D&D 5E Don't Throw 5e Away Because of Hasbro


I mean... it's undeniable that there's a hefty chunk of the hobby who participate by reading books and arguing on the internet about them without actually playing, or while only playing very little. If you think that's debatable, you haven't been paying attention. An argument over what is the "correct" way to refer to the new edition of the rules is exactly the kind of thing they'd get excited about it. Pointing this out isn't accusing anyone of anything, it's a simple statement of fact. If you're not one of those people, then the comment isn't talking about you, and you don't need to get defensive.

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This hasn't been presented by SlyFlourish at all.
What he has done is say that after all of WotC's stunts he's going to play Level Up, Tales of the Valiant and other 5e games, because he can play 5e without WotC.
There's no contortion needed.
I'm saying there's no need to assume contortionism when a gamer does both 1) hate WotC and 2) still play and purchase D&D. I'm saying that just because he created this problem for himself he shouldn't necessarily assume others share his problem. I'm also saying it is a bit sus and/or naive to think that just because you're only playing D&D adjacent games and not D&D itself you aren't supporting D&D - you definitely are.

People are just complicated like that. Don't assume consumers are always rational or that they are guided by moral decisions :)


At the end of the day, everyone's going to just keep using whatever terminology they want.

Right now since we are still in playtest mode, I identify the current game as '5E14' and the upcoming game as '5E24'. Once the new version gets released later this year, I'll have little reason to distinguish the two anymore since I do not foresee me needing to talk about the 2014 books. Thus I'll talk about 'D&D' and '5E', both in reference to the new version of the game that is being released by WotC this fall. If I ever have to reference the old version, I'll probably call it '5E14' or '2014' as necessary.

I also will identify any other product that uses the 5E engine for their game-- either because it is a supplement to WotC's D&D 5E game, or because it is a new game that uses the engine for ease-of-use-- as their actual product names, rather than call them a part of '5E'. As far as I identify it... '5E' is Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition, and that's all. Any other products do not fall under the term '5E', even if the makers of those products wish it to be considered that way. If a company uses '5E' as part of their product name-- like Level Up: Advanced 5E-- I'm fine using '5E' as part of the shortened version of the name (so 'A5E' for instance). But if I ever use '5E' by itself, it'll only be in reference to WotC's current Dungeons & Dragons game.

Others will make their own choices and do what they do as well. And if any of our terminology usages confuse people... then they can either ask for clarification or can remain confused. No skin off of any of our noses.


In recent years - and certainly the issue with Hasbro has contributed - I've started to understand that things I love are "brands." That trademarked Ampersand my wife has on the back of her car - it's a logo, free marketing for a multi-billion dollar corporation. It used to feel like "I'm showing off my fandom to other fans so we can feel part of a community, talk about what we love, etc." Now having the Rebel Alliance logo on a shirt, a backpack with a Captain America shield button, or whatever - it's all just merchandise. Everything has sold out so much and is so bland that it doesn't feel like I'm a part of anything anymore.
I've gotta get back to feeling closer to the hobby. I don't think I can do that with this brand while D&D is under a cynical corporate control.

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
I'm saying there's no need to assume contortionism when a gamer does both 1) hate WotC and 2) still play and purchase D&D. I'm saying that just because he created this problem for himself he shouldn't necessarily assume others share his problem. I'm also saying it is a bit sus and/or naive to think that just because you're only playing D&D adjacent games and not D&D itself you aren't supporting D&D - you definitely are.

People are just complicated like that. Don't assume consumers are always rational or that they are guided by moral decisions :)
You're suggesting that if someone doesn't like WotC that they must, not should, abandon Kobold Press, Hit Point Press, Ghostfire Games, EN World's LevelUp design and more?

Otherwise they're just making excuses for themselves?

Could it be possible that since the SRD is free there's no need to support WotC anymore?


In recent years - and certainly the issue with Hasbro has contributed - I've started to understand that things I love are "brands." That trademarked Ampersand my wife has on the back of her car - it's a logo, free marketing for a multi-billion dollar corporation. It used to feel like "I'm showing off my fandom to other fans so we can feel part of a community, talk about what we love, etc." Now having the Rebel Alliance logo on a shirt, a backpack with a Captain America shield button, or whatever - it's all just merchandise. Everything has sold out so much and is so bland that it doesn't feel like I'm a part of anything anymore.
I've gotta get back to feeling closer to the hobby. I don't think I can do that with this brand while D&D is under a cynical corporate control.
You have to separate the product/brand from what you are doing. The product is stuff you buy, buy if it has worth to you. The hobby is what you are doing and who you are doing it with.
TTRPGs are particularly vulnerable to this as D&D is so dominant. Outside of Warhammer there are few hobbies that are a thing and completely dominated by a single entity.

I don't think that having such a preference suggests that you don't actually play the game.
I do think that it's rude to trivialize folks' opinions like that.

I'd prefer it if WotC distinguished the names between the 2014 and 2024 books.
I run ~5 games/week.
I don't think it is rude to point out one's opinion. You running 5 games per week and prefer a distinction does not make their opinion invalid not does it contradict his imagined venn diagramm.

Especially when here in this forum you can observe that there are a considerable number of people who inhabit the overlap.
And I'd call even 10% overlap considerable here.

And if you consider those people insiting that it it is their right to voice their opinion, why should the person you respond to not be allowed.

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