D&D General Do Saving throws Change the Fiction?


Yeah thats an approach to it. I tend to lean less in the subterfuge and just make it happen and explain that the PCs dont know it yet. I know some folks cant help the urge to metagame but I have taken to pushing them to try harder. I present it as an opportunity to role play the event. Trust is obviously needed that the GM isnt going to wipe the party with unknown circumstances, so its best these things are few and far between. YMMV.
I find these kinds of tools work well with veteran groups, because the simple truth is, years of playing dnd does take some of the wonder away, as you just know a lot about how games generally go.

While players may be good at not metagaming, they still KNOW something is up, and have to compensate for it.

However, moments like this give me the opportunity to sincerely surprise my players, and they love that, because again the more you play the harder it can be to become genuinely surprised.

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I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I find these kinds of tools work well with veteran groups, because the simple truth is, years of playing dnd does take some of the wonder away, as you just know a lot about how games generally go.

While players may be good at not metagaming, they still KNOW something is up, and have to compensate for it.

However, moments like this give me the opportunity to sincerely surprise my players, and they love that, because again the more you play the harder it can be to become genuinely surprised.
For sure. I know younger me would find ways to keep my cards close behind the screen. Older me wants to explore role play more even if that means bad things for my character. I'm more willing to accept that fate and act it out then I might have been able to as a younger man.

Voidrunner's Codex

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