D&D 5E Don't Throw 5e Away Because of Hasbro

apologist: a person who offers an argument in defense of something controversial.

I'm posting this up for TheSword guy who insists on supporting WOTC. I mean, there's 697 comments on this one post alone, so I think that is, by definition, controversial. And he consistently defends them even though he says he doesn't.

I don't have a dog in this fight, I'm just amused by his insistence.

Side note: I don’t think the length of a thread is really an indication of controversy.
Sometimes it’s just a lot of discussion, and not always even on topic.

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Then you prefer people less likely to try new things, take risk, make investment in alternatives or you know do anything that isn’t tried and tested already.

This argument doesn´t hold water since WotC isn´t known for angering people when they try new things and take risks. If anything people seem more upset with them being to safe and only extend themselves when it comes to milking more money out of their audience. On the other hand there are a lot of innovation and risk taking in the indie-sphere and at the same time a lot less vitriol from what I have experienced.

Fair enough. That one seems to be better regarded than say Spelljammer.

Long form WotC adventures not very good. I only buy them 50% off or so.
I have both the Spelljammer and the Planescape physical sets. The Spelljammer set made me not want to run a Spelljammer campaign. It gave me nothing that inspired me.

Planescape is genuinely great, though of course I would have liked a bigger setting book without the adventure, WotC knows this sells better.

I have both the Spelljammer and the Planescape physical sets. The Spelljammer set made me not want to run a Spelljammer campaign. It gave me nothing that inspired me.

Planescape is genuinely great, though of course I would have liked a bigger setting book without the adventure, WotC knows this sells better.
Spelljammer was a half-baked release. Copy+pasted text from 2e, some "sections" are a couple sentences long, and the monsters were in need of a designer/editing pass. Really just a big disappointment :( lost potential there.

Planescape had its issues but overall it was a decent release.

I have both the Spelljammer and the Planescape physical sets. The Spelljammer set made me not want to run a Spelljammer campaign. It gave me nothing that inspired me.

Planescape is genuinely great, though of course I would have liked a bigger setting book without the adventure, WotC knows this sells better.

Haven't seen PS locally tbh.

One with all the villains turned up recently. Left it on the shelf

apologist: a person who offers an argument in defense of something controversial.

I'm posting this up for TheSword guy who insists on supporting WOTC. I mean, there's 697 comments on this one post alone, so I think that is, by definition, controversial. And he consistently defends them even though he says he doesn't.

I don't have a dog in this fight, I'm just amused by his insistence.
Don't make it personal. Thank you.

This argument doesn´t hold water since WotC isn´t known for angering people when they try new things and take risks. If anything people seem more upset with them being to safe and only extend themselves when it comes to milking more money out of their audience. On the other hand there are a lot of innovation and risk taking in the indie-sphere and at the same time a lot less vitriol from what I have experienced.
People were upset with 3e, 4e, changes to orcs, gold dragons, gnolls being fiends, not changing the rules of best selling version of the game enough or changing it too much.

People were upset with 3e, 4e, changes to orcs, gold dragons, gnolls being fiends, not changing the rules of best selling version of the game enough or changing it too much.
People have been upset with changes to D&D since longer than that. 2e is still the pariah ruleset for removing half-orcs, monks and assassins and changing bards and rangers. I'm sure if you go back far enough you will find people who played B/X disliked what AD&D did. The only thing you can be certain of is that if you ask 10 D&D fans about the game, you'll get 11 different opinions.

People have been upset with changes to D&D since longer than that. 2e is still the pariah ruleset for removing half-orcs, monks and assassins and changing bards and rangers. I'm sure if you go back far enough you will find people who played B/X disliked what AD&D did. The only thing you can be certain of is that if you ask 10 D&D fans about the game, you'll get 11 different opinions.
Admittedly, after witnessing indignant edition warring for the past 20 years on gaming forums... it is almost funny.

It's like clockwork: another article announcing a change, cue 1000s of pages of heated debate.

What confuses me is all of the posts that are essentially "I hate D&D and will never, ever play it again nor give any money to WotC and I've moved on to other games like Pathfinder, but I'll spend countless hours arguing about it anyway".

Then again, that's the internet in a nutshell.

On the other hand there are a lot of innovation and risk taking in the indie-sphere and at the same time a lot less vitriol from what I have experienced.
Yeah, but that's because not many people are actually looking at / using products from the indie-sphere and the ones that are are there specifically because they want to be there. Whereas we have hundreds of thousands more people in the D&D-sphere-- many of whom don't even play D&D anymore but still hang around because it's the biggest place for TTRPGers to congregate and talk about gaming and they hate being left out-- and thus there are millions of voices all arguing and wanting something different.

Even here on these boards we have people who say specifically they don't play D&D 5E because they don't like it... but continue to post here in the D&D 5E sub-board because it's where most of us are talking. Apparently sticking to just the Pathfinder or Level Up sub-boards aren't enough for them, even though they are specifically about the games they play and enjoy. Which is why if I had to guess... there's more vitriol here in the D&D 5E sub-board than there is over in the Pathfinder and Level Up ones... cause those of us who couldn't care less about those games don't go over there just to pee in their punch. These boards are just a microcosm of the greater D&D gaming community.
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