Do you play in games you aren't enjoying?

Hobo said:
I think for the most part we're friends first, gamers second. It'd be pretty lame to say to my friends who I enjoy hanging out with, "hey, y'know, this game really isn't my thing, so I'm ditchin'".
Why is that lame? Can't you do other things with those friends instead of play RPGs? Looking at it from the reverse perspective, I wouldn't want one of my friends to show up for a weekly game where he had a bad time just to spend time with me. I'd want that friend to know that, even if he decided he wasn't into RPGs any more at all, I would still find ways to spend time with him and have fun.

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Ourph said:
Why is that lame? Can't you do other things with those friends instead of play RPGs? Looking at it from the reverse perspective, I wouldn't want one of my friends to show up for a weekly game where he had a bad time just to spend time with me. I'd want that friend to know that, even if he decided he wasn't into RPGs any more at all, I would still find ways to spend time with him and have fun.

Absolutely! That's just weird for me to consider that there would be any problem with a friend who wouldn't enjoy the game and would tell it to me straight out. As a matter of fact, it happens and guess what? There's no problem occurring at all between all of us friends, whether we play the game or not. We're all friends... Is that so hard to understand?

Absolutely not.

I don't need to suffer through bad gaming to hang out with friends; I could do other things that would assist rather than impede my enjoyment - and likely theirs, as well. I'm having trouble imagining how that could be desirable or even sensible.

No gaming is far, far better than bad gaming.

Hobo said:
I think for the most part we're friends first, gamers second. It'd be pretty lame to say to my friends who I enjoy hanging out with, "hey, y'know, this game really isn't my thing, so I'm ditchin'".

Actually, it wouldn't be lame at all.

Not feeling obligated to participate in every single leisure activity your friends happen to engage in is not "lame." I daresay I would consider the inverse "creepy as all hell," so I'm totally blanking on where you're coming from.

Your group friends NEVER watch movies at the theater on their own or as part of the group? Never go out for a bite and a beer alone or in piecemeal?

Dragon Snack said:
I've quit 2 games before, I even ended one of them when EVERYBODY bailed when I said I was quitting.

I seem to give more of a chance to games than some people here though, but I have seen games/groups turn a corner. Sometimes by switching systems, sometimes when certain players leave, and, a couple times, it just got more bearable...

Hmm, what were those? My players are fighting Undead right now...

I really don't know we called them many things and not one of them can be posted here. They did come out of one of the monster manuals.

I can imagine what you called them...

Thanks for the semi-answer, I should be able to find them. I just want to make sure the Barbarian is thankful he took Close Quarters Fighting (insert devil smilie here).

Never have, never will. I have many other activities I enjoy besides gaming, so I can live without gaming. That being said, I'd certainly give any "bad" game many chances, probably at least 5 to get things going.

I'm in a D&D game that is failing to excite me. We're around 8th level and the DM is amazingly stingy. Right now we're on a rescue mission worth an AMAZING 320 GP. Assuming we all survive, which is extremely unlikely, my character stands to gain 80 whole GP, which is enough to buy three dogs and a pound of salt.

Assuming we can secure the prisoners and flee, we'll have no chance at looting anything as we'll be fleeing for our lives.

I have, because the group wanted to play in the campaign or wanted to use the system.

ShadowRun, Werewolf, and Vampire, I found all lacking, mostly in the system and not the world setting, to the point that I had to leave the table more then once, and bad mouthed and groaned in disdain for playing it.

Why stick to it? Because my group had gamed in systems and games that I wanted to play, because they had suffered through and they had made the same noises and disdain, for me.

Yes, I have. And I currenty am.
There's two reasons why I do it or have done it.
First, I'm giving the game my 3 session test. If after 3 sessions the game sucks ::slaps hands together:: I'm out! You really can't judge a game on its own merits until you've given it a chance not to suck. The first session it's mainly about meeting people if you don't know them, getting a feel for the rules, the setting, the scenario, whatever. The second session is a little more about what the game is going to be like, but you're still making adjustments. By the third session, everyone now is pretty well set into the situation and you can pay total attention to the game itself. Either it's decent, good, or awesome! or it just sucks.

Second reason, it's a good friend and I want to support him. I'm playing in a good friend's Aberrant game. Now, I'm not a fan of super hero games. I think they suuuuuuck. But, I give my friend the benefit of the doubt that he can make it fun and possibly change my opinion. Well, it's fun sometimes, but he hasn't really changed my opinion. I keep playing mainly because I like to hang out with him and the other player who is also a friend that I don't get to see very often and since it's only every other week, I don't have to commit too much of my time to it. So I stay. At least until there comes a day when the suckage outweighs the friend factor.

Yep. I've even run games I wasn't enjoying. I work nights, while most of my group is attending university and those who don't work at physically demanding jobs (unlike mine, where I do my gaming prep). Even scheduling once a week is hard with 6 adults with full-time schedules - we're just lucky there aren't any kids in the picture, touch wood - and we've just recently gone three weeks without a session. These are the same people I've played D&D, L5R, CP2020, and just about every other RPG I've played with, and we've been a gaming group for 10 years now. I like hanging out with these people, and it's the only chance I get to do so, since it falls in the middle of my time off and I can fix and re-fix my schedule. So I've run games I didn't enjoy running, played games I wasn't having much fun in, and generally sucked it up because these are my people, and we get together once a week to toss some polyhedrals and tell stories with them. Fortunately, our RttToEE game is rockin'.

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