D&D 5E Do you ACTUALLY use 3rd Party Books?

In the last 2 years, has your group used 3rd Party content in your game?

  • Yes, we've used player content AND monsters

    Votes: 152 64.4%
  • Yes, but only monsters

    Votes: 42 17.8%
  • No, but I'd allow player content AND monsters

    Votes: 12 5.1%
  • No, but I'd allow monsters

    Votes: 10 4.2%
  • No, I don't allow 3PP

    Votes: 20 8.5%

  • Poll closed .

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My entire divine pantheon takes elements from Green Ronin's The Book of The Righteous, I offer The Blood Hunter and the Gunslinger as character options, i use some lore from Tal'Dor'ei, and I bought A5E's Monster Menagerie specifically for use in punching up monsters, as well as several Kobold press books. And that's just for D&D -- I ALSO use 3pp stuff for other games (specifically Savage Worlds and Chronicles of Darkness games). 3PP stuff means a lot to me.


In my experience there are a lot of newish players who strongly think that DnD=WotC Products.

Again IME it’s not a new vs old player thing. My current group includes players who started in the 2e days. And that’s been true of pretty much every group I’ve played with or DM’d since the earliest days of 3e.

IME it doesn’t matter.


Which category should you vote if you use MCDM monsters but also the new mechanics that go with those monsters such as the companion mechanics?


Which category should you vote if you use MCDM monsters but also the new mechanics that go with those monsters such as the companion mechanics?
I don't have MCDM but companion mechanics sound like player mechanics to me so I would go with the first one. :)


This is more of a complicated question than I originally thought:

3pp classes and spells? Not really, I've seen some good stuff but my "ugh, not yet another book at the table" is too strong nowadays. Never say never though...
3pp monsters? Yes, I have Tome of Beasts 1 and 2 on my desk right now.
3pp adventures? All the time. I've learned WotC can't seem to write adventures I enjoy any more.

Generally no. But I run a Zeitgeist Campaign. I don't see it as 3rd party for 5e, as it was written for 4e and I bought it back then.
I would not allow my players to bring in random stuff.
I don't like the book of beasts which I own.

I also bought levelup. But O don't use it right now and I would not want to mix it with 5e.

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