Do multiple Acid Arrows stack?


First Post
As the title. If a sorcerer of 4th level or higher were to cast Acid Arrow two rounds in a row at the same creature, would the damage from both arrows stack?

For example: Socks the 7th level sorcerer casts Acid Arrow at the Orc and hits dealing 2d4 acid damage. Next round he casts it again, hitting again, dealing 2d4 damage + another 2d4 for the previous round. The round after that, again another arrow for a total of 6d4 damage. Is that correct? Or would only the highest 2d4 damage rolled count?

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Shin Okada

Thats not the issue of stacking. Each acid arrows inflicting damages separately. So yes, 6d4 acid damages in total. More precisely, 3 separate sources are inflicting 2d4 damages each. This is important when the target has Acid Resistance.

Shin Okada

hong said:
Not in 3.5E, where resistance applies per attack.

That is why it is important. Assuming the target has Acid Resistance of 10, In 3.0e, the target gets 6d4-10 damages in that round. In 3.5e, the target gets 2d4-10 damages 3 times.

Edit: Actually, the text in DMG and MM slightly differ from each other. DMG says "each attack" and MM says "each time it takes damage". I am not 100% sure how we should apply this to Acid Arrow.
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WotC's bitch
Shin Okada said:
Edit: Actually, the text in DMG and MM slightly differ from each other. DMG says "each attack" and MM says "each time it takes damage". I am not 100% sure how we should apply this to Acid Arrow.
I'd treat each casting of the spell as a separate attack.


Rules Monkey
Shin Okada said:
Edit: Actually, the text in DMG and MM slightly differ from each other. DMG says "each attack" and MM says "each time it takes damage". I am not 100% sure how we should apply this to Acid Arrow.

Each arrow does damage seperately, so each acid arrow would be a seperate instance of taking damage.


Shin Okada said:
That is why it is important. Assuming the target has Acid Resistance of 10, In 3.0e, the target gets 6d4-10 damages in that round. In 3.5e, the target gets 2d4-10 damages 3 times.

Edit: Actually, the text in DMG and MM slightly differ from each other. DMG says "each attack" and MM says "each time it takes damage". I am not 100% sure how we should apply this to Acid Arrow.

you learn something new everday! ... I haven't played in so long, other than perusing the SRD once in a while (and reading the boards) I'm not up snuf on some of the rule changes ...

iirc in 3.0 Acid Resistance 10 would have worked against the first 10 points of acid damage right? ... and after that, the acid would work as normal

Shin Okada

Caliban said:
Each arrow does damage seperately, so each acid arrow would be a seperate instance of taking damage.

Hm, in that case, we mus to keep track with the amount of damages the resistance stopped.

It should be like this,

Round 1: Arrow 1 inflicts 4 damages. It is completely negated.
Round 2 : Arrow 1 inflicts 5 damages. It is again completely negated. Arrow 2 inflicts 6 damages. It is negated.
Round 3: Arrow 1 inflicts 6 damages. Now it actually inflicts 5 damages as resistance actually negeted 9 damages in total in round 1 and 2. Arrow 2 inflicts 7 damages. Now it actually inflicts 3 damages (6 +7 -10 = 3). Then Arrow 3 inflicts 5 damages but it is totally negated.

Shin Okada

Wolf72 said:
in 3.0 Acid Resistance 10 would have worked against the first 10 points of acid damage right? ... and after that, the acid would work as normal

First 10 points of acid damages of each round. That was 3.0e rule.


Rules Monkey
Shin Okada said:
Hm, in that case, we mus to keep track with the amount of damages the resistance stopped.

It should be like this,

Round 1: Arrow 1 inflicts 4 damages. It is completely negated.
Round 2 : Arrow 1 inflicts 5 damages. It is again completely negated. Arrow 2 inflicts 6 damages. It is negated.
Round 3: Arrow 1 inflicts 6 damages. Now it actually inflicts 5 damages as resistance actually negeted 9 damages in total in round 1 and 2. Arrow 2 inflicts 7 damages. Now it actually inflicts 3 damages (6 +7 -10 = 3). Then Arrow 3 inflicts 5 damages but it is totally negated.

I'm not sure what you think I meant, but that's not it.

I meant that each arrow is a seperate instance of damage every round, so the resistance applies to the damage from each arrow every round.

Voidrunner's Codex

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