D&D 5E Don't Throw 5e Away Because of Hasbro


I have. My copy is alt art. I don't mind old school maps in appropriate products eg anthologies.

Not every product smashes it out of the park more overall trend.

I've got whole 5E books with black and white maps.

And GoS is better than most of their AP hardcovers with prettier maps. Push comes to shove I'll take quality over pretty art.
Yeah let's be honest, Saltmarsh is one of the consistently better sellers as well. I think it was top 5 or 6 for D&D products for a couple years.

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Yeah let's be honest, Saltmarsh is one of the consistently better sellers as well. I think it was top 5 or 6 for D&D products for a couple years.
For a good reason! Saltmarsh is the best intro adventure anthology first party 5E has produced IMO other then LMOP. It's a very interesting setting once you start digging into it with a great series of adventures with unique mechanics behind them that can be strung together into an unexpectedly epic saga.


Have you looked at Saltmarsh? They basically reprinted a bunch of old maps from the 1980s.

The adventure is good storywise and those maps were ok 40 years ago, but are really unacceptable today.
I have to agree. I probably wouldn’t have ran it for VTT.

However I was a player in the whole campaign face to face and it was amazing. One of the best experiences as a player I’ve had.

It’s very DM dependent.


I have to agree. I probably wouldn’t have ran it for VTT.

However I was a player in the whole campaign face to face and it was amazing. One of the best experiences as a player I’ve had.

It’s very DM dependent.

Sure it is a great adventure, but my comment was about the production and in that respect some of the WOTC stuff is pretty poor.


The Dyson Logos maps in Saltmarsh are new as of 2019, and awesome.
Again, this depends so much on whether or not you run on VTT. The Dyson Logos maps are fantastic for face to face. As a DM, they're clean, easy to understand, and easy to recreate on a whiteboard or a dry erase mat.

For VTT play? They are not great. Not bad, but, there are some seriously gorgeous maps out there that are better for VTT play.


Moderator Emeritus
GoS is better than most of their AP hardcovers

Saltmarsh is one of the consistently better sellers

Saltmarsh is the best intro adventure anthology first party 5E has produced

For those who are interested, I have been publishing a series of articles on my HOW-I-RUN-IT.com blog - entitled "Revenants of Saltmarsh" - that are guides to changes/additions I made to the adventures I ran from Ghosts of Saltmarsh. I just have the first two live right now, but I am working on "Salvage Operation" currently. I have run them all twice (not including the times I ran the original U1-U2-U3 modules).

Warning, there are spoilers for the adventures and some of the local lore in these articles.

"Revenants of Saltmarsh: A Man on the Inside"

"Revenants of Saltmarsh: Lizardfolk Schism"

Anyway, I love that damn book and prefer that style of map. Clear to read black and white (or non-reproducible blue ;)) maps are always better.


Dyson Logos maps in Saltmarsh
I googles this and found his site, but the maps would not show or load except one. I did stumble on his other site, Googly Eyes. which is worth a look and chuckle.


Again, this depends so much on whether or not you run on VTT. The Dyson Logos maps are fantastic for face to face. As a DM, they're clean, easy to understand, and easy to recreate on a whiteboard or a dry erase mat.

For VTT play? They are not great. Not bad, but, there are some seriously gorgeous maps out there that are better for VTT play.

Huh, the Dyson Logos maps work perfectly great for most scenes where we want to represent distances and areas at our virtual table. The VTT supports us playing long-distance as we can't play in-person with our current group. The less detailed a map is, the more we can lean into narrative descriptions as provided by the DM. I've found that many gorgeous maps have extraneous detail that distract more than help. They really aren't better, IME. Of course, YMMV.


Anyway, I love that damn book and prefer that style of map. Clear to read black and white (or non-reproducible blue ;)) maps are always better.
THis is why when the original Dungeon Crawl Classics module line launched I stocked them in the FLGS I managed, those old school maps. Goodman has always done the best job at that old school design and WOTC made the right choice in Saltmarsh, why mess with what is dang near perfect?

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