Do you use a Discord voice changer for online play?

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I use Discord audio with Roll20. I was not aware they have a voice-changer option.

As a GM, I don't RP directly much, being a horrible actor. I tend to summarize NPC statements and demeanor after contested social interaction rolls.

But this is an intriguing option.

aramis erak

I am an Old and don't know enough about Discord (aka the fun Slack) to know much about voice changer apps, beyond that they exist. (And no, I wouldn't use them constantly -- like in the video, they'd be for BBEGs and the like, to keep it special.)
I don't, mostly out of laziness.
Discord is well worth knowing. There are a lot of good roller bots for it, as well. and the channel settings, while not always intuitive, allow setting up rooms where one room has bot A, another has bot B.... and controlling separately who can read, who can write, who can edit. It doesn't do VTT... Once I switched to Discord, skype fell out of use for anything other than long distance calls.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
I don't, mostly out of laziness.
Discord is well worth knowing. There are a lot of good roller bots for it, as well. and the channel settings, while not always intuitive, allow setting up rooms where one room has bot A, another has bot B.... and controlling separately who can read, who can write, who can edit. It doesn't do VTT... Once I switched to Discord, skype fell out of use for anything other than long distance calls.
I have a love/hate relationship with Discord. My players convinced me to switch to it from Google Meet and I will admit that the voice quality it good and that there are some really cool bots out there. But I find the whole interface an chaotic mess. I should spend some time going over YouTube tutorials or something, because I find Discord so unintuitive compared to Google Meet, MS Teams, or Slack.

My biggest pet peeve is how many software companies and game companies are moving to Discord as their main customer support channel. It can be great when you need a quick answer at a time when there are a lot of people active, but if you want to browse, search, or read through past discussions it is frustrating. I find it hard to find, and frequently miss, replies to my posts and posts where I'm mentioned.

aramis erak

I have a love/hate relationship with Discord. My players convinced me to switch to it from Google Meet and I will admit that the voice quality it good and that there are some really cool bots out there. But I find the whole interface an chaotic mess. I should spend some time going over YouTube tutorials or something, because I find Discord so unintuitive compared to Google Meet, MS Teams, or Slack.

My biggest pet peeve is how many software companies and game companies are moving to Discord as their main customer support channel. It can be great when you need a quick answer at a time when there are a lot of people active, but if you want to browse, search, or read through past discussions it is frustrating. I find it hard to find, and frequently miss, replies to my posts and posts where I'm mentioned.
That's been an issue since the early days.
Back in the 80's (I've been on the internet since 1988), much of the official discussion with companies was on Compuserve (CIS), Delphi, or GEnie... most of the fan discussions were on usenet, or via email lists. Last I checked, the Delphi forums were still up... (as in, just now.)
Stuff was easily lost in both email lists and forums, but at least many email lists kept backups...
I also just figured out that WWIVnet still operates, but now has migrated to telnet connection as default...

And, while I can't find it currently, if anyone knows where I can redownload the TN3270 based VTT from around 1988 to 1990, I'd appreciate it.


I have a player who uses one to disguise their voice. No one has a problem with it. I hadn't thought to make voices for bad guys. I just do weird voices myself. I don't think I do them that well, I just want to do it well enough to indicate a different speaker.


First Post
I`ve used to hide my voice and usually it`s fine. When I play with friends I don't change it unless we had some topic discussed before that and it`s suitable to have fun
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I don’t game online, but in person, I’ve always relied on my natural vocal skills to deliver different voices.

However, I happen to own stuff for my guitar playing that could do all kinds of voice manipulation. I’ve got an old TEAC voice microphone, a tabletop battery-powered Orange amp, and a few portable digital modelers with a variety of simulated guitar effects (poly octaves, chorus, echo, reverb, flanger, ring modulation, etc.) & simulated amplifiers. And some of those portable digital modelers have built-in computer interfaces.

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