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Don’t Hit [Submit]: Angry [Posts] Just Make You Angrier

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Interesting article.

One takeaway is that venting isn't actually good for you and that runs counter (as the article says) to ideas psychologists (like Freud) haven been doing with people. The "suck it up" philosophy might have some merit.

This article might also support the idea I've been pondering, that online discussions (particularly over heated topics) aren't really productive. We've all see a lot of news sites turning off their comments feature nowadays because what seemed like a good idea just becomes a crazy gripe fest. I reckon part of the problem is angry posting is just feeding the angry posting.

I do see an interesting relationship with this other concept a I learned about awhile back.

Allegedly, there's this native american rule that you only get to tell the tale of how you were wronged three times. After that, the tribe turns their back on you and doesn't listen anymore because you are just doing it to feed your own anger.

The concept struck me as a useful metric for "when to move on", but this article seems related in that a person who keeps telling their tale is basically keeping themselves angry (and likely looking for encouragement on it from others).

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