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Doctor Who Season 6 (SPOILERS :p)


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I need to ask, am I the only one who thought the Silence looked kind of like those weird, faceless winged creatures from Beastmaster?

Or am I that big of a geek...B-)

According to Doctor Who Confidential, they were based on the famous painting The Scream, with the implication that that's what the painting is actually of - except that nobody remembers that, including the artist.

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For the next regeneration, can we get a Doctor who dosnt run? Who walks everywhere? Someone more cerebral like the 5th, or the 7th?

Ive been watching the latest 2 eps, and Im getting a bit over 'the whole universe' being threatened. In the original series it might just be earth or some alien world or .. in one serial arc was just about finding parts of the key to time. Id love to see the White/Black Guardian again.


Running is what gives the new series their pace and adds tension and tempo since The Doctor and his companions don't generally go BA on baddies. Being as Sylvester McCoy's Doctor was teh deathknell of a series that had run for about 25 years, he's probably not the best character model for success. ;)

Another strange thought I had is there any indication that William Hartnell's Doctor was technically the first Doctor incarnation or a regeneration?


The series was in Ratings fatigue long before McCoy came along though. Some of the 6th Doctor stories got particuarly poor ratings. Stories like Delta and the Bannermen didnt help though. You are really only as good as your writers though.

Your second though is actually quite interesting. In the Tom Baker serial 'The Brain of Morbius' a riff on the Frankenstein mythos, Morbius (in his patchwork body) and the Doctor square off in a Mindbending contest. Apparently it basically pits a timelord against another in a contest of wills. To visualise this for the viewer, they used head shots of previous versions of the Doctor as he appeared to be losing and then other headshots after the 1st Doctor appeared.

Conjecture was speculated whether the 1st Doctor was indeed the first incarnation or just the 1st one we saw. The other theory was that the Doctor started to win and the head shots we saw were of previous incarnations of Morbius. Terrance Dicks (the writer of the story) never really defined it either, which I think in a way is good. More uncertainty.

Then of course you have the issues over the ages The Doctor is at various times in his incarnations.


Note: I thoroughly recommend Brain of Morbius. It came almost in the middle of a Golden time for the Series (viewer numbers), and came from the Duo of Robert Holmes and Phillip Hinchcliffe. These two introduced some Darker elements into Doctor Who (some say Horror), but were very good at Characterisation also.


First Post
Season 6 Episode 3: The Curse of the Black Spot

A nice little romp very much in the tradition of Classic Who.


Pirate setting. I had worries it would come off as cheesy, but it works really well in the context of the story.

The Siren. An effective 'monster' and quite a looker as well. Lily Cole is hot! :D

Rory. This ep shows why Rory is one of the better companions of NuWho. Even under threat of drowning he has the sense to not fall apart and calmly give Amy instructions on CPR.

The Ending. A bunch of 18th century pirates in space? This is why I love Doctor Who! :)


The revelation of the Siren. Agh. Another scifi explanation for a monster? Can't we have a straight up monster without a scifi bent?

Dangling plot threads. Amy's 'pregnancy', the strange lady with the metal eye patch, the Doctor's future death. Agh. Thanks for torturing us Moffat!


This was a fun episode. Rory keeps growing as a character and Amy takes the female companion role to a more prominant position once again. The old series companions were mostly window dressing and tag-along gophers by comparison with the newer ones.

I beg to differ, Romona was anything but "window dressing". Maybe you just have to be a red-headed female to be a good companion. :)

I'm finding this whole story line is getting me really excited about watching Dr Who again. I stopped after Tom Baker left the show, well not actually, I stopped about two months after. I hated Chucklhead (Eccleston) and Tennant was ... quaint. I'm really digging the zany over the top Dr. as portrayed by Matt Smith.

The only problem is that freaking intro voice over for the "American" version; we know who he is, who Amelia is and what is going on, a weekly "reminder as to the plot" is quite insulting. Please, please, please BBC, take it away, it burns ussssss, we hatessss it!!!

BTW THAT would be an awesome guest star Andy Sikrus doing, well, anything on Dr Who would be a win.

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