D&D 5E Do you ACTUALLY use 3rd Party Books?

In the last 2 years, has your group used 3rd Party content in your game?

  • Yes, we've used player content AND monsters

    Votes: 152 64.4%
  • Yes, but only monsters

    Votes: 42 17.8%
  • No, but I'd allow player content AND monsters

    Votes: 12 5.1%
  • No, but I'd allow monsters

    Votes: 10 4.2%
  • No, I don't allow 3PP

    Votes: 20 8.5%

  • Poll closed .

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
This feels like a very good day to back Kobold Press' Deep Magic 2 Kickstarter. Only Monte Cook loves new spells more than I do.

And from their FAQ:
For those who don’t know, Kobold Press is creating a new core fantasy rule system codenamed “Project Black Flag.” Deep Magic (both volumes) will be forward-compatible with the Project Black Flag rule system.
Yes, this project has been in the works for well over a year as an OGL 1.0a release, and it will be our last Kickstarter to use that license.

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Chaotic Looseleaf
Yeah, I think a lot of the people fantasizing about Black Flag being somehow wildly different from 5E are missing the point from the view of the participating publishers. They want compatibility for business reasons.
I'd say it's more than a business need, it represents security for all of us. After all, without Durgons & Datgns, how will we dis the duunges of the next 50 years?!


If you want something out there, go MCDM!
Don't encourage him. Real dice have numbers. :)


I'm utterly shocked by the amount of responses to 3rd party player's content. In all the years of the OGL, from 3e onwards, I've never seen a single player show the slightest interest in 3rd party content. I've tried getting players to use some of it, but, unless it has the WotC seal of approval, they are absolutely not interested. It's good to know that I'm an outlier here.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I'm utterly shocked by the amount of responses to 3rd party player's content. In all the years of the OGL, from 3e onwards, I've never seen a single player show the slightest interest in 3rd party content. I've tried getting players to use some of it, but, unless it has the WotC seal of approval, they are absolutely not interested. It's good to know that I'm an outlier here.
Man, I can't get my players to stop showing up with third party content, like a cat with a dead bird. Fortunately, 5E third party content is a lot better than much of it was during the 3E glut. I rarely have to say no any more.


I generally don't anymore. Used to during the 3.x/PF1e days...but eventually it all simply became far too unwieldy for my group. That certainly isn't the fault of the 3PPs of course. Many factors went into it, but it was just too much (and a lot of that early 3PP stuff was....eesh...it matured very well though and from what I have seen of the 5e stuff, matured elegantly indeed).

I'll use 3PP monster content for my 5e games though. Keeps the players guessing, since most are completely unfamiliar with those. :)


Man, I can't get my players to stop showing up with third party content, like a cat with a dead bird. Fortunately, 5E third party content is a lot better than much of it was during the 3E glut. I rarely have to say no any more.
I wish I had this problem. The last time a player showed up with anything non-WotC would have been about four or five years ago when I ran a Dragonheist campaign - he wanted to play a sentient skeleton. Loved the idea and ran with it. Totally cool.

But, other than that? Any time I've put anything non-WotC in front of the players, they just turn up their noses. I wanted to use some fairly cool ship combat rules - a bit crunchier than Ghosts of Saltmarsh, but, not a lot. Couldn't even get them to read the pdf, never minding actually using it. :(

And it's been that way since the 3e days. Hell, even back then I couldn't even get them interested in Dragon mag stuff.

Voidrunner's Codex

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