Does Vow of Poverty have Epic benefits?


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Do the abilities of Vow of Poverty continue to increase into epic levels? Has anyone created a list of this nature? I play a 20th level character with VoP and I'm hoping that these benefits continue to grow since I wont be using any epic equipment as a result.

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James McMurray

First Post
There are no official rules for it. You'll have to dscuss it with your DM. Luckily most of the abilties have a fairly standard progression. You'll probably want to find new abilities as well, since the feat does grant some things that are not progressive (like sustenance).


First Post
Of course there has to be an epic progression, there just is no official one.

I had asked the same thing once out of curiosity and someone pointed to the wizards boards, where something like this has been done, inofficially of course.



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WWDMD: What Would Dungeon Master Do?

Just out of curiousity, if you DMed a character with VoP into epic levels how would you handle it. Would you allow the ability bonuses to keep going? AC bonuses? resistance bonuses? Exalted feats? etc... Has anyone DMed a character into epic levels with this feat?


First Post
I'd probably let all the bonuses scale as normal (as in the text, like every three levels this, every five levels that).

Then add in some useful abilities for those that do not scale.

Basically keeping up with the epic level bonuses from magic items in a similar way as it is done with pre-epic levels in the BoED.

Now, that I think about it... I have seen an epic progression for VoP on this board recently...


rei jin

First Post
here's a cut and paste of it, i copied it earlier

21st Level: AC bonus + 11, Resistance + 4, True Strike once per day, Spell immunity to one first level spell of your choice.

22nd Level: Bonus Epic Feat, True Strike 3/day, Spell immunity to one first or second level spell of your choice. You may create a Gate once per day as a Sorceror with caster level 20. This gate can only be used for travel, not for summoning.

23rd level: Natural Armor +3, Spell Immunity to a single spell 1st-3rd level of your choice, Empty Body as per the monk ability.

24th level: Bonus Epic Feat, AC bonus + 12, Ability Score Enhancement 10/8/6/4/2, Deflection +4, Spell immunity to one spell 1st-4th level, Immune to scrying of any type.

25th level: Energy Resistance 20, Damage Reduction 20/epic, Resistance +5, Spell immunity to one spell 1st-5th level.

26th level: Bonus Epic Feat, Spell immunity to one spell 1st-6th level

27th level: AC bonus +13, Spell immunity to one spell 1st-7th level

28th level: Bonus Epic Feat, Ability Score Enhancement 12/10/8/6/4/2, Spell immunity to one spell 1st-8th level

29th level: Resistance +6, Spell immunity to any one spell of your choosing

30th level: Bonus Epic Feat, Damage Reduction 25/-, AC bonus + 14, spell immunity ot any one spell of your choosing. Once per year, the character may use a Wish spell.

all the new abilities scale as per normal.

it plays pretty well too.
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First Post
Out of curiosity, since PC's get a feat at level 21. Why not require someone to take an "epic" version of the VoP to continue progression from level 21-40, in other words, take another feat for another 20 levels, make it kind of like a renewal of vows for marriage in a way. Reconfirming your faith.

Calrin Alshaw


First Post
I dont see why you should have to take another feat for epic since the limitations on the pre-epic feat still hurt you, even more so at epic levels.

Voidrunner's Codex

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