So I recently (finally) read through the Without Numbers games, and I kinda want to play them. Specifically Worlds Without Numbers, but using my own setting. I'll probably end up playing them solo (using something like Mythic) because my friends aren't too into OSR games and anyway, I don't really want to GM this.
Of course, my itch to make/convert monsters came out in full force, so I pulled out all my old 2e Monstrous Compendiums and am slowly getting to work. Which is when I came across monsters with poison. After looking up what type A, type F, etc. poisons did, since I'd forgotten, I saw that a lot of them have an onset time.
And I remembered that potions didn't take effect immediately either.
So anyway, those of you who still play older editions or OSR games, do you care use onset time? Do you find it fun, or just unnecessary bookkeeping? Is it even used in modern OSR games? (I swear, I can barely find anything on poisons in WWN in the first place)
Of course, my itch to make/convert monsters came out in full force, so I pulled out all my old 2e Monstrous Compendiums and am slowly getting to work. Which is when I came across monsters with poison. After looking up what type A, type F, etc. poisons did, since I'd forgotten, I saw that a lot of them have an onset time.
And I remembered that potions didn't take effect immediately either.
So anyway, those of you who still play older editions or OSR games, do you care use onset time? Do you find it fun, or just unnecessary bookkeeping? Is it even used in modern OSR games? (I swear, I can barely find anything on poisons in WWN in the first place)