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Do you think it is reasonable not to tip your server?

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First Post
Your waiter at Red Lobster took how long delivering the salad before your main course? BTW the reason she delivered the salad first was that is the way a lot of us or told to do it. Get the salad and other pre main courses out first so that customer has time to eat it before the main course arrives. Maybe you should complain to the management.

First off, it was a waitress. Second of all, she could have easily took our entree orders out and left the side salads in the kitchen since WE DID ORDER BEFORE THEY WERE IN THE BUILDING EVEN, it's ONLY FAIR.

I did complain to the manager. I told him about why we left a dollar. She cut in front of our turn. WE ORDERED FIRST. As far as management is concerned, HOT FOOD COMES FIRST. Don't tell me they don't tell you that. That's BS.

Those other people's turns were well after we had been ordered when they ordered their side salads.

I don't care if they told me to do that, because there's no way I would DIS someone's turn like that. That's CUTTING!

Do you understand what happened?

We ordered around 11:15a.m. on a Friday. They came in let's say probably 11:25p.m. or so, ordered their food. Let's say they gave their order 11:30p.m. It was around 11:50-11:55p.m. finally she comes with a tray with THEIR 2 side salads and OUR 2 ENTREES. Instead of just bringing out our 2 entrees or instead of just bypassing their table to give us our HOT FOOD that we ORDERED WELL BEFORE THEY WERE SEATED OR EVEN IN THE BUILDING, she decides to hand them their side salads first making us wait THAT MUCH LONGER for our food.

No manager wants you to give cold food before hot food. That's BS!


First Post
In my experience though most issues customers complained about in this area were kitchen issues.

Like what?

but you also get food prepared incorrectly ( underdone , overdone, over seasoned, etc) in the kitchen .

Overdone if something is burnt that you can see or smell without touching the food, it's the fault of the person bringing out the food, so if that person is my server, then yeah, they should have enough COMMON SENSE NOT to serve me burnt food(unless I ordered it burnt of course).

Underdone, which one thing you can tell is undercooked fries.

but you seem way too eager to blame the servers here in my opinion.

No, my experiences and common sense has taught me who is at fault. You leave one room, go into another forget a side dish, isn't it your fault? Get what I am saying?

Elf Witch

First Post
First off, it was a waitress. Second of all, she could have easily took our entree orders out and left the side salads in the kitchen since WE DID ORDER BEFORE THEY WERE IN THE BUILDING EVEN, it's ONLY FAIR.

I did complain to the manager. I told him about why we left a dollar. She cut in front of our turn. WE ORDERED FIRST. As far as management is concerned, HOT FOOD COMES FIRST. Don't tell me they don't tell you that. That's BS.

Those other people's turns were well after we had been ordered when they ordered their side salads.

I don't care if they told me to do that, because there's no way I would DIS someone's turn like that. That's CUTTING!

Do you understand what happened?

We ordered around 11:15a.m. on a Friday. They came in let's say probably 11:25p.m. or so, ordered their food. Let's say they gave their order 11:30p.m. It was around 11:50-11:55p.m. finally she comes with a tray with THEIR 2 side salads and OUR 2 ENTREES. Instead of just bringing out our 2 entrees or instead of just bypassing their table to give us our HOT FOOD that we ORDERED WELL BEFORE THEY WERE SEATED OR EVEN IN THE BUILDING, she decides to hand them their side salads first making us wait THAT MUCH LONGER for our food.

No manager wants you to give cold food before hot food. That's BS!

First of all your food came out and the same time it did not sit under the lights while she served the salad she just took the salad to their table first. Aldo where was the table was it closer to the kitchen on her path to you that is another decision because that is faster than weaving all over to get them to the customer who ordered first.

You really need to chill out there is no need to shout at me and until you can stop shouting at me I will have no further dialogue with you.


First Post
You really need to learn that your so called truths are in no way universal truths. And you willingness to paint the majority of wait staff as lazy says way more about you then them.

It is the universal truth, because you can't deny that servers forget to put in orders, put in orders wrong, bring out wrong food, at times drop food, delay putting in orders, hand out food off the tray in the wrong order, etc.

You can't deny ONE thing out of that list I said, NOT ONE, because it's IMPOSSIBLE!

Most servers are lazy.

Do you compare the menu prices to the check prices?

