd want to play in whatever the setting is. You mention oriental adventures, but is the setting oriental? You talk about Prestige classes, but everyone is starting at 1st level? Sometimes it take a year or more of play in a PbP game to go up a level.


First Post
I'll go Human Cleric on this one. Any particular sun gods I can worship? I'm in the mood to play an armor plated, undead crushing, mead quaffing do-gooder of justice.

Stalis Lorenal

Str 14
Dex 10
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 16
Cha 12

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First Post
moritheil: Core Sources means the SRD material, and the books it comes from. So we're talking PHB, MM, DMG, and Psionics. A duskblade wouldn't be appropriate for a member of the village, but if your character would be travelling then it makes sense for him to be there.

SolosAddie: The stat build is 32 points, but I'm curious why your Int is higher than your Dex. Are you looking forward to Mystic Theurge? I'll let you have a Light Warhorse if you max your Handle Animal, and are from the farming village mentioned in the OP. It would make sense that a villager would raise a special animal for themselves.

James Heard: The house rules include a fair number of feats and PrCs. I would post more of my house rules under a spoilers, but I've no idea how. I'd almost posted the setting in my OP, but it's the GM's version. I'm rephrasing it for players.

pallandrome: I have a sun god, but she's pretty close to Pelor's stats, so use them. I believe you've only used 30 of your 32 points. If you'd like to correct that you're more than welcome.

Paper Bard is deciding between Human Warlock and a Kobold Dragonfire Adept.
pallandrome has chosen a Sun Cleric!
Nightbreeze has chosen a Fighter!
5 slots remain.
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I'll take the two left over points :)

Sounds good, my backstory will reflect I'm from the village. I was thinking my family could be somewhat specialzed/locally know for their horses? Obviously, a light warhorse would be a cut above most horses bred for farmwork but obviously my companion is an exception :)

Anyway, my int is high cause I likes the skills. i put the others in dex, cause i thought it would give me more benefit than con or strength in the long run.

Slowly working on skills and feats will post my choices and a stab at a backstory within the next day or so.


First Post
Hi Notmousse - I'd really like to play, if you've still got slots! I've only got access to whatever's in the SRD though, as I don't have any D&D books at the moment. Will that be okay? :)

I'm tempted to play a fighter - would that be okay or are you desperate for spellcasters?


First Post
SRD material is perfectly fine by me. I suggest that you email me for house rules. A fighter is perfectly fine, but feel free to choose whatever you'd like to play.


First Post
Notmousse said:
SRD material is perfectly fine by me. I suggest that you email me for house rules. A fighter is perfectly fine, but feel free to choose whatever you'd like to play.
Email winging its way! :D

I'm also kind of tempted by paladin at the moment - it's a long time since I've played and I'm not quite sure where I'm going to land yet - paladins can be quite fun as I recall. Not much space for a paladin in a little farming village I guess, but maybe we can work something out?

Voidrunner's Codex

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