Do You Want A D&D That Is "Faster, Better, Smarter"?

Do you want a D&D that is "faster, better, smarter"?

  • Yes

    Votes: 111 91.7%
  • No

    Votes: 10 8.3%

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I voted yes but considering we have the guys behind rule master and 4th edition on this team I dont see faster or better happening TBH. The only way to make this team less likely to produce something faster and better would be to put Kevin Siembieda as lead design.

Please no one tell me if he is on the team....

Hopefully to me they will produce something like the original 3.5 rules before all the splatbook bloat and add in some of the flexibility and fluff work from AD&D.

Sprinkle some D20 modern rules and starwars rules in and bake to perfection then walk away.

Really the key here though is to walk away when done. 3rd was fine till all the nonsense splat books. No matter what they originally produce if they keep up the supplement mill then sooner or later it will wind up being a hot mess too.


First Post
Tangent -- seeing the thread title made me think of the opening to Six Million Dollar Man.

“We can rebuild [it]. We have the technology. We can make [it] better than [it] was. Better...stronger...faster.

So, is this going to be Bionic D&D ? :)
It got me to think Citius, Altius, Fortius, or "Faster, Higher, Stronger".

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