We have had MANY wrong prices over the years, even at restaurants we had never gone to before in our lives, but found the wrong price, then the servers are jerks about it rather than being honest such as "It's a misprint" "The computer" "The older menu(the newer menus aren't out", etc.

Anyone with a brain that can read can tell if a price is wrong or not. The advertised price is the one lawfully you can only charge the customer. It's not anyone else's fault but the server's fault they didn't get their manager to fix it *BEFORE* they gave us the check with an overcharge on it.

Do you check the food for obvious errors before leaving the kitchen with your written order or if it's not your table, a ticket?

Do you write *ALL* request down so you can remember them? I am sick of the lazy servers that forget something because they didn't write it down(TRY THEIR BEST).

Do you bring out soft drinks/tea/water before bar drinks whenever possible rather than making people wait 10-15 minutes for a coke?

Get what I am saying about laziness now?


First Post
First of all your food came out and the same time it did not sit under the lights while she served the salad she just took the salad to their table first.

So, that's the point, *SHE* controlled the situation to where it was pure common sense that she knew it was cutting but did it anyways. What a jerk that was.

Aldo where was the table was it closer to the kitchen on her path to you that is another decision because that is faster than weaving all over to get them to the customer who ordered first

It's not about what is easier for her, it was about being **************FAIR*************************** so she can get the fairness back in the tip if she would have been fair to us. You sound lazy to say if something was easier for her. Not our job to make things easier. Her job to do as what she is SUPPOSED to do if she wants a good tip. So make things easier for her she gets to DISRESPECT OUR TIME AND TURN, WTH??? Give that other couple faster service than us. That's UNFAIR and you know it.

It's about having MORALS, which you seem to not have.

Our booth was against the window which faces the front of the restaurant. The couple was sitting in the tables in the same section obviously(since it was our server, duh), but just a little ways from us. Not very next to us, but close enough to see.

She still could have kept those side salads on the tray and came to give us ours. She honestly she have not even took 2-3 seconds to put those side salads on the tray even, because THAT is even cutting even. So she cut twice actually. The cutting that counts the most though is the handing it out of order. That she did in front of us. Why are you arguing with me over what is the morally right thing to do? She cut. Cutting is rude, unfair, and VERY INCONSIDERATE. How hard is this for you to understand?
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Like what?

Overdone if something is burnt that you can see or smell without touching the food, it's the fault of the person bringing out the food, so if that person is my server, then yeah, they should have enough COMMON SENSE NOT to serve me burnt food(unless I ordered it burnt of course).

Underdone, which one thing you can tell is undercooked fries.

sone foods you can tell by looking, others you can't. Hamburger for example is often obscured by toppings and buns . An undercooked steak or piece of chicken is virtually undetectable until you cut it open (or press on it). Seasoning is only discernible by tasting (I have a pretty good sense of smell but it isn't good enough to tell me if your fried rice has too much pepper).

No, my experiences and common sense has taught me who is at fault. You leave one room, go into another forget a side dish, isn't it your fault? Get what I am saying?

i never said a server wasn't at fault if they forget a side dish , I said they were not at fault if your steak is undercooked (provided they transmitted your order correctly).

But it either way, the point is these people still need tips to make a living wage. If you dine out at a restaurant or order delivery , you should factor that cost into the bill because that is how dining works in the states. If you choose not to tip that is your business, no one can make you. But servers are human and the guy who has a reputation for not tipping when he gets impatient or irritated probably ends up having worse restaurant experiences on the whole because servers are going to devote more of their energy to the people who do tip . As an example , if I was on a delivery run and had four items in the car , I would structure my route strategically , factoring in where I needed to be after the fourth delivery and the quickest path to hit them all. But another thing I factored in was tip history. I lived by those tips, and wanted to make sure I kept the people who tipped well happy. If someone didn't tip, they were less of a priority than those who did.


Spring1 I'd like to thank you for your epic level of Knowledge and Sense Motive on the workings behind the scenes of restaurants. The curtain is now down for all to see the blatant truth: Servers are the root of all evil! While I'm coming clean and confessing here I'd like to let you all know that Y2K scare awhile was a world-wide conspiracy orchestrated by servers (with the help of those squirrels from the Sears commercial).

I feel so much better now that's out in the open. Hey what's that "Ignore" button do?:hmm:


Well, that was fun
Staff member
OK, given that Spring1 can't reply, I don't think sarcastic jabs in his/her absence are appropriate.

Voidrunner's Codex

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