Dockside Diversion/Still Waters


Start Date: Oct 12, 2011
DM: GlassEye

Borric Hawkins (perrinmiller) - Fighter 5
-Starting XP: 8372
-XP Nov 13: 9698
-XP Nov 27: 10006 (level 5)
-XP Jan 06: 11909
-XP Jan 19: 12260
Zelena Andu (Songdragon) - Cleric/Bard 5
-Starting XP: 7043
-XP Nov 13: 8369
-XP Jan 06: 10385 (level 5)
-XP Jan 19: 10736
Nathan Tchanlach (jkason) - Sorcerer 4
-Starting XP: 6392
-XP Nov 13: 7718
-XP Jan 06: 9734
-XP Jan 19: 10020 (level 5)
Sylvain Marana (Gerald007) - Witch 5
-Starting XP: 8379
-XP Nov 13: 9705
-XP Nov 27: 10013 (level 5)
-XP Jan 06: 11916
-XP Jan 19: 12267

3 Beetles + Swarm: 2,400 xp (600 xp ea) & 3,000 gp (750 gp ea) (Oct 20, 2011)
Time-based thru Nov 13 (33 days): (726 xp ea) & (825 gp ea)
Retainer from Sekmun: (250 gp ea)
TBX & TBG (Borric and Sylvain) thru Nov 27 (14 days): (308 xp ea) & (434 gp ea)
Halfling Pirates: 3,400 xp (850 xp ea) (Jan 06, 2012)[sblock=Halfling Gear]Sling (0 gp); 10 bullets (1 sp); Quarterstaff (0 gp); Ring of Protection +1 (2000 gp);
+1 Hide Armor (small) (1165 gp); MW Halfling Sling Staff (320 gp) x3; 30 sling bullets (3 sp); MW Studded leather armor (small) (175 gp) x3, Potion of Cure Light Wounds (50 gp) x3; Tanglefoot Bag (50 gp) x3; Thunderstone (30 gp) x3; 839.9 gp in gems & small coin.
Total Value = 5880.3 GP[/sblock]
Hazard pay: (100 gp ea)
Baggett & Tamm: 3,200 xp (800 xp ea); wand of invisibility (6 charges) (540 gp) (135 gp ea)

[sblock=Final XP/GP Summary]

Total Encounter GP: 10,820.3 gp (2,705 gp, 7 cp each)
Total Time-based Gold is listed above under each character's name. (If you've added TBG at any point during the adventure remember to subtract that amount from the number above before you add it to your character's finances.)

Experience: Time-based XP has been added as we go and is reflected in the xp totals in your character column on the right side of the above image.[/sblock]
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Zelena's route through the twisting ways of stalls and taverns and storage houses of mercantile interests leads Zelena and Borric a couple of blocks farther away from the Dunn Wright Inn than intended and closer to the busiest of the docks district. As they are moving out of the narrow way between two alehouses a man, a dock worker by the looks of him, with tiny wounds spotting his exposed skin and oozing drops of blood stumbles into them as he attempts to push past.

"Move! Move! Its the wrath of Akutu!"

Hot on his heels is a hag of a woman, ancient and stinking, flecked with the silver scales of the numerous fish she's gutted already this day and seemingly unmindful of the scaling knife clutched in one gnarled hand.

"Akutu my arse! That savage on the Eel, mostlike."

From between the stalls where they stand they can see some distance down the dock. Near a large merchant vessel, presumably the Eel mentioned by the fishwife, what looks to be a cloud of ember hovers above the dock.


With the golden motes leading the way Nathan easily pushes through a crowd that seems almost as afraid of him, or maybe his heavenly motes, as they are of the cloud that hovers farther down the dock. As he finally reaches a larger clearing free of the mass of fleeing dockside workers, farther than he intended to go, perhaps, he spots a pair that he's seen in the Dunn Wright Inn before: a gnomish woman on a riding dog and a bulky warrior.
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Zelena looks to Borric, "Shall we?" With that she kicks into the hounds side and makes for the Eel. Along the way she draws out her axe.

[sblock=Zelena's Actions & Stats]Swift Action:
Free Action:
Miscellaneous Actions:
Move Action:
Standard Action:

Zelena Andu Gnome Cleric 2/Bard 2
Initiative: +2 Perception: +10
Conditions: none
AC: 21 (13 touch; 19 flat-footed)
HP: 34 of 34
CMB: +1 CMD: 12 Fort: +5 Ref: +5 Will: +8
In Hand: mithral battle axe +1 (+4, 1d6+1) and shield
Spells: Divine (0-level) Create Water, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Stabilize; (1st level) Bless, Air Bubble, Protection from Evil, Longstrider(d) (color notes a cast spell)
Arcane Spell Slots 0-level (at will) 1st level: 4 of 4 slots remaining (Grease, Silent Image, Vanish)
Channeling: 5 of 5 attempts remaining; Liberation: 1 of 1 attempts remaining; Agile Feet 5 of 5 attempts remaining

Celebfedhiin (Riding Dog)
Initiative: +2 Senses: low-light vision, scent Perception: +8
Conditions: none
AC: 15 (12 touch; 13 flat-footed)
HP: 13 of 13
CMB: +3 CMD: 15 (19 vs. trip) Fort: +5 Ref: +5 Will: +1
In Hand: Melee bite +3 (1d6+3 plus trip) [/sblock]


First Post
Nathan Tchanlach, human sorcerer

Seeing the others through the crowd, and noting that the gnome's spurred her mount, Nathan points to her.

"Boys, if you wouldn't mind connecting us?" he says to the air. There's a brief flicker of light for those who might be looking, which darts across the air to rest by Zelena's ear. Nathan's voice comes from the unseen celestial mote:

"We heard about the trouble at the Dunn Wright. Saw you two there before, if I remember. I'm working my way there, too. Name's Nathan."

OOC: Casting message and continuing to the source of the trouble.

Nathan Tchanlach Human Sorcerer 4
Initiative: +4 Perception: +0
Conditions: Mage Armor (+4 AC / 1 hour)
AC: 18 (18 touch; 15 flat-footed)
HP: 22/22
CMB: +2 CMD: 14 Fort: +3* Ref: +4* Will: +5*
* Additional +1 trait bonus vs. divine spells
Resistances: Resist 5 Acid and Cold.
In Hand: None
Spells: Cantrips (DC 14): Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Drench, Mending, Message, Prestidigitation, Spark
1st (DC 15): Bless, Grease (DC 16), Magic Missle, Snapdragon Fireworks, Summon Minor Monster. Remaining: 7/7
2nd (DC 16): Glitterdust (DC 17). Remaining: 4/4

Heavenly Fire: 7/7 remaining


Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter

Borric nods, "I am with ya!"

OOC: Just checking in to subscribe. No time to even read today. :blush:
[sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +4
AC: 23 (26 with shield, 24 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 43 Current: 43
CMB: +7 CMD: 20 (22 vs. Trip/Disarm) Fort: +6 Reflex: +3 Will: +2 (+3 vs. Fear)
Conditions in Effect: none

Current Weapon in Hand: Shield
Chakram: 2/2 MWK & 6/6 Cold Iron remaining
Light Hammers: 2/2 remaining[/sblock]___________________________

Borric Hawkins


OOC: Borric and Sylvain have been kickin' down doors and pickin' up... wenches :blush: from the very beginning; of course there's room! I'll get a post up later today.


(Yay... EN is back)

The gnome slows up the hound and disbounts, axe in hand. She waits for the others to catch up and once together nods, "Lets see what is happening boys." She tosses a wink at Waltor whom she spots poking out of a flap to see what is happening.

(( I did up a post... guess it ever got through. Rolled an 11 for perception... damn 1's ))

[sblock=Zelena's Actions & Stats]Swift Action:
Free Action:
Miscellaneous Actions:
Move Action:
Standard Action:

Zelena Andu Gnome Cleric 2/Bard 2
Initiative: +2 Perception: +10
Conditions: none
AC: 21 (13 touch; 19 flat-footed)
HP: 34 of 34
CMB: +1 CMD: 12 Fort: +5 Ref: +5 Will: +8
In Hand: long sword (+3, 1d6) and shield
Spells: Divine (0-level) Create Water, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Stabilize; (1st level) Bless, Air Bubble, Protection from Evil, Longstrider(d) (color notes a cast spell)
Arcane Spell Slots 0-level (at will) 1st level: 4 of 4 slots remaining (Grease, Silent Image, Vanish)
Channeling: 5 of 5 attempts remaining; Liberation: 1 of 1 attempts remaining; Agile Feet 5 of 5 attempts remaining

Celebfedhiin (Riding Dog)
Initiative: +2 Senses: low-light vision, scent Perception: +8
Conditions: none
AC: 15 (12 touch; 13 flat-footed)
HP: 13 of 13
CMB: +3 CMD: 15 (19 vs. trip) Fort: +5 Ref: +5 Will: +1
In Hand: Melee bite +3 (1d6+3 plus trip) [/sblock]


Nathan and Sylvain come up behind Zelena and Borric at the end of a long wooden dock. Crates are piled in several spots along the dock next to where the ship, the Eel of K'issp lies moored. A cloud of tiny beetles buzzes angrily at the far end of the dock and looking much like a swirl of ash and embers. Closer to the end of the dock where Borric, Zelena, Nathan and Sylvain stand are three thick-shelled beetles the size of big dogs that land briefly before buzzing up into the air again.

OOC: Combat: Round One

[sblock=Combat Information]
I'll use a party initiative to get this moving...


[sblock=Initiative Rolls]Beetles: (14) 1d20+2=20, 1d20+2=4, 1d20+2=14, 1d20+2=19
Party: (18) 1d20+6=23 1d20+4=20, 1d20+4=24 1d20+2=6[/sblock]

Enemy Status
Beetle 1
Beetle 2
Beetle 3


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First Post
Nathan Tchanlach, human sorcerer

"Gah, I hate bugs," Nathan says, then turns to his left shoulder where four small, sizzling motes have become visible.

"By all means, have at," he says, pointing to the swarm. As its fellows continue to hover near the sorcerer, one sparking mote zigzags down the dock, past the larger bugs, until it enters the swarm itself, where it explodes in a dragon-shaped burst of magenta flame.

OOC: Casting Snapdragon Fireworks. Since it damages all creatures in its target square, I read that as an area spell with only a single square to its area. YMMV. 1d4 fire damage (+50% if you rule it an area effect) and dazzled, Reflex save 15 for half damage and no dazzle. Nathan can generate another firework each of the following 3 rounds as a move action.

[sblock=mini-stats] Fireworks: 3/4 remaining

Nathan Tchanlach Human Sorcerer 4
Initiative: +4 Perception: +0
Conditions: Mage Armor (+4 AC / 1 hour)
AC: 18 (18 touch; 15 flat-footed)
HP: 22/22
CMB: +2 CMD: 14 Fort: +3* Ref: +4* Will: +5*
* Additional +1 trait bonus vs. divine spells
Resistances: Resist 5 Acid and Cold.
In Hand: None
Spells: Cantrips (DC 14): Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Drench, Mending, Message, Prestidigitation, Spark
1st (DC 15): Bless, Grease (DC 16), Magic Missle, Snapdragon Fireworks, Summon Minor Monster. Remaining: 6/7
2nd (DC 16): Glitterdust (DC 17). Remaining: 4/4

Heavenly Fire: 7/7 remaining

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